
qiǎng lüè
  • loot;sack;plunder
抢掠 [qiǎng lüè]
  • [loot] 抢劫

抢掠[qiǎng lüè]
  1. 耶和华的日子临近。你的财物,必被抢掠,在你中间分散。

    A day of the Lord is coming when your plunder will be divided among you .

  2. 国内所有的海员都央求能跟着德拉克出海,因为他确实抢掠成功,安然返航,能活着回来的那些极少数幸运儿靠着分得的战利品,后半辈子摇身一变成为财主。

    And all seamen begged to sail with him , because he did get plunder , he did come home , and , with their share of the booty , the lucky few who survived were rich for life .

  3. 侵略军到处烧杀抢掠。

    The invaders burned , killed and looted wherever they went .

  4. 侵略者到处抢掠屠杀,无恶不作。

    Everywhere the invaders looted , killed and committed every other kind of atrocity .

  5. 希特勒的早期“胜利”,只不过是一个死心塌地的恶棍出人意料地抢掠得手而已

    Hitler 's early'successes \\ " were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon .

  6. 希特勒的早期“胜利”,只不过是一个死心塌地的恶棍出人意料地抢掠得手而已。

    Hitler 's early " successes " were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon .

  7. 这个月当他听到对手DavidCameron(英国首相)所说的不允许“伪善的人权关怀”挡住他们追捕杀烧抢掠者的路的时候,他将多么得意。

    How he must have relished hearing his British counterpart , David Cameron , say this month that his government would not let " phoney human-rights concerns " get in the way of hunting down rioters and looters .

  8. 希克曼此后一直对这次抢掠表示后悔。

    Sickman continued to express regret over the looting at the site .

  9. 日本侵入浙江,烧杀抢掠,给全省图书馆事业带来巨大损失。

    The Anti Japanese War brought a great disaster to libraries in Zhejiang Province .

  10. 这般尔虞我诈、盗窃抢掠;

    Such fraud and theft and robbery ;

  11. 他们抢掠儿童之家,所有的孩子都留在那等死。

    They raided homes . Whole homes full of children left for dead.Abe took lives ...

  12. 他们遭到到处抢掠的士兵攻击。

    They were attacked by marauding soldiers .

  13. 别让任何人或事,抢掠你,抢掠你今年的圣诞。

    Dont let anyone ; dont let anything rob you , of Christmas this year .

  14. 目前没有发生类似于抢掠和骚乱这样的事件。

    My own lack of shame in the rioting then taking place in America surprised me .

  15. 克赖斯特彻奇市警方称地震发生后有抢掠行为,但是已被迅速控制。

    Police said there was some initial looting , but it was quickly brought under control .

  16. 本-阿米说,耳环在摧毁的建筑物中的位置保护它免遭抢劫者的抢掠并且使其得以保存。

    Ben-Amithe piece 's placement in the destroyed building protected it fromlooters and kept it preserved .

  17. 武装部队经常闯入位于基巴蒂的收容中心,抢掠食物、金钱和流动电话等。

    Armed men frequently raid the camps in Kibati , demanding money , food and mobile telephones .

  18. 秦始皇只能想出一个办法阻挡他们的抢掠,那就是修一道巨大的城墙。

    Chin could think of only one way to stop the raids . That was a giant wall .

  19. 警方此前曾实施宵禁,以控制洗劫了该市每一个市场的抢掠者。

    Police had imposed an overnight curfew to control looters who sacked virtually every market in the city .

  20. 土匪主义指无纪律、无组织、无明确的政治目标的抢掠行为。

    Bandit ways refers to plundering and looting resulting from lack of discipline , organization and clear political direction .

  21. 我所在的地方完全没有抢掠、没有人插队,这是非常可敬的。

    It 's utterly amazingly that where I am there has been no looting , no pushing in lines .

  22. 来自斯堪的那维亚的瓦伊金人进入这块相对和平的土地,开始一系列突袭式的抢掠和征服。

    Into this relatively peaceful land came the Vikings from Scandinavia , who began raids of plunder and conquest .

  23. 48扫罗奋勇攻击亚玛力人,救了以色列人脱离抢掠他们之人的手。

    He fought valiantly and defeated the Amalekites , delivering Israel from the hands of those who had plundered them .

  24. 英美合谋抢掠伊拉克文化遗产丑行的影响异常深远,将超过任何其他短暂的冲突。

    British and American collusion in the pillaging of iraq 's heritage is a scandal that will outlive any passing conflict .

  25. 随着中国在清末的衰败,殖民者开始了不断的对中国瓜分、抢掠。

    With the decline of China in the Qing Dynasty , the colonists began a continuous partition of China , looting .

  26. 想象一下:一个街头帮派因爱穿紫色衬衫而臭名远扬,他们在你的小镇抢掠杀害了数百人。

    Imagine that a street gang notorious for wearing purple shirts has robbed and murdered several hundred people in your town .

  27. 抢掠者引起伦敦街头混乱,他们焚烧建筑物并进行商业洗劫,警方也试图控制麻烦的局势。

    Looters caused chaos on the streets of London , burning buildings and ransacking businesses as police struggled to contain the trouble .

  28. 我们在书里写道,到1901年的时候,抢掠已经变成了一件坏事;至少也要装得有一点道德感。

    As we write , by 1901 , looting had become bad form ; at least a pretense of virtue was expected .

  29. 他突然抢掠反对派,侵蚀了迄今为止阿拉伯觉醒过程的一切。

    And the depredations he has unleashed on the opposition eclipse anything witnessed so far in the course of the Arab awakening .

  30. 一位搜救者正进入废墟深处时,向街上抢掠者施放的催泪瓦斯迫使他暂停搜救。

    One rescuer there was lowered deep into the rubble when tear gas fired at looters across the street forced him to pause efforts .