
  1. 以牛血清白蛋白为中间载体,将血卟啉衍生物(HPD)与抗胃癌单克隆抗体3H11交联。

    Hematoporphyrin derivative ( HPD ) was conjugated with a murine monoclonal antibody ( 3H11 ) against human gastric cancer through bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) as an intermediate .

  2. 将血细胞分析仪SE9500、1800i检测结果与其比较发现,其结果间具有良好的相关性(r>0.975,P<0.001)。

    Correlation between the SE 9500 / 1800i and reference method was excellent ( r > 0.975 , P < 0.001 ) .

  3. 诉讼指出所有这些贿赂的目的都是促进医生按照药物被批准或未被批准的用法,开具更多的施贵宝药物的处方,这些药物包括从抗精神病药Abilify和将血粘度药Plavix等。

    The lawsuit said the aim was to boost prescription levels for legally approved and so-called " off-label " uses of drugs ranging from the antipsychotic Abilify to the blood thinner Plavix .

  4. 结论:CDGX>2.4ng·ml-1是多种因素共同影响的结果,包括合并用药、肾功能损害等因素,对地高辛中毒的诊断应将血药浓度监测结果与临床症状相结合。

    Conclusion : CDGX > 2.4 ng · ml-1 is a common result induced by multi-factors including in combination with medications , kidney injury , and so on . The diagnosis of digoxin toxication should be made by the results of blood concentration monitoring in combination with the clinical symptoms .

  5. 我得钳住他的次要动脉才能将血止住。

    I had to clamp his auxiliary artery to stop it .

  6. 你不可吃血,应将血如水一样泼在地上。

    But thou shalt pour it upon the earth as water .

  7. 这种新方法可以将血检和尿检彻底淘汰。

    This could make many blood and urine samples obsolete .

  8. 牲畜(被宰后)如能立即将血放尽,便更利于肉的保存。

    The meat will keep better if the carcass is bled immediately and thoroughly .

  9. 你们将血洒街头。

    Your blood will run through the streets .

  10. 胃将血儿流啊流。

    The stomach will bleed and bleed .

  11. 一是将血泵到肺中(肺是排除二氧化碳,吸收氧气的地方);

    One is to pump blood to the lungs , where it dumps carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen .

  12. 可考虑将血尿酸作为原发性痛风风湿热痹证临床辨证参考指标。

    Serum uric acid may be used as a differentiation indicator for rheumatic fever bi of primary gout clinical differentiation .

  13. 这个过程将血痂转变成一种更硬的纤维软骨痂,它把两块分裂的骨骼桥接在一起。

    This transforms the callus into a tougher fibrocartilaginous callus , which bridges the gap between the two pieces of bone .

  14. 我得钳住他的次要动脉才能将血止住甲状腺切除术中双极电凝与钳扎止血的应用比较

    I had to clamp his auxiliary artery to stop it . Comparative study of bipolar electrocoagulation and traditional ligation used in thyroidectomy

  15. 可考虑将血尿素、血肌酐作为原发性痛风肝肾亏虚证辨证的临床参考指标。

    Serum creatinine and urea may be usd as the reference indexes for deficiency of liver and kidney during primary gout differentiation . 3 .

  16. 屠宰时,多数人会将血和其它东西弄到工作服上,肉尸清洗后,不要让它们再沾到肉尸上。

    Most people get blood and other material on their outer garments during slaughter , which should not BE transferred to the carcass after it is washed .

  17. 只是你要心意坚定,不可吃血,因为血是生命。不可将血(原文作生命)与肉同吃。

    But be sure you do not eat the blood , because the blood is the life , and you must not eat the life with the meat .

  18. 凡赎罪祭,若将血带进会幕在圣所赎罪,那肉都不可吃,必用火焚烧。

    But any sin offering whose blood is brought into the tent of meeting to make atonement in the holy place must not be eaten ; it must be burned .

  19. 摩西将血洒在百姓身上,说:“你看!这是立约的血,是耶和华按这一切话与你们立约的凭据。”

    Moses then took the blood , sprinkled it on the people and said ," This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words . "

  20. 本研究采用免疫磁珠分离技术,去除肝癌患者外周血中的绝大多数白细胞,从而将血中剩余的稀有细胞包括肿瘤细胞进行富集,再利用免疫荧光技术对肿瘤细胞进行鉴别诊断。

    In this section , we use immunomagnetic separation technique to remove the vast majority of white cells of cancer cell patients in peripheral blood circulation of patients so that remaining rare cells , including tumor cell , were enriched and then immunofluorescence techniques were used to identify tumor cells .

  21. 目的将干血斑样本用于HIV-1基因序列测定和亚型分析。

    Objective To use dried blood spot ( DBS ) in studying the sequence and subtype analysis of HIV-1 genome .

  22. 方法将中药血余炭磨制成200~500μm大小的颗粒,血余炭颗粒(CCP)均以生理盐水加60%泛影葡胺混合。

    Methods Chinese medicine Crinis Carbonisatus was made into particulates with a size 200 to 500 μ m in diameter .

  23. 用碳二亚胺(EDCI)作为缩合剂,将光敏剂血卟啉与单克隆抗体Herceptin偶联,对HP-Herceptin偶联物进行透析、凝胶过滤纯化。

    EDCI was performed to conjugate monoclonal antibody Herceptin to photosensitizer - hematoporphyrin .

  24. 试验结果表明马氏珠母贝肉糖原具有明显的醒酒作用,与生理盐水组相比,将小鼠血醇浓度显著降低了56.63%(P0.01)。

    The results show that Pinctada martensii glycogen have significant sober up effect ( P0.01 ) . Compared with the saline group , the two drugs significantly reduced the ethanol concentration by 56.63 % ( P0.01 ) . 6 .

  25. 方法将绵羊血置于常压氧、无氧及纯氧条件下,37℃恒温,24h后,分别测定其凝血时间、复钙时间及体外血栓形成指标等变化。

    Methods Sheep blood was kept under 3 different oxygen pressure conditions ( e.g.atmosphere oxygen , pure oxygen or non-oxygen ) for 24 hours . For outcome measurements , the clotting time and calcium recovery time were recorded .

  26. 方法按常规方法将患者血、尿、粪、分泌物、渗出液等标本进行细菌培养,并用Kirbybauer纸片扩散法作药敏试验。

    METHODS According to routine processes , blood , urine , stool , excreta , exudates and other samples were cultured to isolate bacteria , and drug sensitivity test was performed using Kirby Bauer ′ s diffusion method .

  27. 结论在胰岛细胞移植中,经HC-A液保存的胰腺的冷缺血时间不宜超过5~6小时。胰岛细胞移植入血后,将引发血细胞在胰岛周围出现类似的炎症反应,胰岛细胞受到损伤;

    CONCLUSION the cold ischemia preservation time of the pancreases preserved in hypertonic citrate adenine solution is better not more than 5-6 hours , when human islets were exposed to human blood , a series of inflammatory events were found to occur ;

  28. 他将贩卖血钻得到的资金投入到他的非法武器研制中

    So he uses conflict diamonds to fund his illegal weapons operation .

  29. 一种方法是收集在手术过程中流失掉的血,并将这些血重新输回患者体内;

    One measure is to salvage blood lost during surgery and to re-infuse it .

  30. 颈外静脉穿刺插管,将自体血凝块注入家兔右心房,使家兔发生肺动脉栓塞。

    Rabbits underwent pulmonary embolism models by injected autologous clots into right atria by external jugular vein catheter .