
  • 网络weight system
  1. 权系间的保序双射与g(A)-模的决定

    The Order-Preserving Bijection Between Weight System and the Determination of g ( A ) - Module

  2. 我国水资源为国家所有,在水权权系构成中,水资源所有权是第一位的权利。

    In China , the country owns water resources .

  3. 本文所指的优先承租权系房屋优先承租权。

    The priority of lease in this thesis is the priority of house lease .

  4. 农地承包经营权系我国独创的法律概念,立法传统上无此表述;

    Farmland Contracted Operating Right is an innovative concept in the Chinese legal system .

  5. 文中对多元素对比指标的选取原则、对比指标的线性组合及各指标权系教的确定作了详尽的叙述。

    Detailed here are the choice of multielement comparison norm , the lin-ear combination of comparison norms and the determination of norm weight coefficients .

  6. 反规避权系版权法为应对数字时代的挑战而创设的一项与传统的著作权截然不同的权利。

    From its coming into being , the anti-circumvention right have produced a lot of negative influence , so it is criticized by many researchers .

  7. 让他将名誉,判断力和领导权系于一身的利比亚武装战斗,是法国总统最大的豪赌。

    The armed campaign in Libya was the French president 's biggest gamble , the moment he put his reputation , judgment and leadership on the line .

  8. 道德权系指公民在各项权利实现过程中,由个人做出的道德选择权利。

    The right of morality refers to the right of morality choice on the part of the individual in the process of realizing all sorts of rights .

  9. 考查了场地土质条件、震级、震中距和峰加速度对谱形状的影响程度,定出各自的权系教。

    After the investigation , the influence of site conditions , seismic magnitude , epicentral distance and peak ground acceleration on the shapes of spectra and the weight factors were determined , and finally , the membership functions of the 4 factors for the 5 spectra shapes were estimated .

  10. 我们也拥有这项专利权纯系巧合。

    It 's a coincidence that we 've also got the patent .

  11. “发表权”系作者的精神权利,是作者决定作品是否公之于众的权利。

    The right of publication is one of the moral rights of an author .

  12. 文章还导出了广义调和函数系,并证明了它在平面边界上是一个完备系,可作为权函数系。

    Moreover , the paper derives a generalized compatibility function system which is proved a complete system on the boundary of plate , and can be considered as the system of weight function .

  13. 一个带权正交函数系

    The weighted orthogonal functions system

  14. 带权函数正交多项式系零点的一点注记

    A Note on Point of Normal Point of Normal Polynomial Sets of Weighting Function

  15. 说明了银行债权系主权利、根本性权利,而抵押权和保证债权都是担保权,系从权利。

    Description of the main creditor banks of the rights , fundamental rights , and mortgages are secured creditors and guarantee the right of the right .

  16. 房屋产权与土地使用权两证合一登记探讨本规定所称的房产权,系指房屋(上盖)所有权和该房屋所占用的土地使用权。

    The building property rights referred to in these Provisions shall mean the ownership of buildings ( above the foundation ) and the right to use the land that the buildings occupy .

  17. 其一,股权是否具有可移转性,股权的本质是具有身份属性的财产权,故其本质仍为财产权,转移继受取得财产权系财产权的固有特性。

    First , whether to transfer of equity , equity is the essence of the identity attributes of a property , so the essence is still property , following the transfer of property made by the Department of the inherent characteristics of property rights .

  18. 主要论述了域名的特点、设立域名权的障碍及其必要性、域名权的内容等,来论证域名权系一种新型民事权利。

    It mainly discusses contents and characteristics of the domain name rights , obstacles in defining the rights as well as necessities in doing so .