
  • 网络property right;property relation
  1. 在产权关系没有理顺之前,特别是在证券市场非流通股和流通股并存的双轨制情况下,事实上并不具备在上市公司推行MBO的时机和土壤。

    Before the property rights are clear , especially there are both n on - exchangeable security and exchangeable security , there is no chance and soil for MBO in the market .

  2. 供应链企业间的产权关系研究

    Research on the Property Rights Relationship among the Supply Chain Enterprises

  3. 网络信息物品的知识产权关系分析

    Analysis of the Relation in Intellectual Property of Network Information Goods

  4. 为此,必须让技术创新与制度创新并举,在科学界定国有企业和理顺国有产权关系的基础上,确立国有企业法人所有权制度;

    Therefore , tech innovation and system innovation must develop simultaneously .

  5. 我国私营企业产权关系问题探索

    A Study on Property Right Relationship of Private Enterprise in China

  6. 提出了重构土地产权关系的思路。

    To reorganize the relationship of property right of land .

  7. 明晰电力企业产权关系;

    Make clear the property rights of electric power enterprises ;

  8. 在我国现阶段,不良资产的产生主要与产权关系有关,不良资产是制度的成本。

    In China , the property right system is the main reason .

  9. 公司治理结构与产权关系

    Relationships between Administrative Structure and Property Rights of the Corporations

  10. 农地征收的产权关系和补偿标准研究

    Study on the Property Right Relations and Compensation Standard of Farmland Expropriation

  11. 乡镇企业产权关系的演变

    The Evolution of the Property Right Relations of Town and Village Enterprise

  12. 理顺产权关系是校办产业改革的当务之急

    Straightening out Relation between Property and Right for Reformation of University-run Industries

  13. 自然资源与有关无形资产的产权关系

    Property right relations between natural resources and relevant not-visible property

  14. 体制设计要以明晰的产权关系为前提,激励和约束相结合,财务控制与业务控制相结合,讲求成本效益。

    The design of mechanism should be based on clear relationship of ownership .

  15. 商事信用与财产权关系的分析&基于欧洲早期所有权制度

    Analysis of Commercial Credit and Property Right Relationship : Centering on Ownership System

  16. 理顺军队企业产权关系的对策思考

    How to straighten out property right in military enterprises

  17. 市场主体产权关系不明晰。

    The relations among market subjects are not distinct .

  18. 关于铁路集团的产权关系与结构设置的探讨

    Exploration on Relationship of Property Rights and Organization Structure of Railway Enterprise Groups

  19. 为此、必须从外部、内部两方面理顺产权关系。

    Property right relation must be put in order from outside to inside .

  20. 企业组织、产权关系与会计主体

    Enterprise Organization , Relation between Ownership and Management , and Accounting Main Part

  21. 跨国基金的产权关系:一种新诠释

    A New Explanation on Cross-border Fund Property Rights

  22. 明晰产权关系加强高校校办产业资产管理

    Confirming the Relationship of Title , Reinforcing the Asset Management of the University Enterprise

  23. 资本交易是形成现代企业产权关系的基础

    The Exchange of Capitals is the Foundation of the Property Rights of Modern Enterprises

  24. 应用法律手段来保护正常的产权关系;

    Normal property only being saved under law ;

  25. 科研机构转制的产权关系确立和法人治理结构

    Building up the Property Relation and Corporation Administer Structure in Reforming of scientific research inStitution

  26. 公司产权关系的法律学分析

    COMPANY Corporation A Legal Analysis of the Relationship of the Property Interests in a Corporation

  27. 论高校后勤股份制改革后的产权关系

    On the Relationship of Property Right of Logistics Share System Reformation in Colleges and Universities

  28. 专利技术转让的产权关系研究

    Property relation research on conveyance of patent

  29. 理顺企业的产权关系

    Rationalize the property rights relationships of enterprises

  30. 产权关系确立以后,信用的产生还要满足其他一些条件。

    After property rights relations established , the production of trust also needs other conditions .