
  • 网络trachea and bronchus
  1. 前列腺素E制品通过豚鼠离体器官和整体实验,证明对气管和支气管平滑肌有明显舒张作用;

    PGE preparation induces the relaxation of guinea-pig tracheal and bronchial smooth muscle in vitro and in vivo .

  2. 方法:用螺旋CT对53例受检者行容积扫描,包括鼻腔及鼻旁窦13例,喉部4例,气管和支气管20例,胃和结肠16例。

    Methods : Spiral CT volume scanning was performed in 53 cases , including 13 cases of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus , 4 of larynx , 20 of trachea and bronchi , 16 of stomach and colon .

  3. SP、NKA、NKB和CGRP免疫反应纤维在豚鼠气管和支气管淋巴结内的定位

    Distribution of sp , nka , NKB and CGRP immunoreactive nerve fibers in the tracheobronchial lymph nodes of guinea pig

  4. 猪气管和支气管黏膜上皮之间都有IEL分布,尤其以气管叉处为多。

    IEL of bronchia and tracheas distributed in bronchia mucosal epithelium and in tracheas mucosal epithelium , especially in bifurcation of tracheas .

  5. 免疫酶组织化学研究结果表明,NKB免疫反应神经纤维广泛分布于豚鼠下呼吸道各部:1.气管和支气管的上皮、平滑肌和外膜层;

    NKB-immunoreactive fibers were demonstrated by immunohistochemistry in the following locations of the lower respiratory tract : 1 . within and beneath the lining epithelium , smooth muscle layer and tunica adventitia of the trachea and bronchus ;

  6. 气管和支气管异物住院儿童的流行特征及其预防

    Epidemiological characteristics of hospitalization children with trachea-bronchial foreign body aspiration and prevention

  7. 集中的一点是气管和支气管分叉的地方。

    One point of concentration is where the air tube and bronchus divides .

  8. 在气管和支气管分支的地方有一个集中点。

    One point of concentration is where the air tube , or bronchus , divides .

  9. 目的:了解因气管和支气管异物住院治疗儿童的流行特征,探讨儿童气管和支气管异物的预防措施。

    Objective : To understand current status of children admitted hospital with trachea-bronchial foreign body aspiration and to explore effective intervention means .

  10. 感染能向上扩展至鼻、鼻窦、耳;或向下扩展至喉、气管和支气管。

    The infection may extend upward into the nose , sinuses and ears or downward into the larynx , trachea and bronchi .

  11. 气管和支气管内的二次涡流运动和轴向速度的分布使得气管支气管内壁受到的剪应力较大,内壁粘膜更容易受到损伤。

    The secondary swirls and axial velocity distribution result in the high shearing stress acting on the inner wall of the trachea and bifurcation , finally lead to injury on the inner wall .

  12. 方法:各种原因引起的气管和主支气管狭窄病人13例。

    Methods 13 patients with severe tracheal stenosis for various causes .

  13. 外放射结合腔内照射治疗气管癌和支气管肺癌的疗效观察

    Combined external beam radiotherapy and intraluminal brachytherapy for tracheal and bronchogenic carcinoma

  14. 气管和主支气管肿瘤与X线诊断

    Tumors of the Trachea and Major Bronchi and X-ray Diagnosis

  15. 早期气管切开和支气管肺泡灌洗至关重要。

    Tracheotomy and bronchoalveolar lavage in the early stage are vital to patients .

  16. 实验烟组及普通烟组小鼠的气管和肺内支气管均有炎症改变,实验烟组小鼠肺组织瘀血程度稍轻。

    There were inflammation in both experimental and common smoking group , without significant difference .

  17. 我们能够看到这种情况发生在细胞内层气管和主支气管。

    We were able to see this happen in cells lining the trachea and main bronchi .

  18. 移除支架之后所进行的手术操作的目的是稳定胸内气管和主支气管的膜壁。

    The surgical procedure , following stent removal , aimed to stabilize the membranous wall of the intrathoracic trachea and mainstream bronchi .

  19. 结论外放射结合腔内照射治疗对于早期支气管肺癌、局限性气管癌和支气管肺癌术后复发者是有效的治疗手段,长期生存是可能的。

    Conclusions Combined external beam radiotherapy and intraluminal irradiation is effective for primary lung cancer and localized tracheal cancer , possibly giving long-term survivals .

  20. 病变多累及右侧气管旁和气管支气管区淋巴结。

    Most of enlarged nodes was in the right peritracheal and tracheobronchial region , and showed homegeneous density on plain scans .

  21. 支气管造影可见气管和(或)支气管狭窄;

    Bronchography showed stenosis of trachea and / or bronchia .