
  • 网络the basis of morality
  1. 利益是道德的基础;

    Interests are the basis of morality ;

  2. 道德理性主义认为道德来自于理性,理性是道德的基础和判断标准。

    Moral rationalist argues that morality comes from reason , and reason is the basis of morality and criteria of moral judgment .

  3. 同情是一切道德的基础。

    Compassion is the basis of all morality .

  4. 知耻是传统道德的基础性规范。

    Consciousness of shame is the foundational standard of traditional morality .

  5. 为什么我们不能将这个当作客观道德的基础?

    Now , why wouldn 't this undermine an objective morality ?

  6. 产权安排是社会道德的基础

    A basic of social morals : The property right arrangement

  7. 人性的内在矛盾是道德的基础

    Internal Contradictions in Humanity : the Basis for Morality

  8. 诚信是个人品德的重要成分,是社会道德的基础。

    Honesty is essential to one 's moral character .

  9. 人工辅助生育方式应该在符合社会伦理道德的基础上通过医学手段完成。

    Assisted fertility should be finished on social ethics basis by medical method .

  10. 诚实守信是一切道德的基础和根本。

    Honesty and trustworthiness are the foundation and the root of all the morality .

  11. 论道德的基础&从仁与孝的角度出发

    Piety and Benevolence : Two Foundations of Moral

  12. 利益是道德的基础,是整个马克思主义伦理学的基石。

    Interest is the basis of morale , and the keystone of Marxist ethics .

  13. 市场经济一方面涵摄了人们道德的基础,另一方面为完善道德提供了条件。

    On the other hand , market economy supplies conditions for people to perfect morality .

  14. 诚信是一个社会伦理道德的基础。

    Honesty is the foundation of morality .

  15. 不准你对道德的基础提出任何怀疑,不准你探讨神学。

    You are not permitted to wonder about the foundations of morality , or to discuss theology .

  16. 礼仪致词的目的通常是建立行动的标准或者是味将来的讨论定下伦理和道德的基础。

    Ceremonial speech often serve to establish standards for action or provide the ethic and moral basis for future argument .

  17. 诚信是一切道德的基础,是大学生必备的品德。

    Honesty-belief is the basis of all moral qualities , and it is an essential morality to the college students .

  18. 这提供给我们道德的基础,我把它称作霍布斯的人道主义,但人道主义会引起更进一步的问题。

    This provides the moral basis of what I would call Hobbes'humanitarianism and yet that humanitarianism seems to raise further problems .

  19. 她把关怀放在关系中来理解,认为关系是存在的基础,关怀是道德的基础。

    She understands care in the relation , relation is the basis of existence , care is the foundation of morality .

  20. 诚信是一切道德的基础和根本,更是新世纪大学生必备的品质。

    Honesty is the basis of all morality and fundamental , the quality of college students is essential in the new century .

  21. 第四部分则意图论证人为美德或社会公德必须建立在更为原本的自然美德和个体道德的基础上。

    Part 4 intends to expound and prove that man-made virtues or social morality should be established on the natural virtues and individual morals .

  22. 我们看到一些重要的基督教伦理学家往往要基督徒积极参与社会生活,要为社会提供道德的基础。

    We find some important Christian Social ethicists want the Christians to take an active part in social life , andprovide moral foundation for society .

  23. 从这个意义上说,我从来都不会把安逸和幸福看作终极目标&我将这种伦理道德的基础称之为猪圈理想。

    In this sense I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves & this ethical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty .

  24. 从这个意义上说,我从来都不会把安逸和幸福看作终极目标——我将这种伦理道德的基础称之为“猪圈理想”。

    In this sense I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves - this ethical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty .

  25. 本文认为,作为一种全新的社会组织方式,市杨经济必然会动摇传统道德的基础,使之经受种种冲击与考验;

    The author believes that as a completely new organization style of society , market economy will inevitably shake , lash and try the foundation of traditional morality ;

  26. 一个良好的市场秩序,需要建立在良好的商业道德的基础上,离开商业道德,也就无法建立和维护良好的市场秩序。

    One good market order is to be established based on good commercial ethics , without which it is impossible to realize this target , let alone keeping it .

  27. 网络道德的基础&网络社会,分析网络社会的形成和特点,论述其与现实社会的关系。

    Second , the basis of network moral & network society . The formation and features of network society are analyzed and its relationship to real word will be elaborated .

  28. 一个人将个人得失,障碍、危险还有压力抛在脑后,只是做他必须做的,而这便是人类一切道德的基础。

    A man does what he must in spite of personal consequences , in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures and that is the basis of all human morality .

  29. 作为自然属性与社会属性的统一,人性不仅是人类道德的基础,也是刑法现代化所必须具备的伦理精神。

    As the unification of natural feature and social feature , human nature is the foundation of human morality and the ethical spirits of the modernization of criminal law as well .

  30. 人们的需要和利益问题是整个人类道德的基础,道德原则及其规范的本质是要妥善地处理人际之间的利益关系。因此,社会功利性原则是人们进行道德判断的基本原则。

    Abstract The principle of social utility is the basic principle for moral judgment , for the essence of moral principle and its standard is the harmoniously established relation of people 's interests .