
  1. 保证和提高了加工精度,实际上也就是限制和降低了加工误差,保证零件产品的使用性能要求、提高零件制造质量的同时,也可以降低生产成本。

    Ensuring and enhancing the operational performance request and manufacture quality of the component products can also reducing the production cost .

  2. 介绍用工程塑料生产雨刮片组件的注塑。挤出工艺及其产品的使用性能。

    Injection molding and extrusion technique of producing wiper blade which was made of engineering plastics and its service performances were introduced .

  3. 微孔材料的成型方法、加工工艺对材料的微观形态结构以及最终产品的使用性能都有很重要的影响。

    The final performances of micro porous material and its microstructure have much affection from the processing method and the manufacturing technology .

  4. 数控加工中产生的接刀痕迹,对产品的使用性能、工作寿命及可靠性有直接影响。

    The machined trace produced in NC machining has a direct effect to the use performance , the reliability and the working life of product .

  5. 光整加工是机械零件加工的最后一道工序,其加工的质量直接影响着产品的使用性能和使用寿命。

    Finishing is the last procedure of part manufacturing , and its surface finishing quality affects directly the using performance and using time of the products .

  6. 由于氢氧化铝分解温度低,在与有机高聚物加工过程中易分解,影响产品的使用性能,限制了其应用范围。

    Aluminum hydroxide is easily decomposed when it is mixed with hot organic polymer materials . Its lower decomposition temperature limits its application performance and application field .

  7. 本实用新型增加了产品的使用性能,功能增多,娱乐效果增强,能满足人们日益增长的需求。

    The utility model increases a plurality of using functions of the product , thereby meeting people 's growing needs with an increasing function and an enhancing entertaining effect .

  8. 同时,为了明确各项节能技术、产品的使用性能及其使用方式,出现了各式各样的示范工程以及节能示范改造工程。

    Meanwhile , in order to certain the energy-saving technology , product performance and use of method , there has been a wide range of demonstration projects and energy-saving demonstration renovation project .

  9. 由于我国机械零件表面质量与国外先进国家相比具有较大的差距,因而,严重影响了产品的使用性能和寿命。

    As the surface quality of machine parts in China with foreign countries compared to advanced countries with a larger gap , so seriously affect the use of the product performance and life expectancy .

  10. 机械零件及其他工业制品的形状误差是由制造不精确造成的,它对产品的使用性能和装配质量有着很大的影响,在生产中要加以测量和控制。

    Form errors of machinery parts and other industry products are caused by the inexactness of manufacturing . They have great influence to the product performance and assemble quality , and must be inspected and controlled .

  11. 形位误差是评定机械零件的重要指标,它对产品的使用性能和装配质量有着很大的影响,在生产中要加以测量和控制。

    The errors of form and position are parameters for the evaluation of mechanical components . It has great influence on the performance of products and the quality of assembly , which should be measurement and controlled .

  12. 为使孔表面获得较低的粗糙度和良好的物理力学性能,需去除由各种加工方法在不同程度上产生的毛刺和提高表面完整性,以提高产品的使用性能、延长其使用寿命。

    For the sake of getting precise and good mechanic performance of hole surface , removing the burrs generated from various of processing methods at different degrees are needed to improve the performance of products and extend their life span .

  13. 拼焊板是近年来用于汽车车身制造的一种重要技术,其焊接质量的优劣及残余应力状态与变形的大小对后续的冲压成形工艺和产品的使用性能都有很大影响。

    Tailor-welded Blank ( TWB ) is one of the most important technologies in automobile body manufacture in recent years , whose welding quality and residual stresses and deformation have great effects on the following stamping process and its performance properties .

  14. 论文主要研究挤压法生产稻草刨花板的成型特点,制板工艺及产品的使用性能,包括隔热性、阻燃性和抗冲击性。

    In the paper the author mainly researched on the molding characteristics of rice-straw particle board made by extrusion machine , the technics on the board and the use characteristics of the production such as heat insulation , hinder burn and resist impact .

  15. 高的接枝效率能赋予产品优异的使用性能。

    The high grafting efficiency enables the according products to exhibit excellent performances .

  16. 由于在生产过程当中,容易造成气孔、夹杂等缺陷,影响着产品的最终使用性能。

    In the production process , it is easy to cause defects such as porosity , inclusions , which can affect the final performance of the product .

  17. 在评价各类极压抗磨添加剂使用性能的基础上选择适当的添加剂,加入150SN中性基础油中,研制了新型带锯机油切削液,对中试产品的工业使用性能作了测试,并进行毒理检测。

    A new type machine oil cutting fluid for band saw was prepared by adding proper additive selected from evaluation of various extreme pressure anti-wear additives into 150 SN neutral base oil . The industry service performance of the pilot scale product was tested and its toxicity was inspected .

  18. 据此在合成CLT酸中合理地简化了溴化反应后提纯的工艺步骤,产率提高2%,且对最终产品的质量和使用性能没有不良影响。

    Based on this , the technological process of purification after the bromination was reasonably simplified and the yield was increased by 2 percent in the synthesis of CLT acid , the quality and performance of the final product have not been affected .

  19. 该产品具有超常的使用性能。

    This product has extraordinary operation property .

  20. 不具备产品应当具备的使用性能而事先未作说明的;

    Not having the functions it ought to have , and no prior explanation thereabout having been given by the seller ;

  21. 这样一方面可以大量消化石油C5副产物,另一方面可大大提高通用塑料产品的附加值和使用性能。

    The cyclopentadiene polymers synthesized from C_5 by-products in oil industries can improve the properties of commodity plastics .

  22. 但产品的缺陷影响其使用性能。

    However , defects affect performance of parts .

  23. 本公司引进了英国希尔格公司的光电直读光谱仪,确保产品的内外质量和使用性能。

    Our company ushered in the light electricity of the British rare cherish space company to keep read the spectrum instrument , insure the product of inside outside quantity and use the function .

  24. 产品的可靠性直接影响产品的使用性能,从而影响产品的竞争能力。

    The reliability of products directly affect the function of products , thus affecting the competitiveness of products .

  25. 雅谷以丰富而完整的产品线,以产品优良的使用性能实现着人类“用白板成为一种享受”的宏愿。

    With the wide range excellent product series , YAKUDO is realizing the great wish of " Let people enjoy the white board "!

  26. 产品表面缺损检测对保证产品的使用性能、完整性和安全性具有重要意义。

    Surface defect detection is important to ensure the utility , integrality , and security of the products .

  27. 介绍机车电动机橡胶减振垫产品的设计原理,指出产品的使用性能、各项指标及应用效果。

    The paper introduces the design principle of rubber absorbing pad applied to motor suspending set of locomotive and points out the application properties , various index and applied effects at same time .

  28. 表面处理技术是氧化铁颜料后处理技术很重要的发展方向之一,它可以提高产品的分散性能,进而提高产品的使用性能。

    Surface treatment technique is one of very important processing technique of Iron oxide pigments and can improve dispersion properties and applied performances of products .

  29. 目前我国生产粮油加工设备品种很多,但发达国家相比,产品的技术水平、产品结构和产品的使用性能还存在一定差距,分析其原因,从根本上讲,是在设计方法上有待提高。

    Although the system of Chinese oil pressing equipment taken many varieties , but the comparison countries , product technology , product structure and product performance there is still a gap analysis of the reasons , needs to be improved in design methods .

  30. 最后论文利用FTIR和DSC对产品的结构和热稳定性分别进行了表征与解析,进一步证明了产品的使用性能。

    In the end , the structure and heat-stability of obtained product were characterized and explained respectively by FTIR and DSC . The performance of the product was further confirmed .