
qì yuē zì yóu yuán zé
  • freedom of contract doctrine
  1. 论契约自由原则&寻找实现与限制之途径

    Freedom of Contract Doctrine & To Search Approach to Realize and Restrict

  2. 根据契约自由原则,当事人可以对违约金责任作出约定。

    According to freedom of contract doctrine , parties can make agreement on the liability for liquidated damages .

  3. 第二章主要内容是契约自由原则的确立。

    Chapter two focuses on the establishment of the contract freedom principle .

  4. 契约自由原则是近代契约法的核心和精髓。

    Freedom of contract is the core and essence of modern contract law .

  5. 契约自由原则曾在19世纪盛极一时。

    The principle of freedom of contract was once dominant in the 19th century .

  6. 论契约自由原则的重构及其在私法上的地位

    On the Reconstruction and the Private-Law Status of the Principle of Freedom of Contract

  7. 对行政合同中契约自由原则的探讨

    On Contract Freedom Principle in Administrative Contracts

  8. 在不平等当事人之间的行政合同同样应该贯彻契约自由原则。

    The principle of contract freedom should also be maintained with administrative contracts with unequal interested parties .

  9. 在传统契约自由原则下,当事人之间有缔约与否的自由。

    According to the traditional principle of freedom of contract , the parties can decide whether to contract or not .

  10. 告知义务是诚实信用与契约自由原则在保险法中的具体体现。

    Informative obligation is the concrete embodiment of the principles concerning bona find and freedom of contract in the law of insurance .

  11. 传统民法的契约自由原则可能成为经济上的强者侵害弱者利益堂而皇之的借口。

    The freedom of contract of traditional civil law may become an excuse for the financially advantaged individuals to infringe the disadvantaged ones .

  12. 此种医患对峙的不和谐现实充分证明在当前的经济社会中,古老的契约自由原则已经不能适应社会发展的需要。

    The disharmony praxis as above proved that the age-old principle of freedom of contract can not fit to the development of society .

  13. 从本质上看,格式合同是以契约自由原则为理论基础产生而发展的,是契约自由的新生。

    In essence , standard form develops on the base of the freedom of contract and it is a rebirth of contract freedom .

  14. 劳动合同是一种在契约自由原则基础上渗透了国家公权力必要干预的、以社会公共利益为本位的合同。

    A Labor contract is defined as a public-interest-oriented contract based on contracting freedom and one that justifies necessary interference by national public power .

  15. 但对于现代信用关系来说,个人自由具有内在价值,它是契约自由原则得以成立的前提。

    But for modern Faith relation , freedom has interior value . It is the most important premise for the principle of contract freedom .

  16. 公序良俗是从观念发展到判例,从最初对契约自由原则的限制而后被逐渐提升为判定法律行为效力的一般依据,最终成为现代民法上的一项基本原则。

    From idea to legal cases , the public order and fine custom has become a general guiding principle in legislation in modern civil laws .

  17. 首先,作者分析了预约效力的理论基础,并认为契约自由原则、诚实信用原则及信赖保护原则都是预约产生合同效力的理论基础。

    Firstly , the author considers that the principles of freedom of contract , faithfulness and reliance as theoretical bases for effecting of the precontract .

  18. 契约自由原则在自由资本主义时期的私法领域内大行其道,有着其深刻的经济根源和特殊的政治背景。

    Why this doctrine was so popular in the civil law domain of non-monopoly capitalism time has its profound economical root and special political background .

  19. 为维护社会秩序的稳定、推动社会文明的发展,必须对契约自由原则加以合理的限制,规定受要约人对要约人的要约无正当理由不得拒绝承诺,必须与要约人缔结契约。

    The principle of freedom of contract must be restricted reasonably to maintain social order and stability , and promote the development of social civilization .

  20. 夫妻约定财产制体现了男女平等的特点,遵循了契约自由原则,顺应了时代发展的潮流。

    Marital property system reflects the characteristics of gender equality , it follows the principle of freedom of contract and follows the trend of the times .

  21. 合同违反法律、行政法规强制性规定是否一律无效,这是一个涉及合同效力体系认定的重大命题,关系到契约自由原则与公权干预合同自由程度的划分。

    The fifth item of article fifty two in the Contract Law stipulates that the contract which violates obligatory provision in laws and regulations is ineffective .

  22. 在十八、十九世纪,契约自由原则发展成为古典契约理论的核心,受到了极高的推崇。

    In 18 , 19th century , the freedom of contract principle developed into the core of classical contract theory , and received the extremely high esteem .

  23. 最后,笔者对环境行政合同制度的构建提出了自己的设想:一、把诚实信用原则与有限契约自由原则作为环境行政合同制度的基本原则;

    Firstly , the principle of honesty and credit and the principle of limited contract freedom are used as the elementary principles of system of environmental administrative contract .

  24. 契约自由原则是资产阶级民法的三大基石之一,是当代契约法的核心和灵魂。

    Contract freedom principle is one of the three greatest principles of the propertied class civil law , the soul and the core of the contemporary contract law .

  25. 一是,明确了契约自由原则的限制只是一个理解角度的问题,十九世纪的契约自由原则同样被予以限制;

    Firstly , clarifies the restriction of freedom of contract is only a problem of understanding , freedom of contract doctrine in 19th century has already been restricted ;

  26. 强制缔约制度并不是与契约自由原则同时产生的,它是随着契约自由精神的发展而出现的。

    This system do not arise with the produce of the principle of contract freedom , while it emerged with the development of the spirit of contract freedom .

  27. 本文针对契约自由原则在两个世纪的公理,探寻契约自由的实现以及限制的途径。

    My paper tries to find out approach to realize and restrict freedom of contract doctrine , according to two centuries ' axiom of freedom of contract doctrine .

  28. 随着资本主义世界从自由竞争走向垄断竞争,契约自由原则也经历了从兴起到衰落。

    With the capitalist world from the free competition to monopolistic competition , principle of the freedom of contracting has also experienced from being on the rise to decaying .

  29. 优先认股权的设置是契约自由原则、维护股东身份和正常经济秩序的必然要求。

    The establishment of the shareholders ' pre-emptive rights is an inevitable condition for the freedom of contracting , the maintenance of shareholders ' identification and normal economic order .

  30. 因此,格式条款的出现及其广泛运用,直接挑战了传统合同理论的根基&契约自由原则。

    As a result , the appearance and widespread use of format terms directly provoke a challenge to the foundation of traditional contract theory & The doctrine of contractual freedom .