
  1. 你好像挺能在我家混吃混喝的啊。

    You 've got quite a face to keep eating at our place .

  2. 吃法:与酸奶或者巧克力豆奶混吃,或拌在杏仁末中。

    How to eat : Blended with yogurt or chocolate soy milk and sprinkled with crushed almonds .

  3. 我今天所做出的工作,是否让我自己觉得骄傲?还是我只是混吃等死过了另外一天?

    Am I proud of the work I do today , or do I just piss away my time ?

  4. 及至上菜后,人各一盘各吃各的,各自随意添加调料,一道菜吃完后再吃第二道菜,前后两道菜绝不混吃。

    After serving up , people eat all the various one , and their random add spices , a second course dish to eat after eating , before and after the two never mixed vegetables to eat .

  5. 我把韩国拉面和各种汤料混一起吃,碰到比较咸和偏辛辣的我就稍微少放点汤料。

    I use Korean ramen with soup mix ; for types that are very salty or picante , I might use less than the full packet of soup mix .

  6. 不要混着吃一次只吃一种水果,间隔至少90分钟后再吃其他的水果。

    Step 2 Don 't mix fruitEat only one kind of fruit at a time , and wait at least 90 minutes before switching to a different type of fruit .

  7. 我真实地告诉你们,如果你把所有的食物都混着吃进肚子里,你们身体中的平静就会停止,无止境的战争就会在你的身体里开仗。

    For I tell you truly , if you mix together all sorts of food in your body , then the peace of your body will cease , and endless war will rage in you .

  8. 他靠当艺术家来勉强混口饭吃。

    He almost manages to scrape a living as an artist .

  9. 作为食品配给制的一种遗留影响,他们总把黄油和人造黄油混在一起吃。

    As a hangover from rationing , they mixed butter and margarine .

  10. 早年为了能在体育界混口饭吃,他几乎什么都做。

    In his early days , he would do almost anything to earn a crust from the sport .

  11. 我只是在那儿混碗饭吃。

    I 'm just working there to make a living .

  12. 好好想想就是为了混口饭吃。

    Just think of it as one less mouth to feed .

  13. 它们喜欢新旧果皮混在一起吃。

    They like the new peelings mixed in with the rotting ones .

  14. 工作所给予我们的岂止是混口饭吃;

    Work does much more for us than just giving us a living ;

  15. 亲爱的日记,你可曾将暴风城的奶酪跟幽暗城的辣椒混在一起吃过?

    Diary , have you ever put cheese from Stormwind on Undercity chili ? HELLO ?

  16. 他们想要更高的工资、更好的待遇和更高的技能,而不只是混口饭吃。

    They wanted higher wages , better treatment and skills , rather than just money for food .

  17. 很多想法是关于食物混在一起吃的,而科学家告诉我们,这些想法毫无根据。

    Many of the ideas which scientists tell us have no foundation have to do with mixtures of foods .

  18. 难道是因为我们能力不足,只得勉为其难,接受上面的安排,混口饭吃吗?

    Or do we have to manage to receive the arrangement by the high level official to lead a so-so life because our ability is not enough ?

  19. 食物——如果想节省开支鸡蛋是很好的选择,我5年每天早晨都吃相同的早餐:6个鸡蛋白,2个蛋黄和一些牛油果了还有蔬菜混在一起吃。

    Food - Eggs are amazing if you 're looking for a budget save . I 've eaten the same breakfast every morning for five years : 6 whites and 2 yolks with some avocado and veggies , all scrambled together .