
  1. 为了化解矛盾、巩固统治,清廷采取了招垦策略。

    In order to resolve conflicts , consolidating rule , Liaodong enforced a strategy that recruited displaced persons reclamation of wasteland .

  2. 影响这一变化,或者说导致清代陕南土地利用方式转变的主要驱动力,除了人口的机械增长外,还有高产作物的引入、优惠的招垦政策和粗放的耕作习俗等。

    Through our research , we think the main driving forces that resulted in the change of land use type were immigration , planting the high yield crops , favored cultivation policy and extensive cultivation , etc.

  3. 清朝政府所采取的鼓励农耕发展农业的政策和全面放垦蒙地政策的实施以及蒙旗私招私垦现象的存在,也促使大量内地汉人流入内蒙古地区并加快其进程。

    The policy of bolstering cultivation and developing agriculture and the Mongolia land being reclaimed in an all-round way took by the Qing government as well as the phenomena of the recruits and reclamation made by the Mongolia banners privately provided vast room for the wandering inland Han People .