
  • 网络SPIRITUALISM;necromancy
  1. 不满足仅仅是打败她,艾莎用她那强大的招魂术复活并束缚了莉莉斯。现在她的战斗技巧将永远为对抗艾莎的对手而使用。

    Not content with merely defeated her , Isra used her great skill at necromancy to raise and bind Lilith to her , where her combat skill would now forever support those she fought against .

  2. 许多人认为心灵研究和招魂术已提供了这种证据。

    Psychical research and spiritualism are thought by many to supply such evidence .

  3. 在1848年纽约西部的Hydesville,两个年轻的女孩子,Maggie和KatieFox姐妹开始了想象中的和鬼魂对话的招魂术者。

    In1848 Hydesville , western New York , two young sisters named Maggie and Katie Fox began supposedly communicating with the ghost of a murdered peddler .

  4. 因此它可用于从巫术,招魂术或启神等形式获得关于死亡的知识。

    Thus it can be used to gain knowledge from the dead through necromancy , seance , and divination .

  5. 姐妹最终承认她们实际上伪造了声响&根本没有招魂术者,通通都是骗局。

    Both sisters eventually admitted that they had actually faked the sounds & there had been no murdered peddler , it had all been a prank .

  6. 如此继续下去,直到我发现自己沉浸在奶酪、招魂术和落基山脉的遐想之中&但仍没有睡意!

    And so it went on , until I found myself meditating on cheese , or spiritualism , or the Rocky Mountains & but no sleep !

  7. 人死后仍有知觉的教义,尤其是死人的灵魂会回来为活着的人服务的观念,为现代招魂术铺平了道路。

    The doctrine of man 's consciousness in death , especially the belief that spirits of the dead return to minister to the living , has prepared the way for modern spiritualism .