
huá shā
  • Sand Skiing;sand-surf;sand surfing
  1. 想体验更多这种飞翔感的人,可以去鸟取滑沙学校(TottoriSakyuSandBoardSchool)学习滑沙(类似于滑雪,只是把雪换成了沙子),或是去鸟取沙丘滑翔伞学校(TottoriSandDunesParaglidingSchool)尝试滑翔伞。

    Those who want more of that flying feeling can get their feet off the ground at Tottori Sakyu Sand Board School ( like snowboards , but for sand ) or try paragliding with the Tottori Sand Dunes Paragliding School .

  2. 儿子的幸福时光则是第一次乘坐滑沙车的时候。

    With my son , it was a first dune-buggy ride .

  3. 可不光只是滑沙了。

    You shouldn 't just try sand sliding .

  4. 我最喜欢的就是滑沙。

    I like sand sliding the best .

  5. 原来是滑沙呀!

    It 's sliding on sand !

  6. 如果你准备快速骑行的话,滑沙是项不错的运动。

    Sand skiing is a wonderful pastime if you are ready for a fast speed ride .

  7. 然后我又爬上沙山的半山腰准备滑沙。

    Then I climb to the middle of the sand hill and ready to slide the sand .

  8. 在这里,当滑沙至山脚,可以听到机器一样的响声,此现象无人可以解释。

    Here , when you slide down the sands to the foot of the hill , you can hear sounds like an engine , which nobody can explain .

  9. 如果是滑沙,你需要一幅滑板和一顶头盔,还要接受大约两分钟的指导,知道怎么弯曲双膝、抓紧大腿、滑下坡低跟海面持平的陡坡。

    For sand boarding , you get a board , a helmet and about two minutes of instruction in how to bend your knees , grab your thighs and slide down a steep slope that bottoms out at the ocean .