
yī shěn chénɡ xù
  • First instance procedure;procedure of first instance
  1. 我国目前在完善民事程序选择权实现的外部保障的同时,需要扩大协议管辖的范围、增设合意选择一审程序与二审程序的权利、增设合意选择法官或陪审员的权利等具体制度的完善。

    As promoting the outside safeguards of the options , we must enlarge the limits of the agreement jurisdiction , add the consensual option between the procedure of first instance and appellate procedure , and the consensual option on jurors and justicer , and so on .

  2. 而且该制度只适用于一审程序。

    The pre-mediation in litigation only apply to ordinary procedure of first instance .

  3. 实践中的民事审判&四个中级法院民事一审程序的运作

    Civil Justice in Everyday Practice : The Actual Operation of First-instance Civil Procedure in Fore Intermediate Courts

  4. 我国死刑案件审理程序包括死刑案件的一审程序、二审程序和死刑复核程序,三者是一个统一的有机整体。

    The death penalty trial procedures of China include the first trial procedure , the appellate procedure and the review procedure .

  5. 但是,司法实践中,当事人以一审程序违法提出上诉很难取得上诉的胜利。

    However , in judicial practice , the party concerned can hardly win a suit by appealing against the breach of the first-instance procedure .

  6. 本文所指的重新起诉是指检察机关在已对案件作出过不起诉决定或提起过公诉的前提下,在一审程序中以新的事实、证据对同一犯罪行为提起诉讼的司法活动。

    The re-prosecution refers to a prosecution made after the decision not to prosecute or prosecute , with the new facts , the evidence for the same offense in first instance .

  7. 本稿是在特定理论模型支撑下对若干有代表性的中级法院民事一审程序运作状况展开实证调查而取得的一项初始性成果。

    This paper is the initial result of an empirical investigation , which was designed for getting the information about the actual operation of the first-instance civil procedure in the Intermediate Courts .

  8. 也希望通过研究一审刑事审判程序中的公诉机关量刑建议的规范问题,提出一些针对性措施,克其弊处,扬其优势。

    Also hope that by studying the normalization of sentencing recommendations in first instance of criminal proceedings to put forward some specific measures to make it perfection .

  9. 起诉阶段证据移送方式的核心问题是通过什么样的方式将哪些案件证据及其相关材料从检察机关递送到法院这一个审前程序。

    The way of transfer evidence in the prosecution stage is the core issue of what kind of way through which evidence in the case and related materials from the examination of their own party delivered to the court that a pre-trial proceedings .

  10. 发生在浙江省东阳市的吴英集资诈骗一案,经过一审和二审程序,判决被告人吴英犯集资诈骗罪,处以死刑并没收其全部个人财产。

    Ying-financing fraud case in Dongyang City , Zhejiang Province , after the first and second instance procedures , sentenced the accused Wu Ying guilty of financial fraud and sentenced to death and confiscation of all their personal property .

  11. 再审是民事诉讼机制中一个重要的程序制度,设立本制度的目的在于保证判决的正确性,它与一审、二审程序衔接,共同促进民事诉讼目标的实现。

    Retrial procedure is the most important system in the civil lawsuit .