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  1. 方法:选择椎基底动脉供血不足颈椎病患者40例。按查随机数字表法随机分为养阳育阴法(A组)20例、局部取穴法(B组)20例。

    Method : With random number table , 40 patient of Cervical Spondylosis of Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency were divided into Benefiting Yang to Nourishing Yin group ( A group ) 20 cases and select point in part group ( B group ,) 20 cases .

  2. 目的:比较不同针刺取穴法及针刺配合中药治疗更年期多汗证临床疗效。

    Objective To compare clinical therapeutic effects of different needling methods and combined treatment of acupuncture and Chinese drug on perspiration syndrome of female climacterium .

  3. 采用督脉与病因辨证、局部针刺三步取穴法治疗类风湿性关节炎;采用补益肝肾、壮督兴阳法治疗强直性脊柱炎;

    In acupuncture and moxibustion , he adopts the Governor Vessel and etiological analysis and differentiation , local acupuncture three step acupoint selection for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis ;

  4. 结论1.眼针与相应取穴法对缓解急性痛风性关节炎的关节疼痛及关节肿胀均有较确切的疗效。

    Both of eye acupuncture and opposing needling combined with distal needling method are effective to alleviate the acute gouty arthritis , joint pain and joint swelling . 2 .

  5. 二线分别途经合谷穴两种不同的取穴法确定的不同位置,说明传统取穴法是建立在经络线路分布的可靠基础上。

    They pass separately the various positions of Hegu defined by two different methods , which indicates that the traditional methods for determining acupoints are founded on the reliable basis of the distribution of channel lines .

  6. 方法:将60例2型糖尿病脑梗塞患者随机分为治疗组(益气养阴、活血通络法)和对照组(传统取穴法)各30例。

    Methods 60 diabetic cerebral infarction patients ( II ) were divided equally into a test group ( supplementing qi and replenishing yin principle and promoting blood circulation to remove obstruction from meridians principle ) and a control group ,( point selection principle ) .

  7. 择时取穴针刺法治疗中风60例的血液流变学分析

    Hemorheological Analysis in 60 Stroke Patients Acupunctured by Timing Point Selection

  8. 舍岩针法对腰椎间盘突出症的治疗方法即相反于中医针灸常规取穴治疗法。

    To treat lumbar disc herniation as Saam Acupuncture that is opposite to common therapy .

  9. 目的观察择时取穴针灸法治疗中风患者血液流变学的变化,探讨针灸治疗作用机理。

    Objective To observe hemorheological changes in stroke patients acupunctured by timing point selection and investigate the mechanism of the acupuncture effect .

  10. 方法:将60例神经根型颈椎病患者随机分为2组,治疗组采用穴位注射结合循经远端取穴加行动法,对照组采用常规针刺。

    The control group was treated with the common acupuncture method , the treatment group was treated with the point injection , acupuncture point selection along the meridian and the neck exercises .

  11. 结论:1、穴位注射结合循经远端取穴加行动法能改善神经根型颈椎病患者的症状与功能、疼痛症状。

    The symptoms and functional scales of nerve root type cervical spondylosis were significantly improved by the point injection in combination with the methods of acupuncture point selection along the meridian and the neck exercises 2 .