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  • 网络Opening Bid;OPEN BID;open
  1. 这手牌最好开叫二方块。

    It 's better to open this hand with two diamonds .

  2. 这时又拿到了一副很普通的牌,他又想靠这副牌开叫大注。

    Now came another moderate hand , and again he tried to open the jack-pot on it .

  3. 开叫时你为什么不跳叫二梅花?

    Why didn 't you jump to two clubs at the opening bidding ?

  4. 对抗转换性阻击开叫:加倍为表示力量,但非强制逼叫。

    Against transfer and unspecified preempts : double shows strength but does not create a force .

  5. 最近在北京的一次拍卖上,土地的售出价格几乎是开叫价格的六倍。

    At a recent Beijing auction , land sold for almost six times the asking price .

  6. 敌方对人为强牌开叫做人为半积极或积极应叫之后,加倍为惩罚该门花色。

    After an artificial semi-positive or positive response to a strong , artificial opening , a double shows the suit doubled .

  7. 但就算在这时,艾伦仍然非常烦人,《彩虹尽头》里的绿龙和怪兽一出场,他就开叫大喊大叫……

    Even then Alan was quite a nuisance , complaining loudly of the scene of green dragons and other monsters in ' Where the Rainbow Ends ' ....

  8. 我了解到,不定期轮船还是可能有的。我的对手开叫,轮到我叫牌时,形势对我很不利。

    I understand tramps are still available My rival got in first and by the time I came to make my bid the cards were stacked against me .

  9. 他对苏联的形势表示强烈的不满。我的对手开叫,轮到我叫牌时,形势对我很不利。

    He was very critical of the situation in the Soviet Union . My rival got in first and by the time I came to make my bid the cards were stacked against me .

  10. 很有趣的一点就是,当威廉三世统治英国的时候,他的臣民就开玩笑叫他“KingBilly”(实际应该是KingWilliam)在十三世纪,人们通过韵脚来取昵称。

    Interestingly , when William III ruled over in England in the late 17th century , his subjects mockingly referred to him as " King Billy . " In the 13th century people used to name people based on how their nickname rhymes . Will = Bill Rick = Dick Rob = Bob

  11. 叫你家的房门大开,叫那些穷人成为你的家人。《塔木德·艾博特》(犹太教)

    Let your home wide open and the needy be members of your household .

  12. 尽管学生们常拿她的名字开玩笑,叫她滚石(英语中Rowling与rolling同音),她仍然非常喜欢教书。

    In spite of her students making jokes about her name ( this time they called her " Rolling Stone "), she enjoyed teaching .

  13. 茂顿街上新开的饭店叫什么名字?

    What 's the name of that new restaurant in Merton street ?

  14. 你知道林中空地开了家叫翡翠的新俱乐部吧

    You know that new club opening in the Glades ? Verdant ?

  15. 她开玩笑的叫她自己是我的业余夫妻。

    She jokingly called herself my part-time bedmate .

  16. 那车开得真叫疯啊。

    That was some crazy driving .

  17. 我依旧记得,你总是开玩笑的叫我儿子,我也总是开玩笑的叫你女儿。

    I still remember , you nickname me as your son , I also label you as my daughter .

  18. 美国人已经被训练到看到“金龙自助餐”这样的地方就会想到中餐的地步。所以,如果开一家叫“多切斯特·梅多斯”的中餐馆,你的生意大概会一塌糊涂。

    Americans have been trained to expect Chinese food at places with names like " Golden Dragon Buffet . " If you were to open a Chinese restaurant named like " Dorchester Meadows " it would probably tank .

  19. 那人出去,倒说许多的话,把这件事传扬开了,叫耶稣以后不得再明明地进城,只好在外边旷野地方。人从各处都就了他来。

    But he went out , and made it public , giving an account of it everywhere , so that Jesus was no longer able to go openly into a town , but was outside in the waste land ; and they came to him from every part .

  20. 但她真的超可爱的她…开玩笑啦她叫joanna我很喜欢她她是我的嫂子婚礼很美我很为我哥哥高兴

    But she 's so sweet . she 's uh ... No , it 's joanna and I love Joanna . So she 's my sister-in-law.And that was beautiful .

  21. 母子俩决定试验一下他做菜的水平,他们开了一家叫Eureka的超级俱乐部,每月在他们自己家中举办晚餐派对。

    The mother and son duo decided to test his skills with the public and launched Eureka - a supper club that hosts monthly dinner parties inside their home .

  22. 不行,设备必须得开着,我叫保安了

    No , it needs to be on . I 'm getting security .

  23. 开玩笑者会叫你“傻瓜”。

    The Joker may call you @ april fool .

  24. 我开了一个叫Treehugger的网站-我很关心这些东西。

    I started a site called TreeHugger - I care about this stuff .

  25. 表哥有两个女儿,我和他的小女儿比较讲得开,他总是叫我叔叔的。

    The cousin has two daughters , I speak with his little daughter relatively open , he always calls my uncle .

  26. 你建议不错不过我必须告诉你她开的条件就是叫我永远不能再见�

    And while that was good advice , you should know that what she wants ... is for me not to see you anymore .

  27. 他用半开玩笑的口气叫她阿耳忒弥斯和德墨忒耳①,还叫她其他一些幻想中的名字,但是苔丝不喜欢,因为她听不懂。

    He called her Artemis , Demeter , and other fanciful names half teasingly , which she did not like because she did not understand them .

  28. 这时他才踮着脚尖悄悄下楼,让灯光照亮地点在那里,门也半开着,好叫她一旦醒来害怕时他听得见。

    Only then did he tiptoe downstairs , leaving the lamp burning brightly and the door ajar so he might hear her should she awake and become frightened .