
hùn hé yí chuán
  • Mixed inheritance;blending inheritance
  1. 基于混合遗传聚类的Web日志挖掘

    Web Log Mining Based on a Mixed Genetic Clustering Algorithm

  2. 基于小生境混合遗传算法的PID参数整定

    Tuning of PID Parameters Based on Niche Hybrid Genetic Algorithm

  3. 混合遗传BP算法在图象识别中的应用

    The Application of Mixed GA-BP Algorithm on Image Recognition

  4. 基于改进混合遗传算法的二自由度PID控制器设计与应用

    Design for 2-DOF PID Controller Based on Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Its Application

  5. 多核CPU环境下小生境混合遗传算法的研究

    Research on niche hybrid genetic algorithm based on multi-core CPU

  6. 基于Petri网和混合遗传算法的JSP优化调度

    Petri Nets and Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for JSP Scheduling Optimization

  7. SCM数据挖掘的混合遗传算法模型

    Data mining model of SCM based on hybrid genetic algorithm

  8. 主基因-多基因混合遗传分析中的EM算法

    EM Algorithm in the Analysis of Major Gene and Polygene Mixed Inheritance

  9. 文章提出一个关于延迟驱动的矩形边斯坦纳树(简称RCST)的混合遗传算法(RCST-GA)。

    This paper presents a mixed genetic algorithm of Timing-Driven Rectilinear Steiner Tree ( RCST-GA ) .

  10. 基于贪心策略的混合遗传算法在TSP中的实现

    Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Based on Strategy of Greedy for TSP

  11. 冬小麦PPO活性的主基因+多基因混合遗传分析

    The Mixed Inheritance Analysis of Polyphenol Oxidase Activities in Winter Wheat

  12. 在研究SAR图像特性的基础上,提出了一种基于混合遗传算法的边缘检测方法。

    After a research on the characteristic of SAR image , a hybrid genetic algorithm-based edge detection method is proposed .

  13. 基于MPI并行实数编码混合遗传算法的波阻抗反演

    MPI based real-coded genetic algorithm in wave impedance inversion

  14. QTL混合遗传模型扩展至2对主基因+多基因时的多世代联合分析

    A Joint Analysis of Multiple Generations for QTL Models Extended to Mixed Two Major Genes Plus Polygene

  15. 一种基于混合遗传算法的加权Myriad滤波器

    A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Based Weighted Myriad Filter

  16. 基于JIT的多目标并行多机调度问题的混合遗传算法

    A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Solving a Multi-objective Job Scheduling Problem on Parallel Machines Based JIT Technique

  17. 数量性状主-多基因混合遗传的P1、P2、F1、F2和F(2∶3)联合分析方法

    Identification of Major Gene and Polygene Mixed Inheritance Model of Quantitative Traits by Using Joint Analysis of P_1 , F_ 1 , P_2 , F_2 and F_ ( 2:3 ) Generations

  18. 基于BIC测度和混合遗传算法的BNC结构学习

    Structure Learning of BNC Based on BIC and Hybrid Genetic Algorithms

  19. 实施了最优保留策略,改进交叉和变异操作,并结合模拟退火算法(SA)的Metropolis判别准则的复制策略,使寻优过程能够跳出局部最优解,从而形成了混合遗传算法。

    The hybrid genetic algorithm is formed combined with the Metropolis discrimination criteria of simulated annealing algorithm ( SA ), which can jump from local optimization solution .

  20. 针对FMS工艺路线优化配置问题提出一种混合遗传算法。

    A hybrid genetic algorithm ( HGA ) was proposed for process route optimization of FMS ( Flexible Manufacturing System ) based on closed queueing networks .

  21. 本文采用了结合梯度的混合遗传算法(HGA)选择最优参差码,与标准遗传算法(SGA)相比,该算法只需要很小的种群规模。

    The paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm ( HGA ) based on gradient to select the optimal stagger-code .

  22. 该算法定义了一组MIMO过程的互相关函数作为神经网络解耦器的指标函数,采用混合遗传算法在线训练神经网络。

    The algorithm made a set of cross-correlation function of the MIMO act as the target function of neural decoupler , and adopted mixing genetic algorithm to train neural decoupler online .

  23. 定义agent组织结构的基本元素,对agent组织合作行为的结构关系设计问题进行数学描述,并提出遗传算法与多维列表规划算法结合的混合遗传算法。

    The basic elements of agent organizational structure are defined . The mathematical formulation for agent organizational structure designing is given . A new hybrid genetic algorithm is proposed that multi-PRI list dynamic scheduling ( MPLDS ) is nested in genetic algorithm .

  24. 首先介绍了遗传算法的理论和它在组合优化问题中的应用,然后针对基于遗传算法的TSP问题求解,在原有遗传算法的基础上提出了一种改进的混合遗传算法。

    First , The introduction on GA 's theory and its applications on combination optimization are given . An improved hybrid genetic algorithm is then presented for TSP problem .

  25. 最后本文对2组数据集进行混合遗传聚类挖掘和传统k-means算法挖掘,对实验结果进行分析比较,验证算法性能。

    Finally , we mine two group datasets in both the hybrid genetic clustering and traditional k-means cluster algorithm , and we compare the results of the two methods .

  26. 研究了三种建立RBF网络软测量模型方法(K-均值聚类算法、混合遗传算法、混合递阶遗传算法),并进行仿真试验验证。

    Three methods to build soft-sensor model of Radial Basis Function neural network ( K-means clustering algorithm , mixed Genetic Algorithm , mixed hierarchical Genetic Algorithm ) is investigated and verified in simulation .

  27. 提出一个关于最小矩形边斯坦纳树(minimumrectilinearSteinertree,MRST)的混合遗传算法。

    An adaptive evolution genetic algorithm for Minimum Rectilinear Steiner Tree ( MRST ) problem is investigated , which is tree coded according to the characteristics of MRST .

  28. 为增强遗传算法的局部搜索能力,提出了一种新的融合模式搜索方法和Powell方法的并联协作混合遗传算法。

    A new kind of hybrid GA combining patter search and Powell methods in parallel collaborative mode had been proposed to improve the local search ability of standard GA.

  29. 为了改进遗传算法局部搜索能力弱的缺点,本文提出了一种新的基于种群Hamming距离分析的混合遗传算法。

    A novel hybrid Genetic Algorithm based on the analysis of population Hamming-distance is proposed to enhance the weak local optimization ability of the genetic algorithm in this paper .

  30. 文章提出了包含两级规划、轨道分解优化以及混合遗传算法的GTO发射轨道优化设计策略。

    An approach for GTO launch trajectory optimization design is proposed , which is consisted of bilevel programming method , trajectory decomposition optimization design and hybrid Genetic Algorithm .