
  • 网络contract theory;theory of contract;contractual theory
  1. 契约论与政治合法性

    Theory of Contract and Political Legality

  2. 自霍布斯以来,西方政治哲学提供了两种主要的证明,即古典契约论和功利主义。

    Since T. Hobbs , Western political philosophy provides two main justifications : the classical theory of contract and utilitarianism .

  3. 他的社会契约论在美国广为认可。

    His theory of the social contract had wide currency in America

  4. 马克思对社会契约论的批判及其现实意义

    Marx 's Criticism to Theory of Social Contract and Its Significance

  5. 社会契约论视野中的企业社会责任

    Social Obligation of the Enterprise from the Perspective of Social Contract

  6. 契约论、市场经济与警察角色

    Social Contract Theory , Market Economy And The Role Of Police

  7. 近代西方社会契约论变迁初探

    A General Study on Evolution of Modern West Social Contract Theory

  8. 盐业契约论(二)&盐业析产契约的法律思考

    On Salt Industry Contract & On Laws of Salt Industry Trade Contract

  9. 批判与坚守:休谟与社会契约论关系论析

    Criticism and Insistence : Research on Connection of Hume and Social Contract

  10. 那么社会契约论的理论力量究竟存在于什么地方?

    What , then , is the theoretical power of this theory ?

  11. 《社会契约论》一书是卢梭这一思想的集中体现。

    The book Social Contract is the concentrated embodiment of his thoughts .

  12. 货币契约论&基于国际货币契约的研究

    Theory of Currency Contract Based on International Currency Contract Study

  13. 社会契约论由于本身缺乏社会学,实际上已经被弃置不提了。

    Social contract theory was effectively dismissed for its lack of sociology .

  14. 从霍布斯到卢梭&近代西方社会契约论思想析理

    From Hobbes to Rousseau : interpreting and analyzing modern social contract theory

  15. 他终于体谅了《社会契约论》的无助。

    He felt helplessness of " The Social Contract " .

  16. 义务教育成本分担的社会契约论解读&基于农村实施义务教育免杂费政策的分析

    Analysis of Social Contract of Sharing Costs of Compulsory Education

  17. 回国后,他用日文汉字翻译了《社会契约论》,名为《民约译解》。

    In Japan , he translated the " Social Contract " into Japanese .

  18. 在政治哲学史上,社会契约论具有非同寻常的影响力。

    Social contract theory is very influential in the history of political philosophy .

  19. 马克思理论视野中的社会契约论

    Theory of social contract in Marx ′ s perspective

  20. 霍布斯是欧洲哲学史社会契约论的著名代表。

    Hobbes is a well-known representative of socid contract theory in European philosophy .

  21. 论《社会契约论》中卢梭的选举思想

    Elaborate on Rousseau 's election thought at Social Contract

  22. 契约论视角下研究生和导师关系研究

    The Relationship Between Tutor and Graduate Student in the Angle of Contract Economics

  23. 从婚姻契约论角度谈网婚问题

    On the " Net Marriage " problem from the angle of marriage contract theory

  24. 论西方近代国家起源观的社会契约论转向

    The Turn of the Western View of the Origin of Countries to Social Contract

  25. 透过新契约论看互联互通立法

    Probing into Interconnection Legislation through New Contract Theory

  26. 严复从斯宾塞那里获得了拒绝《社会契约论》的理由。

    Yan fu received reasons that refusing to " social contract " from spencer .

  27. 霍布斯、洛克、卢梭社会契约论思想比较

    The Comparison of Thomas Hobbes , John Locks and Jean-Jacques Rousseau on Social Contract

  28. 公法哲学意义上的契约论

    Contract Theory in Philosophy of Public Law

  29. 霍布斯、洛克、卢梭是社会契约论的三个典型代表人物。

    Hobbes 、 Locke 、 Rousseau is the three representatives of the social contract doctrine .

  30. 基于契约论和个人主义的政治哲学与新古典主义经济模型有一种天然的亲缘关系。

    Political philosophies based on contract and individualism have a natural affinity with neoclassical economic models .