
qiǎng hūn
  • marriage by capture;carry off a woman and marry her by force
抢婚 [qiǎng hūn]
  • [carry off a woman and marry her by force] 抢劫妇女成婚;抢亲

抢婚[qiǎng hūn]
  1. 海上女儿国抢婚文化背景与《情史》岛女繁殖叙事

    The Cultural Context of Marriage by Capture in the Sea Kingdoms of Girls and the Narration of Female Islanders ' Reproduction in Love Story

  2. 根据一些消息,蜜月是抢婚的延续,基于丈夫把他妻子隐藏起来,避免亲戚的“报复”,有意让妻子在当月底怀孕。

    According to some sources , the honeymoon is a relic of marriage by capture , based on the practice of the husband going into hiding with his wife to avoid reprisals from her relatives , with the intention that the woman would be pregnant by the end of the month .

  3. 抢婚是人类社会某一历史阶段的产物。

    The marriage by kidnapping was the result of mankind society .

  4. 我国的民族文化遗留丰富,利用泰勒残存法进行分析说明,能更有力地证明抢婚风俗的存在。

    China has abundant survival culture , using Taylor 's Survival can further prove thee existence of marriage customs .

  5. 蒙古族进入阶级社会后,受到宗法思想的影响,形成了收继婚、抢婚制、世代婚、等级婚、入赘婚、买卖婚、抱斧婚等名目繁多的宗法性婚姻形态。

    After Mongolian entered into class society , effected by patriarchal , They took shape of some marriage form such as continual marriage , despoil marriage , inherit marriage , grade marriage , etc.

  6. 绑架新娘也被称为绑婚或者抢婚,就是一个男人绑架他想娶的女人。纵观历史和世界各地,抢婚是一个习俗。

    Bride kidnapping , also known as marriage by abduction or marriage by capture , is a practice throughout history and around the world in which a man abducts the woman he wishes to marry .