
  • 网络History of Taoism
  1. 崆峒山为道教历史名山。

    Kongtong is a famous place in the history of Taoism .

  2. 印度佛教与中国道教历史命运之比较

    Buddhism in India and Taoism in China : Their Common Fate in History

  3. 葛洪作为道教历史上重要的人物之一,其著作十分丰富,代表作为《抱朴子》内外篇。

    Taoist Ge Hong as one of the important people in history , his book is very rich , represented as " Bao Pu " Inner and Outer .

  4. 清微宫在武当山道教历史上占有重要位置,这里曾经高道云集,是武当道教重要的讲学传道的场所,也是游方道士和金顶太和宫养老道士清修的地方。

    Micro-palace in Wudang Taoism occupies an important position in history , gathered here have high road , Wudang Taoism is an important place for evangelism lectures , but also to travel and Taoist Tai Jinding Temple endowment Taoist quiet surroundings areas .

  5. 土生土长的福州道教,历史悠久,源远流长。

    Taoism born in Fuzhou has a long history .

  6. 第一章绪论阐述敦煌和道教的历史渊源、敦煌道经和道经语词的研究概况以及本文的选题缘起和研究对象。

    Chapter One Introduction It traces the historical relationship between Dunhuang and Taoism , reviews the researches on Dunhuang Taoist Scriptures and the vocabulary of Taoism , and points out the rationale of the study and subjects of it .

  7. 泛道教人格的历史模型

    Of the Historic Pattern of Pan Taoism Personality

  8. 然而,在一千多年的道教炼丹术历史中,无论是炼丹术士还是学者,他们对铅汞何以具有如此神奇作用的真正原因,却大多愦愦不知。

    But neither the alchemists nor the scholars knew the reason why mercury was such a magical hardware .

  9. 佛教和道教作为中国历史上源远流长的两个宗教体系,其宗教文化中蕴含着丰富的生态智慧。

    As two religious systems of long standing in Chinese history , the religious cultures of Buddhism and Taoism contain rich ecological wisdom .

  10. 中岳庙会的历史,其实就是道教信仰的历史。其次,全面的阐述了中岳庙会的表现形式。

    In fact , the history of Zhongyue Temple Fair is the history of the Taoist faith . Then , comprehensively describe the manifestations of Zhongyue Temple Fair .

  11. 全文包括四个章节:第一章:沙河道教及其音乐的历史沿革,主要对沙河道教音乐的可考历史、沙河大杜村道教音乐形成与发展历史进行考证。

    The paper includes four sections : the first chapter : music and the shahe Taoism history , mainly to music of shahe Taoism test history , sha river big du village Taoist music formation and development history of textual research .

  12. 第五章分析指出汉末魏晋南北朝的社会分层对道教结构、功能,道教的历史发展有着独特的影响。社会分层作用于道教教义、神仙体系、仪式、组织等结构性要素。

    The fifth chapter explores the influence of social stratification to the structural factors , function and development of Taoism in late Han till Northern and Southern Dynasties .

  13. 道教建筑同其他的建筑一样,有着它固有的历史存在价值,是道教历史发展的有力证明。

    Taoist architectures with other buildings , with its inherent existence value , are the history of the development of Taoism history strong evidence .

  14. 关中地区是道教起源和发展的重要地区之一,而关中道教起起伏伏的发展历史也可视为整个道教历史发展的缩影。

    GuanZhong area of origin and development of Taoism is one of important areas , and the development history of the ups and downs of Taoism in guanzhong can also be the epitome of the development of Taoism history .

  15. 道教文化内涵丰富,包括了文学艺术、生命哲学、医药养生、道教建筑、历史遗迹等多种文化资源。

    The connotation of Taoism culture is very prolific , including literature and art 、 life philosophy 、 medicine and health 、 Taoism architecture 、 historical relic and so on .

  16. 道教人物涉政率、帝王态度及其道教社会反应这三项文献调查的统计结果表明:道教历史变迁的动力来源于社会冲突及其适应性调和。

    The statistics of the surveys on rate of Taoists ' taking part in political affairs , the attitudes of the emperors and social responses to Taoism show that the impetus of the historical development of Taoism lies in the social conflict and its adaptive harmony .

  17. 本文重点研究道教在崂山地区的传布、发展和地理分布情况,主要内容包括:一、崂山地区道教的发展历史。

    This article focuses on the titles of Taoist spread , development and geographical distribution . Including : firstly , the history of the development of Taoism in Laoshan .