
qì tuō
  • QI prostration
  1. 类水滑石复合氧化物在烟道气脱SO2和NOx中的应用

    Application of hydrotalcite-like compounds in catalytic removal of SO_2 and NOx in flue gas

  2. CTS型高效脱硫剂在液化气脱有机硫中的应用

    Application of Efficient CTS Sweetening Agent in Removing Organic Sulfur from LPG

  3. 介绍了MOYOX(催化氧化)法在液化气脱硫醇装置上的工业应用情况。

    The application statuses industrially of the catalysis oxidizing in device for removing sulphur alcohol of liquefied gas are introduced .

  4. 液化石油气脱硫醇过程中磺化酞菁钴催化剂稳定性研究

    Stability of cobalt sulfonated phthalocyanine in liquid petroleum gas sweetening process

  5. 固体碱技术在液化气脱硫醇工艺中的应用

    Solid base technology and its application in the sweetening of LPG

  6. 碳基吸附剂结构对天然气脱附量的影响

    Effect of structure of carbon adsorbent on desorption amount of natural gas

  7. 从合成气脱羰基铁、羰基镍的方法

    Method of removing iron and nickel carbonyl from synthesis gas

  8. 固定床液化石油气脱臭催化剂和活性炭脱硫剂的研制

    Research on fixed bed LPG SWEETENING catalyst and activated carbon desulfurization agent

  9. 合成气脱二氧化碳的技术经济评价

    Technical and Economical Evaluation for Removal of Carbon Dioxide form synthesis Gas

  10. 旋流分离器用于液化气脱胺的研究

    Study on the Separation of Amine from LPG by Hydrocyclones

  11. 合成气脱羰基铁、镍技术及吸附剂的研究开发

    Development of an adsorbent for removing carbonyl iron and carbonyl nickel from syngas

  12. 哈尔滨石化分公司采用固体碱技术进行液化气脱硫醇预碱洗工业应用试验。

    Solid base technology was applied in LPG sweetening in Haerbin Sub-company ofCNPC .

  13. 全有效区萃取塔板在液化气脱硫醇塔中的应用

    Application of Whole Area Effective Extraction Tray for Sulfur-Alcohol Removal in Liquefied Petroleum Gas

  14. 超高比面积活性炭上天然气脱附性能研究

    Natural gas desorption performance on activated carbon with super - high specific surface area

  15. 天然气脱氮工艺综述

    Process of Natural Gas Denitrification

  16. 在液化石油气脱硫醇方面,一般采用常规抽提氧化法。

    FOr the thiol removal from liquefied petroleum gases , the conventional extracting oxidation method is generally adopted .

  17. 同时对发展中的膜分离天然气脱水法所面临的挑战和策略对策与措施等也进行了讨论。

    Furthermore , some future challenges and strategies of membrane separation used in natural gas dehydration were also discussed .

  18. 介绍了合成气脱羰基铁、镍技术及吸附剂的开发及工业应用结果。

    The development and industrial application of an adsorbent for removing carbonyl iron and carbonyl nickel from syngas are reported .

  19. 液化石油气脱硫醇催化剂氧化性能的研究醇胺类离子液体合成及其烟气脱硫特性

    Study on catalytic oxidation performance of mercaptan oxidation catalysts for LPG Hydroxyl ammonium ionic liquids : synthesis and flue gas desulfurization

  20. 介绍纤维膜脱硫技术在胜利炼油厂两套焦化液化气脱硫醇装置的应用情况。

    Presents the application of sulfur removal technology by fiber membrane in the two delayed coking LPG mercaptan removal plants in Shengli Refinery .

  21. 利用紫外可见光谱方法对磺化酞菁钴催化剂在液化石油气脱硫醇工艺中的稳定性进行了研究。

    The stability of catalyst cobalt sulfonated phthalocyanine ( CoSPc ) used in liquified petroleum gas sweetening process was researched by ultraviolet-visible spectrometry method in alkaline solution .

  22. 三甘醇作为天然气脱水剂,长期使用后会出现污染变质现象,影响脱水效果和装置平稳运行。

    After being used as a dehydrating agent of natural gas , TEG , triethylene glycol , may be contaminated and deteriorated so seriously that it may have bad influence on the dehydrating and the stable operation of the facility .

  23. 糠醛气相脱羰Pd-Ni/-γAl2O3催化剂的再生

    Regeneration of Pd-Ni / γ - Al_2O_3 catalysts for the gas-phase decarbonylation of furfural

  24. NH3-PDS法焦炉气脱硫脱氰的模拟研究

    Investigation of ammonia alkali PDS Process for coke oven gas desulphurization and decyanation

  25. 通过对制氢装置脱碳气进行脱杂质精制,采用加压深冷工艺,制取高纯度液体CO2,应用于加工制造业和食品工业。

    Through removing the impurity from the decarbonization gas in hydrogen manufacturing installment , the high-purity liquid carbon dioxide was produced with pressure and cryogenic craft , applications in the processing manufacturing industry and food industry were introduced .

  26. 以类水滑石为前驱体的复合氧化物作为环境友好的催化材料,在烟道气催化脱SO2、脱NOX方面具有抗水蒸气中毒能力强等特性。

    As a new environmentally friendly catalyst for removal of SO 2 and NO X in flue gas , the mixed oxides from hydrotalcite like compounds have excellent performance in resisting reactant poisoning caused by vapor .

  27. 液化气Merox脱硫醇精制中脱硫深度和催化剂稳定性研究

    Study on the Further Desulfurization and Stability of Catalyst in Merox Sweetening Process of LPG

  28. 纸张DEZ气相脱酸应用研究

    Study and application of DEZ gas to the paper

  29. 草酸二烷基酯气相脱羰基制碳酸二烷基酯的热力学分析对反应的热力学分析表明生成脲的副反应是主要竞争反应,提高反应温度有利于NDI生成反应的进行。

    The result of thermodynamics analysis of the system showed that the secondary-reaction bringing urea competed with the main-reaction , and it was beneficial to the main-reaction increasing temperature .

  30. 济阳坳陷中浅层气溶脱机制及成藏规律

    Exsolution Mechanism and Gas-Accumulation Feature in Shallow-Middle Depths in Jiyang Depression