
  • 网络property right theory;theory of property rights
  1. 在理论方面,对股权结构、公司绩效和EVA的内涵进行了界定,并对委托代理理论、产权理论、不完全契约理论这些基本理论进行了分析。

    In theoretical analysis side , we first define the essence of ownership structure , corporate performance and EVA , then analyze some basic theories , such as , principal-agent theory , property rights theory and incomplete contract theory .

  2. 内部控制框架构建的产权理论研究

    Construction of Internal Control Framework Based on Property Rights Theory

  3. WTO框架中的TRIPS协议采用了财产权理论,明确了商业秘密是一种知识产权,即无形财产权。

    TRIPS in WTO frame adopted the property right theory . It definite that the trade secrets is a kind of the intellectual property , namely Intangible property right .

  4. 首先,在文献梳理基础上综合利益相关者理论和产权理论(交易成本经济学),构建起权利非对称机会主义行为CoPS创新风险这一风险生成机理模型。

    First , integrating stakeholder theories and property right theories ( transaction cost economics ) based on literature organization , and building a risk formation mechanism model as " Interest-Power Asymmetry opportunistic behavior CoPS innovation risk " .

  5. 产权理论是当代经济学研究的一个主要课题。

    Property rights theories is a main lesson in contemporary economics .

  6. 美国择校运动的产权理论分析

    School Choice Movement in America from a Perspective of Property Ownership

  7. 产权理论之于公共企业的产权制度改革;

    Theory of property ownership for public enterprises property ownership reform ;

  8. 环境资源负外部性与产权理论的新进展

    New progress of negative externality of environment resources and ownership theory

  9. 基于产权理论的区域经济发展差异分析

    The Regional Economical Difference Analysis Based on the Property Right Theory

  10. 信息产权理论与知识产权制度之正当性

    The Justification of the Theory of Information Property and Intellectual Property

  11. 马克思产权理论的意义就在于揭示了资本主义生产关系的总和。

    Marxist theory of property unveils the essence of capitalist production relations .

  12. 马克思产权理论和现代西方产权理论比较

    Comparison of Property Right Theories Between the West and Marxism

  13. 本世纪以来西方产权理论的演变

    Development in Western Theories on Property Right in Present Century

  14. 两种产权理论的比较与国有企业改革

    Comparison between the two Property Theories and the Reform of State-owned Enterprise

  15. 高校科技产业问题的现代产权理论分析

    The Analyses of modern property rights of universites ' high-tech industry problems

  16. 产权理论历史发展可划分为三个阶段。

    History of property right theory can be divided into two stages .

  17. 产权理论与流域水权配置模式研究

    Property Right Theory and Mode for Basin Water Right Disposal

  18. 以新制度经济学及产权理论解读城市规划

    Urban Planning in the View of New Institutional Economy and Property Right

  19. 劳动力产权理论是一片崭新的学术原野。

    The Theory of Labor Property Right explores a new academic field .

  20. 旅游资源产权理论的探讨

    Probe into the Theory of Property right of Tourist Resource

  21. 产权理论在城市规划管理中的应用

    The Application of the Theory of Property Right in Urban Planning Management

  22. 现代企业制度的产权理论分析&兼论国有企业改革

    An Analysis of Modern Enterprise Systems ' Ownership Theory

  23. 乡镇企业改制的产权理论分析

    Analysis on Property Rights Institution Reform of Rural Enterprise

  24. 论科斯产权理论的基本特点和借鉴意义

    On the Basic Characteristics and Significance of Coase 's Theory of Property Rights

  25. 寻租理论:产权理论的一个扩展&兼论新产权理论的构架及其现实意义

    The Theories of Rent & seeking : an Expansion of Property Rights Theory

  26. 学习过的洛克的产权理论等哲学家。”

    John Locke 's theory of property with the philosophers who follow . "

  27. 马克思所有制与产权理论研究

    Marx 's Theory of Ownership and Property Right

  28. 将信息产权理论应用于数据库的法律保护,是未来数据库法律保护的发展方向。

    It is a trend to adopt information property theory to database legal protection .

  29. 论马克思的劳动力产权理论

    On Marx 's Theory on Labour Force Property

  30. 农业环境产权理论与制度研究

    Research on Agricultural Environment Property Rights and Institution