
  1. 是不是该给她送个招财猫

    Should we just got her a lucky cat .

  2. 两人均是从中国返回后直接来到招财猫商店。

    Two men travel back from China , both head straight for the Lucky Cat emporium .

  3. 老板杯-五牛图红瓷杯,好运招财杯,送老板。

    Cup bosses-Blades Figure red cup , and Good Luck Lucky Cup , sent to the owner .

  4. 在大门口旁可以挂上一个葫芦,一般认为可招财纳福。

    Hanging a gourd on the wall next to your front door is thought to bring wealth and fortune .

  5. 貔貅一直都被民间视为招财、旺财、平安之神兽。

    The mythical wild animal have always been folk as plutus , prosperous wealth and peace of god beast .

  6. 招财猫自古以来被日本视为招财招福的吉祥物。

    Since ancient time , plutus cat has been regarded as a mascot for wealth and luck in Japan .

  7. 这是个招财猫挂件可以挂车上或者家里有风的地方铃声响的时候是一种祝福。

    And this plutus cat pendant , which designs to be hung in your car or at home as a wind bell , as the bell rings , it brings blessings to you .

  8. 据悉,在世界杯期间饲养章鱼保罗的水族馆为了“纪念保罗”,当然不可避免有让这个“生财工具”继续招财的嫌疑,水族馆为章鱼保罗在德国搭建了永远的纪念馆。

    The aquarium where Paul lived first mooted the idea of erecting a memorial to the octopus after his death last year and now the soothsayer 's legacy has been enshrined with the permanent monument .