
  1. 70%的人必须给待办事项列一个清单,才能维持有规律的生活。

    Seven out of ten also said they had become dependent on " to-do " lists to keep their lives in order .

  2. 需求工程的目的是给待开发或改造的预期软件一个清晰、完整的,精确且没有二义性的描述。

    The purpose of Requirements Engineering is give the developed or modified software a clear , complete , accurate and not ambiguity description .

  3. 给待在幼儿园的孩子分派任务,当孩子们开始对给卡片着色,移动积木建大厦的兴趣渐渐减退的时候。

    Staying on task In preschool , kids can start coloring a picture and move on to building with blocks when their interest wanes .

  4. 各色阳伞给夏日待头平添了活泼的气氛。

    Colorful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets .

  5. 你得给我待在那儿,宝贝。

    You 're going to be sticking around for a while , honey .

  6. “你就给我待在家里,”她说,“你不要再想出去了。”

    " You 're staying home ," she said ," you 're not going out . "

  7. 梅林,你给我待在这里,竭尽所能帮助大家。

    Merlin , you are to stay here , and help the people as best as you can .

  8. 如果给体内待透视部位施加特种物质,如颜料或特种液体,还可以给某些内部器官照相。照亮照亮或照明(一个物体)

    X-rays can locate foreign objects inside the body or take picture of some internal organs & if special substances as dyes or special liquids are added to the organs to be X-rayed .

  9. 好吧那你一定不会介意我把这些都没收了或者把你窗外的梯子移走今晚你就给我待在家里吧

    Okay . All right , then you won 't mind that I 'm taking it or that I moved the ladder from outside your window . Looks like you 're in for the night .

  10. 赵书信十分喜欢中国象棋,有一天,他发现少了一颗棋子——黑炮——于是就给之前待过的旅馆发了一封电报,要求帮忙寻找,电报的内容是:“丢失黑炮301找赵”。

    Mr. Zhao is an avid player of Chinese chess and when he finds one of his chess pieces missing - the black cannon - he sends a telegram to a hotel that he previously stayed at requesting the hotel 's help in finding it : " Missing black cannon . 301 . Search for Zhao . "

  11. 你给我乖乖待在家里不许乱跑。

    You are going to stay at home where you belong .

  12. 把您的号码给我,待会我打过去好吗?

    May I have your phone number and recall you ?

  13. 你给我乖乖待在这,小洋基。

    You just stay put , IittIe yankee .

  14. 晚一点就会看到一些僧人把一堆堆现金交给一个待在附近的人。

    Some of the monks were later seen handing wads of cash to another man waiting nearby .

  15. 有重要的事。我有些东西要给你。待会到我的兵营里见面吧。

    That 's grand . I 've got something for you too . let 's meet in my barracks later .

  16. 静脉给药,待患者意识消失后开始手术,术中两组分别持续泵注瑞芬太尼和舒芬太尼,患者有体动时追加异丙酚0.5~0.8mg/kg。

    Remifentanil and sufentanil were separately infused in two groups for maintenance during the operations , and moreover propofol ( 0.5 ~ 0.8 mg / kg ) were added according to the patients ' response .

  17. 我现在打电话给医院,你待在这儿吗?

    I call the hospital right now , you stay here ?

  18. 我去拿点冰给你敷伤口待在这里

    Let me get some ice for your mouth . Just stay there .

  19. 对照组:不给笑气吸入,待宫口开大7~8cm时给予氧气吸入。

    Contrast group where puerpera breathes no mixed laughing gas but oxygen when the orifice of uterus is 7 ~ 8cm open .

  20. 在脉冲激光激发荧光的研究中由于入射激光强度的起伏会导致所激发荧光的强度随之波动,从而给荧光光谱及其待测物质测量结果带来较大误差。

    The incident pulse intensity wave will cause the induced fluorescence wave , which will lead to the obvious error of experiment results .

  21. 而据之前援引的报道,普京曾向朋友诉苦:应该给能和柳德米拉待上三周的人建纪念碑。

    ' And Putin has been quoted in the past as telling a friend : ' Anyone who can spend three weeks with Lyudmila deserves a monument .

  22. 孩子必须明白健康的首尊主要来自内部一些父母在实践中培养他们的孩子依靠外部因素而不是内部强化。例如,孩子的成绩单上有好成绩就可以得到奖赏,或者他们有了好的行为就给他们一些优待。

    A child must also learn that a major resource for a healthy self-esteem comes for within . Some parents raise their children to depend on external rather than internal reinforcement through practices such as paying for good grades on report cards or exchanging special privileges for good behavior .