
  1. n.皮带同:thong这将军在制服上穿着肩带。

    The general wore straps on the shoulders of his uniform .

  2. 他甚至扯到很远的话题,指出,战略一词是1810年被收入英语的,当时,拿破仑将军在战场上的成就使他成为欧洲大陆的皇帝。

    He even goes as far as to point out that the word " strategy " entered the English language in 1810 , when Napoleon 's success as a battlefield general made him emperor of Europe .

  3. 那位将军在阅兵式上接受敬礼。

    The general took the salute of the military review .

  4. 我认为彼得雷乌斯将军在这个问题上能够助麦克尼尔将军一臂之力。

    And I think General Petraeus can help General McKiernan in doing that .

  5. 传说古代有一名将军曾在风筝上放上乐器,然后放至敌军军营。

    Legend tells of one general who flew musical kites over the enemies ' camp .

  6. 根据将军插在背上的靠旗的多少可立即知道他官有多大。

    A general 's rank is immediately recognizable from the number of flags he wears on his shoulders .

  7. 美国国家安全事务顾问、退休将军琼斯在会上表示,北约联军必须在阿富汗取得胜利。

    U.S. National Security Adviser retired General James Jones told the conference that the NATO alliance must succeed in Afghanistan .

  8. 他出身将军,在战场上立功无数,并曾立志重塑中东地区格局,人们对他的感情爱恨交织。

    Sharon , a former general , was both admired and hated for his battlefield exploits and ambitions to reshape the Middle East .

  9. 它回敬了驻日美军司令博尔顿菲尔德(burtonfield)将军在记者招待会上呼吁中国“尊重航行自由”的说法。

    It was responding to a press conference by general Burton field , the commander of American forces in Japan , at which he called on China to respect the freedom of navigation .

  10. 将军下令在小山顶上设立一个监视哨。

    The general posted a lookout on top of the hill .

  11. 179.好几个严厉的联邦将军在矿工的葬礼上喝了矿泉水。

    179 . Several severe federal generals drank the mineral water on the miner 's funeral .

  12. 将军则能在陆地上操纵的胜利与失败。

    Victories or defeats are ordinary things to a general . Generals can make the difference on the battlefield between a victory and a rout .

  13. 他说,事实上,彼得雷乌斯将军在新的岗位上仍将指导伊拉克战争,这意味着,在美军最后一批新增的部队离开伊拉克之后,他将密切参与美军指挥官在8、9月份对局势作出的评估。

    He says that , and the fact that the general will still supervise the Iraq war from his new post , means he will be intimately involved in the assessment that U.S. commanders will make in August and September , after the last of the surge forces leave Iraq .