
  • 网络One step away;Gone with the bullets;One Step Closer
  1. 今晚,因为你们在艾奥瓦州所做的,我们离这个美国梦想已经只有一步之遥。

    Tonight , we are one step closer to that vision of America because of what you did here in Iowa .

  2. 他还说,这同时意味着这些研究人员距离有人愿意尝试克隆人只有一步之遥,虽然克隆人还是一个遥远且令人不安的前景。

    It also means , he added , ' that they are one step closer to where the efficiency is high enough that someone is willing to try ' to clone a person , though that remains a distant ─ and disturbing ─ prospect .

  3. 她离金牌只有一步之遥。

    She came within a whisker of taking a gold medal

  4. 她喜欢他的陪伴,也很享受离伦敦社交圈仅仅一步之遥的兴奋感觉。

    She enjoyed his company and the excitement of feeling herself linked at one remove to London society

  5. 对我来说,好像失败和我只有一步之遥,岌岌可危

    It'seemed to me that we had come perilously close to failure already .

  6. 这个典故用以形容“离成功只有一步之遥,但最终失败告终”的意思。

    This idiom means to fail to succeed for lack of final effort .

  7. 苹果(Apple)股价达到创纪录的699.78美元,距离700美元仅一步之遥《财富》

    Apple closes at a record $ 699.78 , 22 cents shy of $ 700 [ fortune ]

  8. 下面来看篮球,在迈阿密比赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队(SanAntonioSpurs)离赢得NBA决赛只有一步之遥。

    Next to basketball in Miami where the San Antonio Spurs are closing in on winning the NBA Finals .

  9. 更重要的是,克鲁兹与这个领域最畅销车型&丰田(Toyota)花冠仅有一步之遥。

    What 's more , the Cruze is within striking distance of the segment 's top seller , Toyota 's ( TM ) Corolla .

  10. 就像保时捷汽车,BMW多年来一直提炼提炼再提炼,离完美只有一步之遥。

    Like Porsche with 911 , BMW has refined and refined and refined this car over the years until it 's one step shy of perfection .

  11. 离格兰纳再也轻铁站(KelanaJayaLRTstation)仅一步之遥,日夜兴火锅饭店以其肉汁丰富的喂谷鸡著称。

    Just a stone 's throw away from the Kelana Jaya LRT station , Restoran Yat Yeh Hing is famed for their juicy corn-fed chicken .

  12. 现年32岁的女演员在距离怀俄明州一步之遥的杰克逊小镇上和电视明星麦克盖拉迪斯喜结连理,周一她把这条消息分享在ins上。

    The 32-year-old actress tied the knot with her fellow TV star Michael Gladis a stone 's throw from Jackson Hole , Wyoming , she shared on her Instagram page Monday .

  13. 上周四,谷歌(Google)旗下的DeepMind公司在对围棋世界冠军李世石(LeeSe-dol)的第二局比赛中取胜,这令它距离取得这场五局对战的胜利仅一步之遥。

    Yesterday , Google 's DeepMind subsidiary won its second game of Go against Lee Se-dol , world champion of the ancient board game , putting it on the brink of victory in a five-game series .

  14. 这里的商品琳琅满目,从竹制抹茶筅到印花手帕应有尽有。逛完商店,沿旧楼梯拾级而上,看着往来的中央线(Chuoline)列车隆隆驶过,而屋顶咖啡馆N3331就开在两条轨道中间,距轨道仅一步之遥。

    After browsing the handful of shops selling everything from bamboo matcha whisks to printed handkerchiefs , ascend the old staircase to watch Chuo line trains rumble mere feet from either side of the rooftop cafe N3331 , set between the tracks .

  15. 如今重获中国电影审查部门青睐的姜文目前正在筹备3D电影《一步之遥》(GonewithTheBullets)。该片是其2010年热门电影《让子弹飞》(LettheBulletsFly)的续集,预计将于12月在中国上映。

    Now back in the good graces of China 's film censors , the director is currently preparing for a ' Gone with The Bullets , ' a 3D follow-up on 2010 's satirical hit ' Let the Bullets Fly ' that is expected to hit Chinese theaters in December .

  16. 上世纪60年代我还是个小孩,那时候我曾站在我家位于伦敦克佑区(Kew)的花园小路,亲眼看着泰晤士河涨潮产生的洪水沿着马路涌到离我们一步之遥的地方。

    When I was a child in the 1960s , I stood on our garden path in Kew , watching the flood waters from a tidal surge in the Thames flow along the road to within inches of us .

  17. 在暴风雪中我与死神只有一步之遥。

    During the storm I came face to face with death .

  18. 有时侯,同情者与情人仅一步之遥。

    Sometimes a sympathizer is one step away from a lover .

  19. 从友谊到爱情只有一步之遥。

    From friendship to love , one more step is enough .

  20. 因此,传说与历史,只有一步之遥。

    Therefore , there is only one pace between legend and history .

  21. 至此,我们距完成配置仅有一步之遥。

    At this point we are almost done with configuration .

  22. 但理想与现实间总是有一步之遥。

    But ideas are always a step away from reality .

  23. 现在,距离投资者开出支票只有一步之遥,即令人望而生畏的“尽职调查”过程。

    This is the dreaded " due diligence " process .

  24. 艺术从自然到无限仅一步之遥。

    Art is a step from nature toward the Infinite .

  25. 本来你离成功仅仅一步之遥。

    You were on the brink of becoming a mogul .

  26. 伟大与荒谬只有一步之遥。

    There is only one step from the suBlime to the ridiculous .

  27. 可爱和傻气只有一步之遥贝内特小姐

    Cute becomes dumb in an instant , Ms. Bennett .

  28. 纽约洋基队距离获得世界职业棒球大赛仅有一步之遥。

    The New York Yankees are just from winning the World Series .

  29. 有时,幸福只有一步之遥。

    Sometimes , happiness is only one step away .

  30. 他的残忍与犯罪仅距一步之遥。

    His cruelty was only one remove from crime .