
  1. 听头顶轰沉而过的飞机将夜撕烈的声音

    The worth listening to an airplane for bombing sinking but over tore the night to strong voice

  2. 太阳风在地球昼侧(向阳面)挤压磁场,将夜侧磁场拉成一条长长的尾巴,就像彗星的彗尾。

    The wind compresses the earth 's magnetic field on the dayside of the planet-the side facing the sun-and stretches the field on the nightside to form a long tail resembling that of a comet .

  3. 但是星辰将在夜中守望,晨曦仍旧升起,时间像海波的汹涌,激荡著欢乐与哀伤。

    Yet stars will watch at night , and morning rise as before , and hours heave like sea waves casting up pleasures and pains .

  4. 到那时,将与夜的黑暗相反,我们能轻易地在一个奇异的没有阴影的世界里走动。任何物体都强弱不等地闪着光。

    Then instead of the darkness of night , we would be able to move easily in a strange shadowless world where objects glowed with varying degrees of intensity .

  5. 另外,这个星期五将是圣诞夜。

    Plus , this Friday will be the Christmas Eve .

  6. 圣诞老人将在圣诞夜愉快地穿过大雪去

    Santa will be so happy to fly through the snow on Christmas Eve

  7. 我们将参加平安夜的午夜弥撒,这是我们家的惯例。

    We will attend midnight mass on Christmas Eve , as it is our family custom to do so .

  8. 嗨,各位让我们行动起来吧。我们将在圣诞夜开一个晚会。

    Hi , everyone , let 's get a move on . we 'll have a party on Christmas eve .

  9. 我们将这颗夜明珠煮汤,父亲喝了夜明珠汤,自会痊愈。

    We will boil this pearl , and when our father drinks the boiled water , he will be well again .

  10. 基尔肯尼的圣卡尼斯大教堂将在于平安夜11.30,圣诞节当天早上8点和11.15点举行弥撒仪式。

    St Canice 's Cathedral in Kilkenny will have services on Christmas Eve at11.30pm and at8am and11.15 am on Christmas Day .

  11. 大马路区域将成为南京夜生活的中心,而殖民地时期的建筑在经过改造之后将为画廊与精品零售店提供场所。

    The Dama Road District will be the hub of New Nanjing 's nightlife , and its renovated colonial-era buildings will house galleries and boutique retail .

  12. 所以专家建议不要将菊花放置在夜灯和路灯附近。

    This is why experts placing mums near nightlights or streetlights .

  13. 由于教皇年事已高,今年梵蒂冈决定将传统的平安夜弥撒在午夜前两个小时开始,这引发了人们对教皇健康状况的担忧,而周四的事件正发生在这一当口。

    Thursday 's incident occurred amid concern over the pope 's health prompted by a Vatican decision to schedule the mass two hours early this year instead of the traditional midnight hour due to the pontiff 's advanced age .

  14. 如果人能感受到红外线的话,这世界看上去将十分不同,而且恐怖。到那时,将与夜的黑暗相反,我们能轻易地在一个奇异的没有阴影的世界里走动。任何物体都强弱不等地闪着光。

    The world would look eerily different if human eyes were sensitive to infrared radiation.Then instead of the darkness of night , we would be able to move easily in a strange shadowless world where objects glowed with varying degrees of intensity .