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shú shi
  • Familiar;know well;be well acquainted with
熟识 [shú shí]
  • [know well] 认识某人较久;认识事物较深刻

  • 有几个和我熟识的同学也很不平。--《藤野先生》

熟识[shú shi]
  1. 结论泌外医生应熟识输尿管解剖生理和病理。

    Conclusion The urologist should know well the anatomical physiology and pathology of ureter .

  2. 另外一方面,与你熟识的人在某些场合说“我的书哪儿去了?”或许更好一些。

    On the other hand , it might be alright to say " where is my book ?" in some situations , perhaps with people you know well .

  3. 他们都是在一起涂鸦时互相熟识的。

    They all bonded while writing graffiti together

  4. 他还记得村里人互相熟识、可以夜不闭户的美好往昔。

    He remembers the good old days when everyone in his village knew him and you could leave your door open at night .

  5. 我们交往不多,不太熟识。

    We haven 't met often and don 't know each other very well .

  6. 由于我熟识勃兰登堡大区区长施蒂茨,才使大事化小,小事化了。

    Since I knew gauleiter sturtz of Brandenburg quite well , I was able to quash the affair .

  7. 如果你在该领域或专业有熟识的人,可以向他们征求一些意见。

    If you know someone in the field or with that major , ask them for some input5 .

  8. P2P应用的出现使得基于网络的业务环境从面向封闭的、熟识用户群体和相对静态的形式向开放的、公共可访问的和高度动态的服务模式转变。

    The service environment changes from a close , static mode to a open , public and highly dynamic mode .

  9. 随着Internet的出现和飞速发展,软件应用形态逐步从相对封闭、面向熟识用户群体和相对静态的紧耦合模式向开放、公共可访问和动态协作的松耦合模式转变。

    On the other hand , the form of distributed applications is changing with the rapid development of Internet . It moves from close , localized-oriented and static closely-coupled mode towards open , public and dynamic loosely-coupled mode .

  10. 8、人们选择了鲤鱼族的一个小成员,Carassiusauratus,如同金鱼一样很早就被人所熟识了。

    8 . They chose a small member of carp family , Carassius auratus , better known as the goldfish .

  11. Pa的新合作伙伴Bataglia先生,因为在内战期间给游击队提供过食物,而与一些游击队成员熟识。

    Mr Pa 's new partner , Mr Bataglia , also knew the guerrillas from having supplied them with food during the civil war .

  12. 作为顶级项目,Libcloud这一解决方案以后将会被大家所熟识,而且会得到更多来自开源社区的支持。

    As a Top-Level-Project the solution will get much more awareness and support from the open-source community in the future .

  13. 因饰演可爱的瑞秋·格林而一直被人们所熟识的安妮斯顿依旧获得了Aveeno(艾维诺,美国强生公司的下属公司)及Smartwater(可口可乐高端瓶装水品牌)等几家公司的重要代言合同。

    Forever recognizable as the lovable Rachel Green , Aniston continues to score major endorsement deals with companies like Aveeno and Smartwater .

  14. 其他人们熟识的成员还包括伯特、厄尼和大鸟。

    Other familiar faces include Bert , Ernie and Big Bird .

  15. 这则伊索寓言告诉我们:熟识淡化了偏见。

    This Aesop 's Fable tells us : Acquaintance softens prejudices .

  16. 冷不防有一双熟识的眼睛和盖莉对视了一下。

    Suddenly a pair of eyes met garrie 's in recognition .

  17. 我们就像两个彼此熟识的陌生人

    We were like strangers who knew each other very well .

  18. 使荆楚文化能为更多人所熟识与了解。

    The Jingchu culture for more people to know and understand .

  19. 你到底何时同李教师熟识起来的?

    When was it that you got to know teacher li ?

  20. 你对附近的环境熟识吗?

    May I know if you are familiar with the neighborhood here ?

  21. 无人知晓我熟识你,呵,熟识得太过了

    They know not I knew thee , who knew thee too well

  22. 至于整个熟识的过程是透过瑜伽练习来进行的。

    The process to acquaintance is done by yoga practice .

  23. 爱德华,你们是自小就熟识。

    Edward , you 've known each other since you were kids .

  24. 她得不停地跳舞。有一天早晨她跳过一个很熟识的门口。

    One morning she danced past a door which she well knew .

  25. 向一位你不熟识的邻居问好。

    Say hello to a neighbor you don 't usually talk to .

  26. 智慧是成熟的标识。菲尔和他们熟识起来。

    Wisdom is the badge of maturity . Phil became acquainted with them .

  27. 是陌生的或者还是熟识的人的手?

    Who won the ? Or acquaintances are outsiders ?

  28. 是中国人熟识的“海上仙都”

    are known to the Chinese as " Fairyland on the Sea . "

  29. 我在慢慢地熟识每个人工作的部门。

    I 'm gradually finding out where everyone lives .

  30. 没有人知道我熟识你,呵,熟识得太过了:

    They know not I knew thee , Who knew thee too well :