
  • 网络stagnancy of functional activities of qi;the stagnation of the functional activities of qi;qi stagnation
  1. 症状以排便困难、排便时间延长、大便干结、腹胀多见。4、中医证型以气机郁滞、脾胃气虚型多见。

    Symptoms such as difficult defecation , prolonged defecation , dry stool , abdominal distention are commonly seen . 4 . The two syndromes of qi stagnation , qi deficiency of spleen and stomach are more frequent . 5 .

  2. 郁证是由于情志不舒、气机郁滞所引起的一类病症。

    Yu card is due to YuZhi sentiment not shu , angry machine caused by group of conditions .

  3. 作者在回顾医籍与总结临床体会的基础上,把郁证的概念确定为气机郁滞为主要机制的神志异常病证。

    On the basis of reviewing the medical works and summarizing the clinical experiences , the author defined the concept of depressive syndrome as " a disease of abnormality of consciousness being due mainly to stagnation of qi " .

  4. 在肝病治疗中应用疏肝法,顺势引导,使肝气条畅,恢复其自然生性,解除其气机郁滞的病变状态,以利于疾病的康复。

    In the treatment of liver disease liver method application , homeopathic guidance , make liver section free , to restore its natural regeneration , lifting its Qi stasis disease state , in order to facilitate the rehabilitation of the disease . 3 .