
qiǎnɡ jié zuì
  • crime of robbery;crime of pillage
  1. 第三部分,抢劫罪八种加重情节的认定。

    The cognizance of eight aggravating circumstances in the crime of pillage .

  2. 抢劫罪的对象包括人身与财物。

    From my research , I think : 1 、 The object of crime of pillage includes person and property .

  3. 他将被遣返回英格兰面临持械抢劫罪的指控。

    He will be sent back to England to face a charge of armed robbery .

  4. 他对一级抢劫罪的指控表示服罪。

    He pleaded guilty to a charge of first-degree robbery .

  5. 他们被判犯有持械抢劫罪。

    They had been found guilty of armed robbery .

  6. 莫里斯已承认犯有抢劫罪。

    Morris had pleaded guilty to robbery .

  7. 他因犯抢劫罪正在服11年的刑期,此前他也曾因类似罪行蹲过监狱。

    He is serving 11 years for robbery , and did time for a similar offence before that .

  8. 那人犯有武装抢劫罪,被判八年监禁。

    The man was found guilty of armed robbery and condemned to eight years'imprisonment .

  9. 起草这一报告的统计学家珊南·加泰兰诺说,持枪犯罪和抢劫罪的增加补充了BFI的数据,证实了地方官员的传闻。

    Statistician Shannan Catalano , who wrote the new report , said the increases in gun violence and robbery rates reinforce the FBI data and the anecdotal evidence from local officials .

  10. 犯罪预备可罚性的本质探究&兼论抢劫罪犯罪预备的认定

    An Exploration on the Nature of the Punishment of Crime Preparation

  11. 抢劫罪与抢夺罪辨析

    A Comparison between the Crime of Robbery and Crime of Snatching

  12. 第四章为抢劫罪共同犯罪问题研究。

    Chapter III for the common crime of robbery and research .

  13. 转化型抢劫罪在司法实践中属于难点问题之一。

    Transformational robbery crime in judicatory practice is the difficult point .

  14. 对抢劫罪的有关问题进行研究有一定的理论价值和实践意义。

    The research have a certain theoretical value and practical significance .

  15. 对抢劫罪客观行为作了一个深入、细致的分析。

    The objective action of robbery is analyzed home and meticulously .

  16. 试论刑法第269条之转化型抢劫罪

    On Invert Robbery Crime in 269 Article in Criminal Law

  17. 高职法律课中关于抢劫罪若干问题的探讨

    On Robbery Crime in Law Course of Higher Vocational Colleges

  18. 第四部分我国抢劫罪侵害的法益。

    The fourth section analyzes the legal interests of robbery in China .

  19. 转化型抢劫罪是抢劫罪的一种特殊类型。

    The transformative robbery is a special type of robbery .

  20. 抢劫罪对象问题三论

    On Three Issues about the Target of Crime of Robbery

  21. 第五部分抢劫罪的犯罪对象。

    The last section is concerned with the crime target of robbery .

  22. 关于抢劫罪认定的若干问题

    The Problems of the Crime of Robbery in the Affirm of Judicatory

  23. 二是携带凶器抢夺准抢劫罪。

    B , Quasi robbery of seizing with lethal weapons .

  24. 论我国刑法中的非典型抢劫罪

    On Non-typical Offenses of Robbery of Criminal Law of China

  25. 这男人因犯抢劫罪而坐了几年牢。

    The man spent several years in gaol for robbery .

  26. 论敲诈勒索罪与抢劫罪实践中的区分认定

    A Study on the Difference of Extortion Crime and Robbery in Practice

  27. 他犯有袭击罪和抢劫罪,正在服20年徒刑。

    He was serving a twenty year sentence for assault and robbery .

  28. 在艾尔高级法院被控犯有谋杀和抢劫罪。

    Charges of murder and robbery in the sheriff court at ayr .

  29. 他被指控犯武装抢劫罪而遭逮捕。

    He was arrested on a charge of armed robbery .

  30. 准抢劫罪是抢劫罪的一种特殊形式。

    Crime of quasi pillage is a special form of crime of pillage .