
  • 网络qi movement disorder;disorder of qi activity;disorder of qi movement
  1. 情志刺激可引起模型大鼠的一般状态、行为活动异常,反映了气机失调证的特征。

    Emotional stimulation can induce behavior disorder which reflects the features of Qi-ji disorder syndrome .

  2. 而情志致病的主要病机分别为气机失调和损伤脏腑。

    And the main pathogenesis of modern pathogenic respectively for angry machine disorders and damage viscera .

  3. 基本病机为痰热互结,气机升降失调;

    That the basic pathogenesis is the congelation of heat with phlegm which leads to disturbance in ascending and descending of the functional activities of qi ;

  4. 气的升降出入运动体现了脏腑的生理特性,因此气机升降失调是一切疾病的主要原因,调理气机是治疗疾病大法。

    The Qi activities embody the physiological characteristics , so the visceral disorders are all disease of Qi recuperation , the main reason is the treatment of disease money-raising .