
  • 网络Right needs;needs for power
  1. 行使学术自由权利需要法律和道德的双重作用

    Exert Academic Freedom Right Require Dual Function of Law and Morality

  2. 但在有些情形下,签名权利需要逐级向下代理,而已知的方案不能满足这种需要。

    In some cases , the proxy signer needs to do it .

  3. 权力与权利需要法律规范来授予。

    Power and right need to be granted by the law norm .

  4. 权利需要救济,没有救济的权利是没有保障的权利;

    The right needs almsgiving , or else it will be an insecure right .

  5. 有限责任公司的少数派股东权利需要保护,那么如何保护?

    The right of knowing management in company is very important to shareholders especially to minority shareholders .

  6. 所以公民这一自我保障权益的权利需要在宪法的高度设立机制使之得以保障。

    To protect the basic rights of citizens Constitution establishes the civil rights , then it must ensure that the rights it has established to implement .

  7. 从学者研究过程这个角度对学者行使学术自由权利需要受到法律规范和道德约束的双重作用进行了阐述。

    From the point of research process , this article expatiates , when performing their right of academic freedom , scholars need both law criterion and moral restriction .

  8. 并由此而引发系列社会问题,不得不引起我们关注,男女性权利需要同等保护既是一种趋势也是一种必然,主要是因为:首先,性侵男性的行为具有更严重的社会危害性。

    Our attention has to arouse . The same need to protect the sexual rights of men and women is a trend and is inevitable , mainly because : first , the behavior of male sexual assault is more serious social harm .

  9. 居住权是人类的基本权利和需要。

    Residence right is a basic right and need of mankind .

  10. 我们有权利在需要的时候工作。

    We have a right to work if we want to .

  11. 社会权利与需要满足:农村社会保障的一个分析视角

    Social Rights and Need Fulfillment : An Analysis of the Rural Social Security

  12. 农村社会保障制度中的社会权利与需要满足测度

    On the social rights and needs-meeting measures of the rural social security system

  13. 他们需要获得市场准入权利,需要获得贸易机会,才能提高生活水平和摆脱贫困。

    They need market access and trade to improve their lives and escape poverty .

  14. 保障公民权利,需要行政权力,但行政权力又往往容易侵犯到公民权利。

    Administrative power can guarantee civil rights , but it often easily injury civil rights .

  15. 此邮件仅发送给指定收件人。其内容可能包含某些享有专有法律权利或需要保密的信息。

    This email message is intended for the addressee only and may contain legally privileged or confidential information .

  16. 保障青少年性教育的权利,需要政府和教育行政部门的进一步努力。

    As a result , guaranteeing the right of teen-age sex education needs farther effort of government and education service .

  17. 劳动权与其他宪法基本权利一样需要司法制度的保障。

    Labor rights , as well as other fundamental rights of the Constitution , need to be guaranteed by judiciary .

  18. 因此,我们认为,消费者是经济法主体,其权利受损需要由经济法来调整和保护。

    So , we considered consumer as economic law subject , and its rights need economic law to protect and adjust .

  19. 网络政治参与既是现代公民实现政治权利的需要,又是政府的内在需求。

    Network on political participation is both modern citizens to achieve political rights , and the government needs of internal demand .

  20. 消除贫困是社会稳定、社会和谐和社会发展的需要,也是保障人类最基本生存权利的需要。

    Poverty alleviation can ensure social stability and harmony , enhance social development , and protect the survival rights of human beings .

  21. 占有的效力是指占有人所为的一定行为的效力,包括占有人可以行使的权利、需要履行的义务以及应当承担的责任。

    The validity of a certain behavior for the possessor , include the holder may exercise the rights , obligation and responsibility .

  22. 国家发展为公民享受这些权利所需要的社会保险、社会救济和医疗卫生事业。

    The state develops social insurance , social relief and medical and health services that are required for citizens to enjoy this right .

  23. 随着我国的税法新发展,纳税人的权利亦需要重新认识。

    Abstract along with the new development of tax law in china , the taxpayer needs to become once again acquainted with their rights .

  24. 但是否及如何赋予该权利,需要从机动车强制责任保险和机动车商业责任保险两个不同的视角入手。

    But we should learn the difference of compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance and commercial motor vehicle liability insurance before the right was given .

  25. 在现代行政法,由于法律程序具有的价值,相对人的程序权利最需要确立。

    In modern administrative law , due to the value possessed by legal procedure , the procedural right of counterpart is necessary to be established .

  26. 因此,构建中小企业雇员权利保护需要从立法和实践两方面入手。

    Therefore , setting up the protection of employee right in the medium small business enterprise needs two factors : the lawmaking and the practice .

  27. 公正的程序不仅是保护被追诉者权利的需要,而且是国家追诉犯罪正当性的内在需求。

    Fair procedures not only to protect the rights of the Accused needs , and the legitimacy of the state of the internal demand prosecution of crime .

  28. 男女性之间的平等就业既是保障女性合法权利的需要,也是我国构建和谐社会的题中应有之意。

    Equality between the sexes is the safeguard of employment legal rights of women in need , also is the topic of constructing harmonious society should be meaning .

  29. 弱势群体从法学角度是指由于社会条件和个人能力等方面存在障碍而无法实现其基本权利,需要国家帮助和社会支持以实现其基本权利的群体。

    From the legal angle , vulnerable group means those people who can not exercise their basic rights because of the obstacles existing in social conditions and personal ability .

  30. 并给予他们的权利和需要以人道和细致的关心。他们的需要是和我们政府的惯例和人民的感情相一致的。

    and to give that humane and considerate attention to their rights , and their wants which is consistent with the habits of our Government and the feelings of our people .