
  1. 行政立法与行政权力的制约

    Administration legislation and restriction of power

  2. 自治政府将立法与行政合而为一由委员会执行。

    A municipal government that combines legislative and executive authority in the members of a commission .

  3. 这些问题可以通过立法与行政解释、行政政策等方法来进一步弥补、解决。

    They can be dealt with by legislation , administrative interpretation , and administrative policy and so on .

  4. 并把立法与行政部门之间的问题转给人民裁定。

    and transfers questions at issue between the legislative and executive departments to the tribunal of the people .

  5. 立法与行政关系是近代以来人类政治生活中一对重要的政治关系,是近代中国政治制度史上引人关注的问题。

    The relationship between legislation and administration is an important political relationship in human political life since modern times , and also an attractive question in the political system in modern China .

  6. 文章分析了国际上现行的国家审计模式,提出建立立法与行政相结合的国家审计监督体制,以期加强对国有资产的监督,最大程度地保障公共财产的安全与有效使用。

    Though the comparison of different national audit system Models in the world , this paper has constructed a legislative-and-administrative national audit model with the view of enforcing the public assets supervise and its safety and efficiently use .

  7. 立法机构与行政机构的权限划分是立法机构重建中遇到的重大问题。

    Separation of legislative institution and administrative institution is a big problem in rebuilding legislation institution .

  8. 行政许可变动中的信赖保护是行政信赖保护运行机制的核心内容,应当引起立法者与行政管理者、执法者的高度关注。

    Administrative license changes in executive protection trust to protect the core of operating mechanism , should lawmakers and administration , enforcement of great concern .

  9. 本章在前述各章论证的基础上,从刑事立法模式与行政刑罚配置两个角度提出了完善我国行政犯相关法律制度建设的基本方案。

    This chapter puts forward a basic scheme to make the legislation of administrative criminal perfect by two ankles which is criminal legislation mode and administrative penalty ordonnance .

  10. 进而指出,在教育立法与教育行政之关系中,要害和关键是政府及其教育行政部门、行政机关工作人员要领会教育立法的价值取向,正确认识和行使法律赋予的教育管理权。

    Furthermore , the author points out that the core of the relation is that the government , the department of educational administration and their missionary should comprehend the valuable tropism of educational legislation , and exercise the power of educational administration constituted by law correctly .

  11. 从司法审查与行政立法、WTO与行政立法的司法审查以及建立与WTO要求相适应的司法审查制度等三个层面对WTO与中国行政立法的司法审查进行探讨。

    The thesis mainly discusses on judicial review and administrative legislation , WTO and the judicial review of administrative legislation , the built of judicial review system consistent with WTO .

  12. 法律保留包括立法法律保留与行政法律保留。

    Reservation of Law includes reservation of law in legislation and administration .

  13. 苏格拉底是否会愿意放弃,其中一次会话,只因要进行冗长乏味的立法,与公共行政?

    Socrates willingly giving up one of his conversations for the tedious business of legislation ? and public administration ?

  14. 民间组织之概念和范围应当对应于我国现行立法之规定与行政管理体制。

    The concept and the scope of civilian organization in the article correspond to our country present legislation stipulation and the administration system .

  15. 其次又分析了行政程序立法方面、与行政救济衔接的司法审查方面以及行政执法方面存在的问题是如何阻碍行政程序法治进程的。

    The author analyses how the problems existing in the enforcement procedure and law-making of the administrative law impede the legalization of Chinese administrative procedure .

  16. 基本法之下立法、司法与行政的制衡税收调控中的行政立法:正名与规范

    The Check and Balance among Legislative , Judicial and Administrative Power Under the Hong Kong Basic Law ; Nominal Rectification and Specification of Administrative Legislation in Tax Regulation

  17. 这些缺陷与立法上行政权与行政审判权的定位不准、行政权力的优位、理论研究的滞后性等因素是分不开的。

    These shortcomings are inseparable with lag theory , the priority of the executive power and other factors .

  18. 我国在立法上将司法权与行政权的关系定位为:在分工合作的大前提下,司法权维护和监督行政权。

    From the legislative point of view , the relationship of two powers is managed that the judicial power defends and supervises the executive power with the major premise of ' division and cooperation ' in our country .

  19. 政府性基金法律制度的构建主要在于一般法律层面,并需在政府性基金法律制度体系内力求较好实现财政立法与经济立法、行政立法的耦合。

    The construction of the legal system in governmental fund mainly lies on the general law . The fiscal legislation should be well coordinated with the economic legislation and administrative legislation in the legal system of governmental fund .

  20. 笔者既尊重现有的法律规定,又没有忽视实践的更新,综合考虑立法与实践,对行政诉讼检察监督制度提出一种居中监督理论。

    I respect the existing laws and regulations , and without ignoring practice updates . Considering the legislation and practice , this article put forward a kind of " center of supervision and theory " for the administrative litigation system of procuratorial supervision .

  21. 行政立法使得行政机关集立法与行政双重职能于一身,并拥有巨大的自由裁量空间,不可避免在立法时会出于自身利益的考虑,使得行政立法有失偏颇。

    In administrative legislation , administrative organs have legislation and administrative functions . Furthermore , they have a lot of discretionary space in legislation and inevitably they make administrative legislation biased for their own interests .

  22. 要谈行政立法就不得不关注抽象行政行为这个法律术语,因为抽象行政行为在我国的法律理论和法律实践上都有举足轻重的地位,通过分析得出行政立法与抽象行政行为并没有必然关系。

    If to understand the administration legislation , then we must pay more attention to the abstract administration behavior . As law term , Therefore , we can draw a conclusion that there is no special relation between the two kinds of behavior .