
jiànɡ xiào
  • general officers and field-grade officers;brass
将校 [jiàng xiào]
  • [high-ranking officer] 将官和校官,泛指高级军官

  1. 在军营中,有威风、阳刚脸孔的人,等于手握一张晋升将校的入场券。

    In the military , having a dominant , masculine face appeared to be a ticket to higher rank attainment .

  2. 蒋介石曾多次集训他的将校,将我们的军事书籍发给他们研究,企图寻找对付的方法。

    Many times Chiang has called together his generals and his field officers , issued them our books and sought countermeasures .

  3. 凯西奥我宁愿恳求他唾弃我,也不愿蒙蔽他的聪明,让这样一位贤能的主帅手下有这麽一个酗酒放荡的不肖将校。

    Cassio . I will rather sue to be despised than to deceive so good a commander with so slight , so drunken , and so indiscreet an officer .

  4. 在五代时期藩镇割据的状况之下,地方司法机关的运行受到严重的影响,司法人员由武夫将校出任,司法权受到侵夺。

    Five Dynasties period under conditions of rival principalities carved out , the local operation of the judiciary have been seriously affected . Judicial officers appointed by the military , and judicial powers being eroded .