
qǔ dé shí xiào
  • prescription;acquisitive prescription;praescriptio acquistiva;usucapio or usucaptio
  1. 其次,论证了我国构建取得时效制度的范围,得出取得时效仅适用于物权。

    Secondly , arguing the sphere of application of the acquisitive prescription system , obtaining the conclusion that the acquisitive prescription system can be applied only in real right law .

  2. 取得时效制度最早始于古罗马法。

    The earliest acquisitive prescription system began in ancient Roman law .

  3. 在古罗马法中,即有取得时效制度的规定。

    In ancient law in Roman , the system existed already .

  4. 但已登记的,笔者认为不能适用登记取得时效。

    But if registered , it cannot apply to registered usucaption .

  5. 取得时效的实践价值

    On Acquisitive Prescription System and Its Value to Chinese Civil Law Practice

  6. 取得时效是传统民法中的重要制度。

    Acquisitive prescription is the important system of the traditional civil law .

  7. 所以,取得时效制度具有稳定经济秩序的功能。

    So the usucaption has the function of protect the economy order .

  8. 我国建立取得时效制度基本问题研究

    Fundamental Issues in the Establishment of the Limitation of Acquisition in China

  9. 论取得时效制度在中国的建立&法律经济学视野下的初步探讨

    The necessity of establishing positive prescription system in China

  10. 取得时效制度若干问题研究

    Study on Several Problems of the Usucaption System

  11. 我国的民法典草案中已经规定了取得时效制度。

    China 's Civil Code of the draft has made the acquisitive prescription system .

  12. 取得时效制度是传统民事法律中的一项非常重要的制度。

    Acquisitive prescription system is an very important system in the civil law tradition .

  13. 取得时效制度是一项古老的法律制度。

    Usucaption regime is an ancient law system .

  14. 我国民法虽在体例上继承了大陆法系,却在制度上抛弃了取得时效制度。

    Our civil law succeeds the continental legal system , but abandons acquisition prescription .

  15. 第三部分我国取得时效构成要件及法律效果。

    The third part is constituent elements and lawful effect of our acquisition prescription .

  16. 建立取得时效制度的必要性探讨

    Research on Necessity Providing Acquisitive Prescription System

  17. 在我国,民法学界长期的否定态度使取得时效制度在立法上一度销声匿迹。

    In our country , acquisitive prescription has not been admitted for a long time .

  18. 取得时效的概念和构成要件

    The Concept and Component Part of Usucaption

  19. 动产所有权取得时效的构成要件

    The Constitutive Requirements of Chattel Ownership

  20. 当前我国农村存在的抛荒土地现象是取得时效赖以产生的经济根源。

    It is the the economic source of usucaption that uncultivated lands is existing in our country .

  21. 取得时效的中断具有使已经经过的时效期间归于无效的效力。

    Obtains the effectiveness the interrupt had causes already process effectiveness period belongs to the invalid potency .

  22. 再次,对我国建立取得时效制度的立法模式进行了探讨。

    Third , the legislative mode of the foundation of the positive prescription system in China was discussed .

  23. 设立取得时效制度符合立法的效率原则。

    So the establishment of the legal system of acquisition prescription accords with the efficiency principle of legislation .

  24. 规定取得时效;保密文件交换技术

    Secure Document Interchange Technique

  25. 取得时效制度研究最后还简要地叙述了取得时效制度在英美法系国家演变和在中国不同历史时期的发展情况。取得时效制度在市场经济条件下有其存在的合理性与必要性。

    The system of acquisitive prescription is a rational and necessary system under the condition of market economy .

  26. 无论大陆法系还是英美法系国家都有相关的规定,而我国由于受前苏联民法的影响,一直未确立取得时效制度。

    China has not been established this system for the influence of the former Soviet Union 's civil law .

  27. 取得时效制度不能由善意取得制度、诉讼时效制度、公信制度等其它制度代替。

    The system can 't be replaced by others such as bona fide possession , prescription of action , etc.

  28. 随着历史的演进,取得时效的客体范围呈不断扩张之趋势。

    As the evolution of history continues , the extent of the object of acquisitive prescription is on the rise .

  29. 取得时效是一定的事实状态经过一定的时间即产生一定的法律效果的制度,这一法律效果体现为原权利人丧失权利而占有人取得权利。

    Acquisitive Prescription system is that when a fact undergoes a period of time , a legal result take place .

  30. 我国取得时效的构成要件应包括两个方面:占有和经过法定的期间。

    The requisites for usucapion in China should include the two aspects : occupancy and the legal period of time .