
shú shí
  • cooked food;prepared food
熟食 [shú shí]
  • [cooked food] 多指已烹调的供出售的熟肉食

熟食[shú shí]
  1. 我们无法想象没有熟食和汽车的现代生活。

    We can 't imagine modern life without cooked food and cars .

  2. 熟食通常是吃了浸酱油。

    The cooked food is usually eaten with a dipping sauce .

  3. 超市连锁店熟食卤味销售的HACCP研究

    A HACCP study on the processed food in the chain of supermarket

  4. 这首歌送给在熟食区的Kelly。

    This goes out to Kelly in prepared foods .

  5. 步行就可到达Katz’sDeli熟食店和BoweryBallroom舞厅等纽约著名场所。

    New York institutions like Katz 's Deli and Bowery Ballroom are within walking distance .

  6. 我们现在坐在巴黎14区一家面包房改造的、名为LesJardinsdePaulHa的熟食店,托马斯皮凯蒂(ThomasPiketty)已经咬了一口一只煮老了的鸡蛋。

    We are at Les Jardins de Paul Ha , a bakery turned deli in the 14th arrondissement , and Thomas Piketty is already biting into a hard-boiled egg .

  7. 熟食店的主人SueHardie说当眩晕第一次到店里时,她会径直走进店内。

    Deli owner Sue Hardie said that when Dizzy first started coming to the deli , she used to walk into the shop .

  8. 环境因素中食盐、香肠和熟食的过多摄入以及肿瘤家庭史和c1等位基因作为胃癌的危险因素进入回归模型,而经常喝茶作为保护性因子可能降低胃癌的发生危险。

    Multi-variable stepwise logistic regression showed that high intake of salt , sausage and fried food were the risk factors for gastric cancer , while consumption of tea was the protective factors for gastric cancer .

  9. 结果生、熟食组NK细胞活性、T淋巴细胞功能和IL2活性均高于对照组(P<0.01);

    Results The NK cell activity , T lymphocyte function and IL 2 activity in the spleen in the raw and cooked garlic juice groups were higher than those in the control group ( P < 0.01 );

  10. 但生食组与熟食组比较,除IL2活性前者高于后者外(P<0.05),NK细胞活性和T淋巴细胞功能则无差异性。

    By comparison of the raw garlic juice group and cooked garlic group , there was no significant difference in NK cell activity and T lymphocyte function , but IL 2 activity of the former was higher than that of the latter ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. 那里的披萨又薄又亮,几乎是透明的。面团来自著名的PierluigiRoscioli面包房,馅料来自附近家庭自营的SalumeriaRoscioli熟食店。

    The pizzas , so thin and light they 're nearly translucent , are made with dough from the celebrated baker Pierluigi Roscioli and with toppings from the family-owned Salumeria Roscioli nearby .

  12. 最近几年,城内涌现出的大批餐馆与俱乐部让这个城市的转型尘埃落定。引领转变的是飞速发展的红灯区,比如MaxieEisen这样地方,白天是个熟食餐馆,晚上就成了地下酒吧,它展现的性感也并非不登大雅之堂。

    A recent boom of restaurants and clubs , though , makes the case for permanent placement . Leading the city 's transformation is its fast-evolving red light district , where spots like Maxie Eisen , a deli-style cafe by day and a speakeasy-inspired bar by night , offer a sexiness that isn 't unseemly .

  13. 而这家很受欢迎的熟食店并不会针对正在进行的调查发表评论。

    The popular deli will not comment citing an ongoing investigation .

  14. 在杰里熟食店你可以免费见他

    You can meet them for free at Jerry 's Deli .

  15. 芳香的的黄色康乃馨。香馨里熟食小贩市场

    Sweet yellow carnations . Heung Hing Lane Cooked Food Hawker Bazaar

  16. 后来他们发现了火,开始吃熟食。

    Then they discovered fire and started eating cooked food .

  17. 熟食肉鱼制品氧化安全性评价

    Evaluation of Oxidative Safety of Cooked Meat and Fish Products

  18. 卖熟食的商店(如色拉或熟肉等)。

    A shop selling delicatessen ( as salads or cooked meats ) .

  19. 穿过街道,有一家年夜的意大利熟食店。

    There is a great Italian deli across the street .

  20. 芬芳的熟食叶用菜,由于其味道可口,可用于烹调。

    Aromatic potherb used in cookery for its savory qualities .

  21. 在你们当地的熟食店可以买到特色食品。

    Specialist foods can be found at your local delicatessen .

  22. 在熟食店选择一个鸡胸脯。

    Choose turkey or chicken breast at the deli counter .

  23. 此外,该署亦管理24个独立的熟食市场。

    The department also operates 24 free-standing cooked food markets .

  24. 熟食店出售已煮好或已准备好可以上桌的食物的商店。

    A shop that sells cooked or prepared foods ready for serving .

  25. 固定摊位(熟食或小食)牌照

    Fixed Pitch ( Cooked Food or Light Refreshment ) Licence

  26. 一些熟食能让人喜欢你?

    Maybe a little Deli could buy you some love ?

  27. 《公众街市及熟食市场营商须知简介》出版。

    New publications on public markets and cooked food centres .

  28. 莫格与梅尔策餐厅稍稍扩展了熟食店的范畴。

    Mogg & Melzer stretches a short distance outside the deli genre .

  29. 熟食厅也有出售各式面包的店铺。

    There are also shops which have a wide range of breads .

  30. 潍春白二号品种的叶球质脆,食用风味佳,口感好,生熟食皆宜。

    It is crisp , edible and good flavor .