
sī yí
  • master of ceremonies;emcee;marshal;compere;mistress of ceremonies
司仪 [sī yí]
  • [master of ceremonies] 报告典礼或大会的进行程序的人

司仪[sī yí]
  1. 保罗·马祖尔斯基担任司仪,他简直把人笑坏了。

    Paul Mazursky was Master of Ceremonies , and he was pretty hysterical .

  2. 司仪是不可以拒绝得。

    The master of ceremonies can never be refused .

  3. 我将担任一场扮装比赛的司仪。

    I 'm going to be emceeing a costume contest

  4. 玛丽,你来担任司仪工作。有人要发奖。

    Mary , you do the honours . Somebody has to pass out the presents .

  5. 司仪。这个字是masterofceremonies的惯用简称这个司仪表现不错,整晚让我们笑个不停。

    MC ( n. ) The MC did a great job by making us laugh all night .

  6. 司仪:各位观众,CNN著名新闻主播兼艾美奖得主拉利·!

    MC : Ladies and gentlemen CNN 's noted journalist and Emmy Award winner , Larry King !

  7. DominicHusson和LousieVeronneau是前往的美国加州举办的这场婚礼,而唯一在场的其他人就只是司仪而已。

    Dominic Husson and Lousie Veronneau traveled to California for their nuptials , and the only other human there was an officiant .

  8. 所以你怎么做司仪锤子呢?

    So , how do you do what MC Hammer did ?

  9. 加入司仪俱乐部你就能学到你需要的经验。

    A Toastmasters club can provide the experience you need .

  10. 可以回来当司仪我感到很兴奋。

    Now , I am so excited to be back .

  11. 在陌生人面前,一提起这些个字眼,他用的是司仪一样的声调。

    With strangers , he rang the words out like a herald .

  12. 主动请缨做司仪吧。办公室接手了新项目?

    Working on a new project at the office ?

  13. 司仪:各位观众,韦恩·布兰迪!

    MC : Ladies and gentlemen , Wayne Brady !

  14. 司仪∶哦,你会答得很好的。

    MC : Oh , you 'll do fine .

  15. 这个司仪表现不错,整晚让我们笑个不停。

    The MC did a great job by making us laugh all night .

  16. 军队的一名干部担任升旗典礼的司仪。

    A cadre in the army acts as marshal of the flag-raising ceremony .

  17. 我是牧师或者是司仪管它呢

    I 'm the minister or officiator , whatever .

  18. 不愿成为舞蹈家、律师或司仪。

    A dancer , a lawyer or an MC .

  19. 不过大家都很支持我今年来当司仪。

    But , everybody has been so supportive of my hosting this year .

  20. 小王在朋友的婚礼上负责为司仪襄礼。

    Xiao Wang is going to act as the master of his friend 's wedding ceremony .

  21. 以一个司仪的姿态

    in an official emcee posture .

  22. 头发一丝不乱的地方电视台主播充当司仪。

    A local television anchor , his hair perfectly in place , serves as master of ceremonies .

  23. 法男子:因为我很喜欢,但没有准备,我只是一个男司仪。

    METHOD MAN : Because I 'm not ready like that yet , I 'm just an MC man .

  24. 但为什么还有四名穿着金色晚礼服的女子充当迎宾和司仪?

    But why were there also four women in gold evening gowns serving as ushers and M.C. " s ?

  25. 来澳大利亚统计局的数据显示,在澳大利亚,有超过50%的婚礼都是由非宗教的婚礼司仪来主持的。

    In Australia , more than half of all marriages are performed by civil celebrants ( Australian Bureau of Statistics ) .

  26. 司仪:汤马士·施拉姆曾凭《仁心仁术》、《翠丝时间》及《白宫群英》赢得最佳编导奖!

    MC : Thomas Schlamme has previously won Emmys for his direction of ER , Tracy Takes On and The West Wing !

  27. 上周日,韩国一个机器人做了一把婚礼司仪,它的设计者称这在全世界还是首例。

    A robot on Sunday acted as master of ceremonies at a South Korean wedding in what its creators claimed as a world fi .

  28. 这让我产生了一种愉快、感激加如果司仪当众触摸我的脚趾头时,会感到的那种憎恶这三者感觉的古怪混合感。

    This evokes in me the weird blend of pleasure , gratitude , and revulsion I 'd feel if the emcee publicly fondled my toes .

  29. 直到,今天婚宴的司仪说的那些规则,原来,伴娘只是那么简单的工作而已。

    Until , the master of ceremony of wedding banquet said today of those rule , originally , the bridesmaid was just so simple work .

  30. 学校的教务长担任毕业典礼的司仪。研究所所长担负的责任重大。

    The dean of the school acts as marshal of graduation exercises . The head of the research institute has a great responsibility on his shoulders .