
  1. 招怀政策在北魏王朝政治与文化建设中发挥了极其重要的作用,大批来自周边政权与民族的人士进入北魏王朝后受到优待与重用,从而成为北魏政权及文化建设中的重要力量。

    The policy of mollification once played an important role in the constructions of regime and culture of the Northern Wei Dynasty .

  2. 针对当时人口流失,田地荒芜的情况,曹操先后采取招怀流民、迁徙人口、兴修水利、恢复农业生产等措施。

    Meanwhile , Cao Cao implemented other policies such as subsiding small owner-peasant , transferring people to farm on the deserted farmland in war zones , developing the irrigating system and recovering the growing of agriculture .