
  1. 本研究以现代投资理论、开放经济理论为基础,并吸收发达国家对外直接投资基本理论,构建了发展中国家对外直接投资的理论框架。

    On the basis of Contemporary Investment Theory and Open-Economic Theory , and absorbing the basic FDI theories of developed and developing countries , the study constitutes a FDI theory framework of developing countries .

  2. 中国改革开放后经济理论的发展与创新

    Development and Creation of Economic Theory after the Reform and Opening of China

  3. 在贸易传导的研究中,我们首先通过对小规模开放经济的理论分析,构建了基于两国贸易的理论模型。

    On the trade transmission research , we conducted a theoretical analysis on a small scale open economy , and then construct a theoretical trade model involving two nations .

  4. 新开放经济宏观经济学理论和研究

    The Research of New Open Economy Macroeconomics Theory

  5. Gordon就开放性渔场的经济理论作了研究,建立了经典的Gordon理论经济均衡条件。

    Gordon , and the classical the economic equilibrium conditions of Gordon theory were builded .

  6. 这种汇率传递效应程度高是符合小型开放型经济体的理论假设和实证的结果,还有也可能与市场定价(PTM)效应有关。

    The high magnitude of the exchange rate pass-through results are consistent with the assumption and experiences of small , open economies , and might also be in part a consequence of low pricing-to-market ( PTM ) effects .

  7. 开放型区域经济发展理论研究

    A Study on Development Theory of Open Regional Economy

  8. 开放条件下经济周期理论的扩展与应用&换一种思维看待次贷危机

    The Extension and Application of Business Cycles Theory in the Condition of Open Economy : Another Thinking in Knowing Subprime Mortgage Crisis

  9. 论述了改革开放以来中国经济结构理论的新发展;

    And then it discusses the new development of China 's economy structure theory since the reform and opening to the outside world .

  10. 文章首先以内陆开放型经济的相关理论为本文研究奠定基础,以区别于沿海地区开放型经济发展。

    First of all , to the inland opened economy theory lay the foundation for this study , as distinct from the opened economic development of coastal areas .