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  • 网络Will eat;Ruff
  1. 他在打第二墩牌时将吃梅花,这很聪明。

    He 's clever to ruff a club at trick two .

  2. 出黑桃可让明手将吃。

    A spade lead will allow a ruff in dummy .

  3. 他用小牌将吃,但是被庄家将牌盖吃了。

    He trumps small , but is overtrumped by the declarer .

  4. 将吃剩的饭菜分类处理后再丢进垃圾箱。

    Classify the waste food before throw them into the trashcan .

  5. 我们将吃些美味的食物和饮料。

    We are going to have some delicious food and drink .

  6. 穿上衣服后我将吃早饭。

    After I get dressed , I 'll have breakfast .

  7. 也可以将吃点零食或喝杯热牛奶纳入常规。

    Have a light snack or a hot milky drink .

  8. 假如我做了那件事,我将吃了我的帽子。

    I will eat my hat if I did that .

  9. 你明天早上将吃什么早点呢?

    What will you have for breakfast tomorrow morning ?

  10. 他将吃一些冰激淋;

    He 's going to eat some ice cream .

  11. 雪貂是探索和将吃的东西,不是对他们有好处。

    Ferrets are exploratory and will eat things that are not good for them .

  12. 我们将吃一点面包,剩下的留到早饭时吃。

    We 'll eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast .

  13. 明天晚饭我们将吃什么?

    What will we have for dinner tomorrow ?

  14. 如果将吃黑巧克力和这两者结合起来的话,可能会是有益的。

    Eating dark chocolate might help if combined with those two , he said .

  15. 人们将吃药片作为正餐。

    People will eat pills as meals .

  16. 昨天他将吃一支香蕉。

    Tomorrow he will eat a banana .

  17. 明天我将吃那条鲯鳅。

    Tomorrow I will eat the dolphin .

  18. 他们现在在交叉将吃了。

    They are crossing ruff now .

  19. 第九条:不得将吃了一半的冰激淋卷放在别人的口袋里。

    Article Nine : Anyone shall not put a half-fucked ice cream in the pocket of another person .

  20. 那天夜晚在小村里,我们将吃鸡肉,还有米饭、洋葱和一大堆水果。

    We would eat chicken that night in the village , together with rice , onions and heaps of fruit .

  21. 下午他们还邀请老人们来学校喝茶,并且将吃的东西作为礼物送给老年人。

    The students ask old people to their school for afternoon tea and give them the food as part of their celebrations .

  22. 将吃热狗的家庭7天中所消耗的每一口食物的分析资料,输入计算机。

    Into the computer went an analysis of every mouthful of food consumed for seven days by families who ate hot dogs .

  23. 并且我连同乐趣乐趣吃和充分地将吃每乐趣。

    To take up willingly or eagerly Also I go fully of pleasure eat and is to be had for every fun .

  24. 明天,有些家庭将吃太多的感恩节食品,同时,许多其他家庭将有食品不足或挨饿。

    Some homes will eat a plethora of Thanksgiving foods tomorrow while many others will have a humble meal or go hungry .

  25. 我们将吃许多美味食品。

    Mark : Yes , Kitty , I 'm free . Kitty : We 're going to have a lot of delicious food .

  26. 清两轮将牌,出红心,当东将吃后,他只能出到你的梅花间张。

    After two rounds of trumps you just switch to hearts , and when East ruffs he has to lead into the club tenace .

  27. 除了一日三餐每一天,你也将吃零食之间的早餐和午餐,然后又与午餐和晚餐。

    In addition to the three meals each day , you will also eat a snack between breakfast and lunch , and then again between lunch and dinner .

  28. 斯托小学的学生将吃剩的水果和蔬菜“捐”给了学校的蠕虫废料池,而不是倒入垃圾筒。

    Instead of tossing their uneaten school lunch scraps in the garbage bin , Stowe students donate their leftover fruits and vegetables to the school 's worm compost .

  29. 这是我有生以来听过的最荒唐的东西&第一是将吃狗肉和生吃活人肉相提并论。

    That has to be one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard-Firstly to compare eating an dog breed for meat and a piece of a live human .

  30. 如果你是汉堡王的超级粉丝,那么在得知这家美国快餐连锁正在将吃汉堡和炸薯条的方式上升到一个新的高度:即在芬兰一家门店引进了首家桑拿房时,你一定会非常兴奋。

    If you are a huge Burger King fan , you will be excited to know that the American fast food chain is taking the experience of dining on burgers and fries to a whole new level - by opening its first spa in Finland .