
huá hàn bīnɡ
  • roller skating
  1. 滑旱冰去了-韦斯利和普莱斯利韦斯利和普莱斯利

    roller skating . - Wesley and Presley ? - Wesley and Presley .

  2. 你擅长滑旱冰吗?

    Are you good at roller skating ?

  3. 事故发生的那天,我儿子加里正在我们的房子外面滑旱冰。

    On the day of the accident , my son Gary was roller-skating outside our house .

  4. 我们的态度促使我们出去享受滑旱冰(的乐趣)。

    Our attitudes prompt us to go outside to enjoy roller-skating .

  5. 你也知道滑旱冰是种很好的锻炼方式。

    You also know that roller-skating is excellent exercise .

  6. 如果说你喜欢滑旱冰。

    Let 's say you love roller-skating .

  7. 这段对滑旱冰的描述表明了态度的三个组成要素:情感、认知和行为。

    This description of roller-skating illustrates the three components of an attitude : affect , cognition , and behavior .

  8. 他比许多人更擅长滑旱冰。

    He moves on his rollerblades better than many people .

  9. 年轻人或是滑旱冰,或是躺卧在韦利卡亚河(Velikaya)岸边。

    Young people roller-skated or lounged on the banks of the Velikaya river .

  10. 他现年84岁,最近因滑旱冰摔倒(笑声),正在康复中。

    Hes 84 years old , recovering from a recent fall while roller skating .

  11. 你觉得放风筝和滑旱冰哪个更有趣?

    A : Which is more interesting to you , flying kites or going roller-skating ?

  12. 我放学后经常去滑旱冰。

    I often go roller-skating after school .

  13. 那个男孩会滑旱冰。

    The boy can do roller skating .

  14. 是的,我喜欢滑旱冰。

    Yes . I like roller skating .

  15. 我想要去滑旱冰。

    I want to go roller skating .

  16. 比尔喜欢打棒球和滑旱冰。

    Bill likes baseball and roller-skate .

  17. 教我滑旱冰,扶着我跑了快一千公里。

    When he taught me how to skate , he held my hand for a thousand kilometers .

  18. 好吧,让我看看。哦,你能在动物园滑旱冰。

    Ok , let me see . oh , you can go roller skating at the zoo .

  19. 吃过晚餐后,我爱人陪她去国际会展中心去滑旱冰去了。

    After having supper , my wife accompanies her to go roller skating in the International Exhibition Center .

  20. 学生们可以在河边沿着蜿蜒、美丽的小径骑车、滑旱冰、跑步。

    Students can bike , rollerskate , or run on the beautiful winding path next to the river .

  21. 喔,我打羽毛球、乒乓球和排球,并且我也游泳和滑旱冰。

    Hmm , I play badminton , table tennis and volleyball , and I go swimming and roller-skating .

  22. 周末的时候,你会看到孩子们在公园里滑旱冰,热衷养狗的台北人溜狗,还有骑自行车的人,熙熙攘攘,好不热闹。

    On weekends , it 's packed with rollerblading kids , dog-crazy Taipei urbanites walking their canines and bicyclists .

  23. 2009年该公司为依云设计的滑旱冰宝宝广告,获得了超过6500万的浏览量,至今还保持着观看次数最多的在线广告的官方吉尼斯世界纪录。

    The company 's 2009 spot Roller Babies holds the official Guinness World Record for most-viewed online advertisement to date with more than 65 million views so far .