
  • 网络acupuncture
  1. 中国兽医针灸术在国外的传播

    Chinese veterinary acupuncture abroad

  2. 针灸术可以说是中国最著名的出口技术之一,它飘扬过海,成为传统中医在西方世界的大使。

    Acupuncture is one of China 's most famous exports and has become the ambassador of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  3. 针灸术包括中国两种古老的治病方法:针法和灸法。

    it includes two old therapeutic methods , i. e. acupuncture therapy and moxibustion therapy .

  4. 针灸术在中国已有几千年的历史,是中国医学宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠。

    Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy , with a history of thousands of years in China , is at the core of Chinese medicine .

  5. 澄清了这位记者率先将中国针灸术介绍给美国的前因后果;

    Clears up the cause and effect of the fact that the reporter was the first to introduce Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion to USA ;

  6. 在真正的治疗组,银针会刺入身体的特定部位,并且会根据传统的针灸术进行行针。

    In the real treatment group , needles were inserted at specific points on the body and manipulated in accordance with traditional Chinese acupuncture techniques .

  7. 今天,古老的针灸术不但在中国广泛使用,为人们解除病痛,而且还漂洋过海,传到了全世界各个地方。

    Nowadays , acupuncture and moxibustion therapy is not only widely used in China to relieve people of their diseases , it has also spread around the world .

  8. 德国陶道自然疗法研究中心以中医针灸术为主,治疗各种疑难杂病,取得显著的临床疗效。

    Chinese acupuncture therapy has mainly been used for treating various intractable diseases in the Tao Dao Natural Therapy Research Center in Germany , and good therapeutic effects have been achieved .

  9. 针灸术包括中国两种古老的治病方法:针法和灸法。针法是用特制的不同长度的金属针,按一定穴位,刺入病人体内,用捻、提等手法治疗疾病。

    Acupuncture therapy involves jabbing specially made metal needles of different length into the patient 's body at certain acupuncture points , treating the patient by twirling or lifting the needles .

  10. 中国古代有很多用针灸术为人治病的名医,像春秋时的扁鹊、东汉时的华佗等,他们治过不少疑难杂症,被誉为能使人起死回生的“神医”。

    In ancient China , there were many well-known doctors using acupuncture and moxibustion therapy to treat the patients , such as Bian Que of the Spring and Autumn Period and Hua Tuo of the Eastern Han Dynasty , who had cured some difficult and complicated diseases , and thus were acclaimed as miracle-working doctors .

  11. 温针灸在术后胃瘫治疗中的作用

    Action of needle warming through moxibustion in treatment of postoperative stomach palsy

  12. 免疫学、生理学等方面知识的引入为针灸的术后处理和针灸意外的处置提供了理论依据,使得急救措施更加及时有效。

    Immunology , physiology knowledge involved in postoperative treatment of acupuncture and moxibustion and acupuncture accident provides the theoretical basis , but also makes first aid measures of acupuncture in a timely manner .

  13. 针灸结合促进术治疗中风后遗症69例临床观察

    Acupuncture With Channel Flowing Promoting Therapy for Apoplexy Sequel : clinical Observation on 69 Cases

  14. 目的:探讨温针灸在治疗术后胃瘫病人的疗效。

    Objective : To discuss the action of needle warming through moxibustion in treatmeatment of postoperative stomach palsy .

  15. 目的:以针灸治疗肠癌术后癃闭,解除患者小便闭塞不通、小便不利等症状。

    Objective : Acupuncture on post-operative patients of rectal cancer to cure anuresis , alleviate the clinical symptoms .

  16. [目的]观察针灸在大肠癌术后临床应用的疗效。

    [ Objective ] To observe the curative effect of application by acupuncture after carcinoma of large intestine operation .

  17. [结论]针灸在大肠癌术后具有很好的调节肠道功能的作用。

    [ Conclusion ] Acupuncture has good effect for the regulation for large intestine function after carcinoma of large intestine operation .