
  • 网络moral psychology
  1. 这些理论对道德心理学的一些基本理论问题的观点不同。

    These theories disagree regarding the major issues of moral psychology .

  2. 道德心理学是一门新兴的交叉学科与边缘学科。

    Moral psychology is a newly-developed disciplinary and frontier subject .

  3. 而在道德心理学中,感恩反被认为是一种道德情绪。McCullough综合了两方的观点,把感恩心理作为情绪特质、心境、以及情绪体验分别进行了较全面的研究。

    McCullough studied these two different points of view , and made a thorough research by regarding thankful mentality as emotional quality , state of mind , and emotional experience .

  4. 吉利根的道德心理学思想研究

    The Research on Carol Gilligan 's Psychological Thought of Morality

  5. 本文主要从道德心理学的角度,对个体道德发生的内在机制进行了探究。

    Moral psychologically , the thesis mainly probes into its internal mechanism .

  6. 对学术腐败的道德心理学分析

    Scholarship in Corruption : a Viewpoint of Moral Psychology

  7. 略论社会正义的道德心理学基础

    On the Basis of Moral Psychology of Social Justice

  8. 道德心理学的哲学思考&论心理学与伦理学的会通与融合

    Philosophical Consideration of Moral Psychology & On the Joining and Fusion of Psychology and Ethics

  9. 道德心理学的基本理论问题

    Basic Theoretical Issues on Moral Psychology

  10. 本文从道德心理学的角度,比较了他们的道德发展理论,揭示出了他们理论的差异性与相似性。

    This thesis compares their moral development theory , moral psychologically , revealing their theory 's differences .

  11. 道德心理学领域主要有四种理论,即精神分析理论、社会学习理论、认知发展理论和进化心理学理论。

    There are four major theories in the area of moral psychology . They are psychoanalytic theory , social learning theory , cognitive-developmental theory , and evolutionary psychology .

  12. 从道德心理学上分析,浮躁心态、补偿心态、功利心态、侥幸心态、特权心态乃是学术腐败的心理之源。

    From the analysis of moral psychology , the psychological roots of scholarship corruption lie in people 's minds of flippancy , compensation , utility , fluke , and privilege .

  13. 道德心理学把规范伦理学与实证心理学在哲学层面上结合起来,为理解人的道德行为提供了一种新的视角。

    By virtue of the conjunction of the normative ethics and the empirical psychology at the level of philosophy , a moral psychology has opened a new vision for understanding human moral behavior .

  14. 正义的道德心理学基础是由于人们对自身或他人遭受不公待遇下的反应性态度的产物,其本质根源在于道德心理产生的主客体之间的关系交互性、利益相关性、情感共通性。

    Modern morals are characterized by the loss of moral bottom line , which causes the inefficiency of morals in ruling human being ′ s behavior and leads to the moral crisis in modern society .

  15. 吉利根的思想不仅为道德心理学的发展作出了重大贡献,而且在道德哲学、伦理学等领域也产生了广泛的影响,对中国当代的道德教育也有一定的启示作用。

    Gilligan 's thought not only makes great contributions to moral psychology , but also influences the fields , such as moral philosophy , ethics . It also has much revelation to the moral education in China nowadays .

  16. 哲学领域和道德发展心理学领域对移情的兴趣主要集中在移情与道德之间的关系方面。

    The interests about empathy mainly focus on the relationship between empathy and morality in philosophy and moral developmental psychology .

  17. 所获结果有助于道德发展心理学和道德教育的发展,也能为伦理学、社会学、法学、文化学等有关学科提供有用的资料。

    The results of it can promote the development of the moral development psychology and the moral education . They are also useful data for the research on the fields of ethnics , sociology , law and culture .

  18. 试论道德建设与心理学的应用

    On moral construction and application of Psychology

  19. 基督教德育思想初论道德教育的心理学思考

    On the Christian Moral Educational Thought

  20. 个体道德行为的心理学分析

    Psychological Analysis of Individual Moral Behavior

  21. 道德教育的心理学思考

    Psychological Thought on Moral Education

  22. 道德人格:道德心理学研究的新主题

    Moral Personality : A New Theme of Moral Psychology

  23. 道德情绪是道德心理学的一个重要研究领域,它会影响个体的行为模式。

    Moral emotion has been a focal element of moral Psychology . It will affect individual behavior patterns .

  24. 现代西方伦理学的基本特征:其中心领域是道德语言学、道德心理学、道德哲学和人生观;

    Those of contemporary western ethics as follows : its central fields are the linguistics of morals , the psychology of morals , the philosophy of morals and the outlook on life ;

  25. 本文将有关学科的研究方法,特别是道德哲学和道德心理学的研究方法加以整合,以开阔研究视野,拓宽研究思路,克服单一研究视角和研究方法的盲点和缺陷。

    The paper makes a combination of research methods of the related subjects , especially moral philosophy and moral psychology , so as to broaden the view and mind and overcome the blind spot and defect in the field .

  26. 在过去对非真实性话语的研究中,大部分学者从伦理道德、哲学、心理学、社会学等角度来对其进行研究,并取得了一定的成绩,总结出一些研究方法和理论。

    In the past , many scholars did the researches on deception from different perspectives , such as , ethics , philosophy , psychology , sociology , and so on . Some of scholars made certain achievements , and established the theories and methodologies for analyzing deception .

  27. 移情及其道德价值一直是道德心理学关注的主题。

    Empathy and its moral functioning are always the attracting subjects in moral psychology .

  28. 领域理论(DomainTheory)是继皮亚杰和科尔伯格道德发展理论之后,道德心理学研究的新方向。

    The domain theory is a new direction of moral psychology after the era of Piaget and Kohlberg .

  29. 从道德相对主义到核心价值观&学校道德教育转向的心理学思考

    From Moral Relativism to Core Values ; Psychological Considerations about the Reorientation of School Moral Education

  30. 本文在分析综合学术界有关个体道德发生问题的研究成果的基础上,着重从道德心理学和道德社会学的角度,对个体道德发生的基本原理和一般规律进行了阐释。

    Based on the analysis and summary of scientific research achievements on the genesis of individual morality , this thesis , moral psychologically and moral sociologically , lays emphasis on illustrating the fundamental principles and general laws of the genesis of individual morality .