
shú yǔ
  • idiom;idiomatic phrase
熟语 [shú yǔ]
  • [idiomatic phrase] 指常用的固定短语。如:乱七八糟、不管三七二十一、死马当作活马医等

熟语[shú yǔ]
  1. 通过这3种运行方式,熟语模因在传递人类广告文化方面起着重要的作用,是广告文化的守望者。

    Idiom memes play an important role in transmitting advertising culture .

  2. 汉语金钱熟语的文化内涵再探

    On the Culture Connotation of Chinese Money Idiom again

  3. 中日文中存在着大量的四字熟语

    There are as many colloquialisms in Japanese as are in Chinese .

  4. IU理论上包括一切具有熟语性的词语组合单位。

    Theoretically , IU includes all the idiom-like word combinations .

  5. 本文基于汉语词典学界和中文信息处理界重词轻语的现象,对词组研究、熟语研究进行了反思,提出熟语单位(IdiomUnit,IU)的概念。

    Based on the phenomenon of emphasizing " words " but neglecting " idioms " in lexicography and Chinese information processing , this paper reflects upon the research of phrases and idioms , and puts forward the concept of Idiom Unit ( IU ) .

  6. 本文以文化语言学为理论基础,对现行汉语国际教育教材和HSK考试中所出现的熟语进行分析,从文化来源角度将高频使用的熟语分为日常生活、历史典故、宗教信仰以及地域环境四类。

    The idioms in the text books of TCFL and HSK are mainly analyzed . From a perspective of cultural origin , these high-frequently used idioms are divided into four categories of daily life , historical stories , religious belief and terrains .

  7. 基于语料库的英汉熟语标注研究

    Research on tagging the English and Chinese Idioms Based on Corpus

  8. 谚语是意义相对完整的固定句子,是语言中一种重要的熟语,是语言的花朵。

    Proverb is a complete sentence as well as important language .

  9. 向本贵小说熟语使用特点分析。

    The third is an analysis on his use of idioms .

  10. 第三,汉语熟语极具文化或民族特色。

    Thirdly , Chinese Shu Yu is rich in cultural knowledge .

  11. 英、日、汉动物熟语的对比分析及启示

    Comparison and Enlightenment of Animal Idioms in English , Japanese and Chinese

  12. 在日语中有成语或熟语等对应表达的时候,可以直接使用。

    The expression of Japanese idioms can be used directly .

  13. 第三章:动物熟语动物形象分析。

    Chapter 3 : the analysis of animal images in animal idioms .

  14. 汉语熟语的文化观照和文化理据

    Cultural Reflection and It 's Evidence Regarding to Chinese Idioms

  15. 试论现代汉语中非固定短语的熟语化过程及其成因

    On the Conventionalization of Unset Phrases in Modern Chinese and Its Causes

  16. 再次研究言词群中的熟语,成语和谚语在结构和语义范畴方面都有自己的特色。

    Idioms and proverbs have their own characteristics both in structure and semantic .

  17. 俗语在熟语中的定位及其特征

    The Location of Idioms in Phrases and Its Characteristics

  18. 俄语熟语活用的语用依据及其与汉语的对比

    Pragmatic Basis for Flexible Applications of Russian Idioms and Its Comparison with Chinese

  19. 从英汉熟语的对译看翻译的可接受性

    An Elementary View on the Acceptability of Translating Idioms

  20. 从《红楼梦》熟语的翻译看异化的文化传递功能

    On culture - transferring function of " foreignization "

  21. 作为译者,可以采用不同的方法对熟语进行翻译。

    Translators can do the translation of Chinese idiomatic expressions by different approaches .

  22. 借助辅助手段对熟语单位进行直接抽取。

    To select IU directly with the help of supplemental approaches . 8 .

  23. 熟语:常规化的映现模式和心理表征&熟语的认知研究之一

    Idioms : Conventionalized Mapping Patterns and Mental Representations

  24. 福州方言熟语的修辞特点

    Notes on Rhetorical Features of Idiomatic Phrase of the Fuzhou Dialect in Fujian Province

  25. 汉日四字熟语研究

    On Chinese and Japanese Idioms in Four Characters

  26. 从文化理论角度来审视和研究熟语是非常必要的。

    From the perspective of cultural theory to examine and study idiom is necessary .

  27. 对公文语言中熟语运用的研究

    On Use of Idiom of Official Documentary Language

  28. 提出了熟语文化研究的对象和范围。

    The research object and range of the idiom culture are put forward too .

  29. 汉语言的法文化透视&以成语与熟语为中心

    Study the Legal Culture Meaning of Chinese Language : Focus on Phrases and Idioms

  30. 汉语熟语的民族特色研究

    On the National Characteristics of Chinese Idioms