
sī fǎ cái pàn
  • judicial adjudication;judicial decision
  1. 论司法裁判的确定性及其实现

    Research on the Certainty of Judicial Adjudication Verdicts and Its Realization

  2. 公共政策在司法裁判中的定位与适用

    The Orientation and Application of Public Policy in Judicial Adjudication

  3. 第二部分是对司法裁判的一般理论的概述。

    The second part is a general theory of justice outlined .

  4. 我国司法裁判中法律解释的完善途径

    On Perfect Channels to Legal Interpretation of Judicial Adjudication in China

  5. 法律仍然需要是法律,人们需要为法律和司法裁判寻找一个可以立足的基石。

    The new cornerstone of the law and judgment must be found .

  6. 证据是人民法院司法裁判的依据,是诉讼活动的基础。

    Evidences are the basis of judicial judgments and lawsuits .

  7. 司法裁判正当性来源的法理追问

    Asking for the Origin of the Judicial Adjudication Righteousness on the Jurisprudence Basis

  8. 论我国刑事司法裁判权监督机制的完善

    On the Perfection of Our Criminal Justice Supervision Mechanism

  9. 司法裁判文书的事理与法理的勾连

    Collaboration between Reason and Jurisprudence in Judicial Adjudicative Document

  10. 论实质推理在我国司法裁判过程中的运用

    Application of Substantial reasoning in Chinese Judicial Judgment

  11. 最后,论述金融经营者违反合理销售义务的司法裁判基准问题。

    Finally , this paper focuses on reasonable sales obligations of the financial operators .

  12. 司法裁判的客观性与法官认知的主观能动性&以事实为中心

    Objectivity of Judicial Adjudication and Judge 's Initiative on Subjectivity : Focus on Fact

  13. 我国司法裁判终局性之现实困境与制度出路

    The Finality of Our Justice System of the Present Difficulties and the Way out

  14. 法律推理在司法裁判中的运用是实现司法公正的保证。

    The use of legal reasoning in judicial referee is the guarantee for judicial justice .

  15. 论现代刑事政策对刑事司法裁判权的影响

    Impacting the Criminal Jurisdiction by Criminal Policy

  16. 少年司法裁判最低限度标准规则英国标旗(亚洲)有限公司

    Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice Standard London ( Asia ) Limited

  17. 终局性的司法裁判具有拘束力、确定力和执行力。

    Final and binding on the administration of justice to determine the force and execution .

  18. 第三部分是西方司法裁判方法模式的概述。

    The third part is the model of Western methods outlined in the administration of justice .

  19. 从模糊到精确&对司法裁判文书中模糊语言的规制

    From Vagueness to Accuracy : & The Standardized Application of Vagueness in the Judicial Judgment Documents

  20. 论司法裁判的合法性

    On the Legitimacy of Judicial Adjudication

  21. 从裁判层面而言,它远不能满足司法裁判的需要。

    From the view of judgment , it is far beyond the need of judicial decision .

  22. 司法裁判权外部监督机制之现状及其改进对策监督与服务并举

    On the Actuality of the Outer Supervision Mechanism of Jurisdiction and Its Countermeasures Supervision and Service

  23. 因此,将民俗习惯引入司法裁判过程有着现实的可行性。

    Therefore , it is feasible in practice for folk customs to introduce into judicial adjudication .

  24. 从最理想的状态来看,客观真实的裁判事实是司法裁判的公正基础。

    From the most ideal condition , objective reality judicial facts is the judicial referee fair basis .

  25. 论司法裁判中的说理

    On Argument in Judicial Judgment

  26. 第四部分主要论述我国采用的司法裁判方法的现状以及存在的问题。

    The fourth part discusses the methods of administration of justice by the current situation and existing problems .

  27. 二是作为法官职业的司法裁判,具有何种认知特性和运行规律。

    The second is judicial adjudication that is the judges profession , have cognition speciality and circulate the regulation .

  28. 在司法裁判中,修辞论证的运用,对法官提出了更高的要求。

    In the administration of justice in the use of rhetorical argument , the judge made a higher demand .

  29. 对人们司法裁判合法性信仰的最大威胁来自司法专横和腐败。

    Judicial arrogance and corruption are the greatest menaces that undermine the belief in the legitimacy of judicial adjudication .

  30. 我国是制定法国家,在司法裁判中,法官一般会运用逻辑较为严谨的演绎推理方法。

    Judges in China always use deductive reasoning which is more logical on account of Chinese law is Statutes .