
sī jī
  • driver;chauffeur;motorist;engine driver;engine attendant;engine man
司机 [sī jī]
  • [driver] 机动车驾驶员

司机[sī jī]
  1. 他是个好司机,虽然有点过于自信。

    He 's a good driver , if a little over-confident .

  2. 出租车司机在车站接了一名乘客。

    The taxi driver picked up a fare at the station .

  3. “去哪儿,老兄?”司机问道。

    ' Where to , buddy ? ' the driver asked .

  4. 受伤的司机不得不等到把汽车残骸切开才被救出来。

    The injured driver had to be cut from the wreckage .

  5. 司机闯红灯,撞上了卡车的一侧。

    The driver ran a stop light and broadsided the truck .

  6. 两方司机均在事故现场接受了呼气酒精检测。

    Both drivers were breathalysed at the scene of the accident .

  7. 司机很可能在开车时昏厥了。

    The driver had probably blacked out at the wheel .

  8. 我好几次都险些与技术不佳的司机相撞。

    I 've had a number of close encounters with bad drivers .

  9. 司机没有来得及刹车。

    The driver didn 't stand a chance of stopping in time .

  10. 纠纷期间救护车司机只提供急救替班。

    Ambulance drivers provided only emergency cover during the dispute .

  11. 为什么那个司机向我们闪着车灯?

    Why is that driver flashing his lights at us ?

  12. 卡车司机用民用波段无线电呼救。

    A truck driver used his CB radio to call for help .

  13. 公共汽车司机让他们往里走走。

    The bus driver asked them to move along .

  14. 在等我们的时候,出租车司机让计程表继续走字。

    The cab driver left the meter running while he waited for us .

  15. 哪位司机是此次事故的肇事者?

    Which driver was to blame for the accident ?

  16. 他向另外那辆汽车的司机做了个粗野的手势。

    He made a rude gesture at the driver of the other car .

  17. 他怀疑事故是否应归咎于卡车司机一人。

    He questioned whether the accident was solely the truck driver 's fault .

  18. 司机伏在方向盘上,疲惫得睡着了。

    The driver was slumped exhausted over the wheel .

  19. 事故是由于司机的过失造成的。

    The accident was caused by negligence on the part of the driver .

  20. 出租车司机把发动机发动起来。

    The taxi driver revved up his engine .

  21. 这位汽车司机很可能掌握破获这一罪案的关键证据。

    The driver of the car probably holds the key to solving the crime .

  22. 那个出租车司机不肯帮忙。

    The taxi driver was being very unhelpful .

  23. 他自愿服务充当司机。

    He volunteered his services as a driver .

  24. 卡车司机在等着卸货。

    The truck driver was waiting to unload .

  25. 司机在拐弯处失控,撞在了一棵树上。

    The driver lost control on a curve and the vehicle hit a tree .

  26. 他由司机开车送去参加所有的会议。

    He was chauffeured to all his meetings .

  27. 他冲着另一位司机大叫。

    He yelled at the other driver .

  28. 司机遭持枪抢劫。

    The driver was robbed at gunpoint .

  29. 这名司机被安排在星期日值班。

    The driver was rostered for Sunday .

  30. 有一种新的汽车装置可提醒司机前面有交通堵塞。

    There is a new device for cars that warns drivers of traffic jams ahead .