
  1. 用一个细筛子将山莓压碎过滤,以制成山莓泥。

    Press the raspberries through a fine sieve to form a puree .

  2. 将山莓倒入固底的浅平底锅。

    Tip the raspberries into a solid-bottomed shallow pan .

  3. 秦始皇用神鞭将山往大海里赶。

    The First Emperor of Qin then started to drive the mountains into the seas .

  4. 我可以将山一样的食物堆在我的盘子里,而我则不去吃它。

    I could pile a mountain of food on my plate and NOT to eat it .

  5. 这个国家的疆界改变了,将山那边的一块土地兼并进来了。

    The country 's boundaries were changed to take in a piece of land beyond the mountain .

  6. 牛角雪橇比赛是德国当地传统节目,最初开办的目的是为了将山上牧场的干草运下山。

    Traditionally the horn sled was used by farmers to bring down hay from the mountain pasture .

  7. 自1992年1月至1994年12月将山莨菪碱应用于156例严重烧伤病人,旨在探讨其对严重烧伤内脏并发症的防治作用。

    From January 1992 to December 1994 , anisodamine was used in 156 cases of serious burns .

  8. 人们通常聚会,赏菊,将山茱萸的叶子带衣服上。

    People often gather for a party , appreciate chrysanthemums , pin the leaves of Cornus on clothes .

  9. 用谷雪板穿越雪坡,将山雪板的板尾移动到坡上。

    While traversing with the outside ski actively tracking across the slope , move the tail of your inside ski up the hill .

  10. 去年北韩发生严重水灾,北韩人为种粮食和获取燃料而将山上的树木全部伐光,使灾情进一步恶化,严重影响了今年的收成。

    Last years heavy flooding in the North , made worse by the populations clear-cutting of mountains for food and fuel , has severely impacted this years harvest .

  11. 山神用他的魔术力量在那里造了四座山,风呼啸着从远处吹来,将山压在四龙身上。

    The Mountain God used his magic power to make four mountains fly there , whistling in the wind from afar , and pressed them down upon the four dragons .

  12. 因此,将山、水形态作为山地住区形态的基础,将其他各物质形态与山水形态进行整合。

    As a result , as the mountain and water forms as the basis of mountain settlements form , the other material forms are integrated with the mountain and water forms .

  13. 关火,将山莓放入精细的尼龙滤网中轻挤至碗内,称量挤出的果浆,放入干净的平底锅。

    Remove from the heat and push the fruit through a fine nylon sieve into a bowl . Weigh the resulting pur é e and return it to a clean pan .

  14. 尽管埃佛勒斯上校本人反对这个称谓,但英国还是在1865年正式将此山的名字由“第15峰(PeakXV)”更改为“埃佛勒斯山”。

    Colonel Everest objected to the honor , but the British officially changed their name for the mountain from " Peak XV " to " Mount Everest " in 1865.3A Human Traffic Jam08

  15. 城口断层整体受到NE-SW向的挤压力作用,它将大巴山分为南北两部分,在秦岭-川东的地质研究中占据重要位置。

    Chengkou fault is in the whole of the NE-SW stress field , and it divides the Daba Mountain into two parts .

  16. 如果你们愿意将布莱克山完全的卖出去。

    Now if you should wish to sell the Black Hills outright .

  17. 夏天来了,花朵将阿尔卑斯山的草原点缀得五彩缤纷。

    Summer came and flowers colored the Alpine meadows .

  18. 将阿里山、日月潭紧紧锁在同胞的心中。

    The Alishan , Sun Moon Lake tightly locked in the hearts of our compatriots .

  19. 中国将喜马拉雅山两侧这两个国家的关系形容为十分脆弱,一旦破坏就不容易修复。

    China describes the relationship across the Himalayas as very fragile and not easily repaired once damaged .

  20. 摘要1994年联合国教科文组织经过考察后将武当山古建筑群列为世界文化遗产名录。

    The ancient architecture of Wudang Mount was titled as one of the world heritages listed by UNESCO in1994 .

  21. 夏尔巴人指责这三个登山者妨碍了他们安装绳索,并且他们不顾命令继续攀爬的行为致使山上冰块坍塌,将正在山上安装绳子的其他几个夏尔巴人砸下了山。

    The Sherpas accused the climbers of getting in their way and causing an avalanche that hit other Sherpas laying ropes downhill .

  22. 山下有一道又阔又深的沟将这山与参观者隔开,而且沿着沟还有一道高高的铁篱笆围着。

    The hill was separated from the visitors by a very wide and deep ditch . What 's more , it was also surrounded by a high iron fence along the ditch .

  23. 应用森林燃烧环理论,找出火险因子,制定出火险区划标准,将祁连山22个林场,区划为三个区,代表不同的火险级别。

    Based on the theory of forest burning circle , fire danger factors were found and the principle of fire danger zoning was made , the 22 forest farms were zoned into 3 regions expressing different fire danger ratings .

  24. 通过最危险段的分析表明:该新型结构将傍山边坡的锚喷支护与棚洞结构有机结合起来,形成完整的受力体系与环保型边坡支挡结构,是安全合理的。

    The following conclusions can be drawn from the computation results of the most dangerous zone : combining anchor-shotcrete with shed-tunnel structure , a reasonable complete supporting system of the slope was formed , and the whole slope with shed-tunnel structure is safe too .

  25. 这份议案来源于Facebook上的一项将哈尔蒂亚山的Halditcohkka峰送给芬兰的公开活动。

    The proposal follows a public campaign on Facebook to give Finland the Halditcohkka peak of Halti Mountain .

  26. WhatsApp的总部将留在加州山景城(MountainView)。Facebook说,它自己的即时通讯应用和WhatsApp的核心即时通讯产品将继续作为独立业务分开运营。

    WhatsApp will remain based in Mountain View , Calif. , and Facebook said its own messenger app and WhatsApp 's core messaging product will continue to operate as separate applications .

  27. 为什么我们要将一座山置一只茶杯里?

    Why we have to put a mountain into a teacup ?

  28. 格鲁吉亚将从科多里山峡谷撤军

    Georgia is to withdraw troops from Kodori gorge

  29. 我将住在圆山大饭店。

    I will stay at the Grand Hotel .

  30. 可是将树和山相比,大树就显得小了。

    If you compare it to a mountain , however , the large tree seems small .