
  • 网络airway inflammation;COPD;airwayinflammation
  1. 大鼠胰岛B细胞功能对变应性气道炎症的影响

    Effects of islet B cell on atopic airway inflammation in rats

  2. 组胺H1受体拮抗剂对哮喘气道炎症的作用

    Effects of H1receptor antagonists on the airway inflammation of bronchial asthma

  3. 白细胞介素-18对支气管哮喘小鼠气道炎症和核转录因子κB的作用

    Effects of IL-18 on asthmatic airway inflammation and nuclear factor kappa-B in murine models

  4. 罗红霉素对哮喘大鼠NF-κB及气道炎症的影响

    Effects of roxithromycin on NF - κ B activity and bronchial hyperresponsiveness of asthma rats

  5. 以前研究表明吸入糖皮质激素减少炎症反应标记物(如C反应蛋白)和降低气道炎症反应。

    Previous studies have shown inhaled corticosteroids reduce markers of inflammation such as C-reactive protein and reduce airway inflammation .

  6. 银杏内酯B协同地塞米松对小鼠哮喘模型气道炎症和辅助T细胞亚群影响作用的研究

    Effects of Ginkgolide B Coordinated with Dexamethasone on Allergic Airway Inflammation and T Helper Cell Subsets in Asthmatic Rats

  7. P物质通过增加嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子在肺内的表达,可能参与气道炎症的发病过程。

    Substance P can increase the expression of Eotaxin , which participate in the process of airway neurogenic inflammation . 4 .

  8. 结论:肺组织NF-κB过度激活可能是哮喘慢性气道炎症持续存在的基础;

    Conclusion : 、 Increased activation of NF - κ B might be the basis for chronicity of airway inflammation in asthma .

  9. 巨噬细胞炎性蛋白1α及其mRNA在哮喘小鼠气道炎症中的作用

    Effect of macrophage inflammatory protein-1 α and its mRNA on airway inflammation of mouse asthma model

  10. COPD与哮喘均属于慢性气道炎症性疾病。

    COPD and asthma are chronic inflammatory diseases of the airways .

  11. COPD的本质是慢性气道炎症。

    Chronic airway inflammation is the main pathogenesis for COPD .

  12. VEGF受体抑制剂可明显改善哮喘小鼠的变应性气道炎症和气道重塑的病理生理过程。

    VEGF receptor inhibitors may be effective in reducing allergic airway inflammation and airway remodeling .

  13. 结论外源性PS可缓解平滑肌痉挛,并有减轻气道炎症反应的客观征象。

    Exterior PS could relieve spasm of bronchiole smooth muscle and alleviate airway inflammation .

  14. 目的探讨在SD大鼠过敏性气道炎症情况下气道阻力及气道对乙酰胆碱的反应性变化情况。

    Objective To investigate bronchial responsiveness to acetylcholine in allergic airway inflammation of SD rats .

  15. 单核细胞趋化蛋白-1与COPD大鼠气道炎症的研究

    Expression of MCP-1 in Airway of Rats with COPD

  16. 因此,DCs不仅在触发哮喘炎症中发挥重要作用,对于维持和放大哮喘的气道炎症反应也具有至关重要的意义。

    Therefore , they play a critical role in initiating and maintaining the airway inflammation of asthma .

  17. BCG对哮喘气道炎症影响的实验研究

    The Experimental Studies about Effect of BCG ON the Airway Inflammation of Asthma

  18. 气道炎症、蛋白酶/抗蛋白酶失衡、氧化/抗氧化失衡在COPD发病机制中的作用受到广泛关注。

    Airway inflammation , protease / anti-protease imbalance has become a focus in pathogenesis of COPD .

  19. P0.05表示差异有显著性。结果:正常对照组肺组织病理学检测未见明显气道炎症改变。

    P0.05 indicated significant difference . Result : Lung tissue of normal control group detected no significant changes in airway inflammation .

  20. BCG干预对哮喘小鼠气道炎症及调节性T细胞生成的影响

    Effect of BCG Treatment on Airway Inflammation and T Regulatory Cell of Asthma Mouse

  21. 应用图象分析技术对36例吸烟肺标本的肺泡接触、小气道炎症和其相连肺泡壁段上细胞构成(CelLs/mm)进行计量学测量。

    The alveolar attachments , small airway inflammation and cellularity in alveolar walls around small airway ( Cells / mm ) in the smokers'lungs were measured by image analysis system .

  22. 目的探讨白细胞介素18(IL18)对支气管哮喘(哮喘)小鼠气道炎症及核转录因子κB(NFκB)的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of IL-18 on airway inflammation and nuclear factor kappa-B in a murine asthmatic model .

  23. Derp2重组BCG对哮喘小鼠气道炎症的抑制作用

    Suppression of airway inflammation in a mouse model of asthma by Der p2 recombined BCG

  24. Clara细胞分泌蛋白在实验性气道炎症中的表达

    Expression of Clara Cell Secretory Protein in Asthmatic Rat Model

  25. 重组Blag2变应原诱导小鼠变态反应气道炎症动物模型的建立

    Development of a murine model of recombinant Bla g2-induced allergic asthma

  26. 结论ECP是嗜酸粒细胞活化后脱颗粒释放的主要炎性介质,是反映支气管哮喘气道炎症发生发展的重要指标之一。

    Conclusion ECP is an important chemokine secreted by activated eosinophil cells .

  27. 结论:MMP-9、TIMP-1可能与哮喘气道炎症及气道重塑有关。

    Conclusion : MMP-9 and TIMP-9 may play a role in airway inflammation and remodeling in asthma .

  28. 目的探讨红霉素是否对大鼠过敏性气道炎症具有保护作用以及是否通过抑制转录因子NF-κB的活性来达到抗炎效果。

    Objective To investigate whether erythromycin exerts anti-inflammatory effect on allergic airway inflammation and whether erythromycin modulate allergic airway inflammation by inhibiting nuclear factor kappa B ( NF - κ B ) activation .

  29. PPD对豚鼠实验性哮喘气道炎症的作用

    Effect of PPD on experimental asthma in a guinea pig model of allergen sensitization

  30. 目的观察COPD患者诱导痰细胞学和痰上清液IL-8浓度的变化,探讨诱导痰在COPD气道炎症监测中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the role of induced sputum in monitoring airway inflammation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) .