
  • 网络Sampling;sampling method;Sampler
  1. 珍稀濒危鸡种不同取样方法DNA提取的研究

    Effects of Different Sampling Methods on the DNA Extraction in Rare and Endangered Chicken Breeds

  2. 山羊体外受精胚性别鉴定不同取样方法的研究

    The Study on Different Sampling Methods for Sexing IVF Goat Embryos

  3. X取样方法的研究和应用(一)&测量几何条件的最佳化

    Study and Applications of X-ray Sampling Method ( I ) & Optimizing on Geometry Effect

  4. 对玉米DNA标准指纹图谱的建立方法和DNA取样方法进行了深入探讨。

    The method for building DNA standard fingerprint of maize and DNA sampling were also discussed in this paper .

  5. X取样方法的研究和应用(三)&克服矿化不均匀效应的方法研究

    Studies and Applications of X-ray Sampling Method (ⅲ) & A Study on Correction for Mineralizing Non-homogeneity Effect

  6. 格点规范场论MonteCarlo模拟中一种节省时间的取样方法

    A fast sampling method for Monte Carlo simulations of lattice gauge field theories

  7. X取样方法的研究与应用(四)&X取样方法在锡矿上的应用

    Studies and Applications of X-Ray Sampling Method (ⅳ) & The Application of X-Ray Sampling Method in Sn Ore Deposit

  8. X取样方法的研究和应用(二)&一种适合于X取样的新散射校正方法

    Study and Applications of X-ray Sampling Method ( II ) & A new method for correction of matrix effects

  9. 辽河泥沙对COD测定值的影响及取样方法研究

    Influence of Mud and Sand on COD Measurement in the LiaoHe River and Study on Sampling Method

  10. 所以,未来的工作将致力于基于非取样方法的移动对象k近邻预测,从而争取精确度的进一步提高。

    So in future work , we would investigate more precise algorithm for the prediction of moving objects ' k-nearest neighbor based on non-sampled method .

  11. 本文首次从理论上探讨了X取样方法中的几何效应影响(实质是源样距变化影响),导出了理论方程。

    Geometry effect in X-ray sampling has been investigated theoretically for first time . A set of theoretical equations about geometry effect has been developed .

  12. 本文对元素状态氚(HT)的常温取样方法进行了研究。

    A method of sampling elemental tritium ( HT ) at ordinary temperature has been developed .

  13. 结合云南甘蔗生产实际,采用倒置W取样方法,系统调查云南省甘蔗生产区甘蔗田杂草,分析杂草区系和危害种群。

    The paper introduces the convert " w " sampling method to investigate systematically the weed in the sugarcane field and to analysis the weed population and main damaging population .

  14. 目的为研究一些溶酶体源的酶成分与PMN的关系提供一个可靠的取样方法。

    Objective To found a reliable sampling method investigate the relationship between the PMN and enzyme component of lysosome .

  15. 本文介绍了利用自由空间电光取样方法对爆炸性物质进行太赫兹(THz)频段的时间分辨光谱测量。

    We present a time-resolved measurement in terahertz ( THz ) frequency region by means of the free-space electro-optic sampling ( FSEOS ) .

  16. 目的研究唾液取样方法和昼夜生物节律对唾液中卡马西平(CBZ)浓度的影响。

    AIM To investigate the effect of collection methods and diurnal rhythm on the carbamazepine ( CBZ ) level in saliva .

  17. 方法采用非随机方便取样方法,对开展PICC病房的53名护士进行问卷调查,对数据进行统计学分析。

    Methods Using the method of convenient sampling , 53 nurses worked in the wards which performing PICC were sampled . Questionnaire was used to investigate the knowledge on PICC among them .

  18. 所提出的多项式拟合平滑取样方法(PFSS)使读带、平滑、取样同步进行。

    The polynomial fit smooth sample ( PFSS ) method is given in this paper . The PFSS synchronizes tape reading , smoothing and sampling .

  19. 认为改进取样方法,结合3S和航空测量技术,利用双核素或三核素同时示踪,可以使该技术在研究方法上更加成熟;

    Improving sampling method , integrating " 3S " technique and aerial survey approach , using two or three nuclides as tracer at same time for soil erosion research can make the () ~ ( 137 ) Cs technique more perfect .

  20. 本文还采用了固相微萃取(SPME)顶空取样方法,通过GC/MS分析并比较了萃取物中的主要有效成分,说明微波萃取法不仅提取率较高,且具有一定的选择性。

    Applying the Solid Phase Microextraction ( SPME ) Headspace Sampling . we analyses the extract by CG / MS. The result showed that the extract content is raised and the selectivity is obvious in the microwave extraction .

  21. 实例计算和统计试验的结果表明,FPOT取样方法不仅比较科学合理,而且还可提高设计洪水的计算精度。

    The case study and statistical experiment showed that FPOT is not only rational but also can improve the accuracy of design flood calculations .

  22. 除了建立非均相临线取样方法外,还建立了一种基于LIBS的特殊分析程序,当分析过程中移动非均相样品时,用于识别来自炉渣和钢的激光光束。

    Besides the setting-up of the heterogeneous in-line sampling , a specific analytical procedure , based on LIBS , has been developed in order to recognise , when moving the heterogeneous sample during its analysis , the laser shots coming out from slag and steel .

  23. 首先由近邻取样方法和邻域平均相结合的方法产生一个中间图像1,利用二元Newton-Thiele型向量连分式建立有理插值曲面;然后对插值曲面进行重新采样产生一个中间图像2;

    First a transition image 1st was generated by means of neighborhood pixels , and then , a transition image 2 was generated by resampling the surface of Newton-Thiele 's vector valued interpolation function .

  24. 粗纱短片段不匀率取样方法探讨

    Discussion about Roving Sampling Method for Testing Its Short Term Irregularity

  25. 纤维长度测试中取样方法的比较研究

    Comparative Study on sampling method in course of testing fibre length

  26. 螟害调查取样方法的比较研究国外地下水污染调查取样技术综述

    A Comprehensive Report of Overseas Sampling Techniques on Groundwater Contamination Investigation

  27. 一种新颖的功率因数直接取样方法及应用

    A New Method of Measuring Power Factor Directly and Its Application

  28. 家兔玻璃体液间隔多次微量取样方法研究

    A study on interval multiple micro-sampling of vitreous humor on rabbits

  29. 生丝练减率测试取样方法的实验研究

    Experimental Study in Sampling Methods of Silk for Degumming Loss Percentage

  30. 元素状态氚常温取样方法的研究

    A Study of Sampling Method of Elemental Tritium at Ordinary Temperature