
  • 网络Li Shizhen;LiSZ
李时珍 [lǐ shí zhēn]
  • [Li Shizhen] (1518-1593) 中国明代医药学家。字东璧,号濒湖,蕲州(今湖北蕲春)人。著有《本草纲目》。收录原有诸家《本草》所载药物共一千五百十八种,新增药物三百七十四种。总结了十六世纪以前中国劳动人民丰富的药物经验,对后世药物学的发展作出重大贡献

  1. 李时珍是明代著名的药物学家。

    Li Shizhen was a famous pharmacologist of the Ming dynasty .

  2. 李时珍的父亲和祖父都是医生。

    Both of Li Shizhen 's father and grandfather were doctors .

  3. 李时珍的父亲希望他从政。

    Li Shizhen 's father wanted him to enter politics .

  4. 李时珍是中国历史上最著名的医生之一。

    Li Shizhenwas one of the most famous doctors in Chinese history .

  5. 不幸的是,李时珍在这本书正式出版前去世了。

    Unluckily , Li Shizhen died before the book was officially published .

  6. 李时珍以《本草纲目》一书而闻名。

    Li Shizhen was famous for his book , Compendium of Materia Medica .

  7. 李时珍年轻时曾帮助父亲行医。

    Li Shizhen used to help his father in his medical practice when he was young .

  8. 李时珍读书应试,通过了乡试,但一直没能通过殿试。

    Li Shizhen studied for the exams and passed the country-level examination , but he was never able to pass the imperialexamination .

  9. 李时珍养生抗衰成就探

    Achievement of Li Shizhen in Health Preservation and Antiaging

  10. 略论李时珍对耳鼻咽喉疾病的贡献

    Dr Li Shizhen ′ s Contributions to Otolaryngological Diseases

  11. 李时珍对人体生命的认识

    Li Shizhen 's cognition on human life

  12. 明代李时珍《本草纲目》一书记载药用两栖类9种。

    Compendium of Materia Medica recorded 9 kinds of medical amphibians can be used as medicine .

  13. 由于刻苦工作和研究的结果,李时珍于1578年完成了他的巨著。

    As a result of hard work and study , Li Shizhen completed his great work in1578 .

  14. 无论在哪里,李时珍都非常注意观察药物的形态和生长情况。

    No matter where , Li Shizhen are very aware of observing the morphological and growth of medicine .

  15. 中国古代多位著名医学家,如李时珍等,均对蜂蜜推祟备至。

    In ancient China , many leading medical researchers found that honey had distinctive advantages over other food .

  16. 他们的祖师李时珍作的“草本什么”上,明明写着人肉可以煎吃。(同上)

    That book on herbs by his predecessor Li Shizhen states explicitly that man 's flesh can be boiled and eaten .

  17. 该书收录了约11096首治疗普通疾病的方剂,其中8160首由李时珍自己拟定或收集。

    There are some 11096 prescriptions to treat the common illnesses , of which 8160 were compiled or collected by Li .

  18. 而对疾病的治疗,主要依据世人所熟知的李时珍所总结而著的《本草纲目》开具处方。

    to diagnose illness and to cure it according to the well-known Bencaogangmu ( Compendium of Materia Medica ) written by Li Shizhen .

  19. 在他父亲的启示下,李时珍认识到,理论固然重要,但要运用到实践当中去。

    In the revelation of his father , Li Shizhen recognized that theory is certainly important , but needed to be used into practice .

  20. 通过查阅中国古籍资料,终于在李时珍的《本草纲目》中查到线索。

    Through consulting the Chinese ancient book materials , found the clue in Li Shizhen 's " Compendium of Materia Medica " at last .

  21. 李时珍革新本草文献编撰体例浅析民国时期我国绘画史著研究方法与编撰体例刍议

    Innovation of Compilation Style in Literature of Materia Medica by LI Shi-zhen A Rustic Opinion of Research Methods and Compiling Styles of Painting History during the Republic of China

  22. 一些历史事件比如中国唐朝外交使节访问日本,一些专家像李时珍等将展出。

    Historic cases such as a Chinese envoy 's visit to Japan in the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 AD ) and expertise such as Nishijin weaving will be showcased .

  23. 李时珍使那些不同药物名称相同,同一药物名称又不相同所引起的混乱得以澄清。

    Li Shizhen had cleared up those confusions which arose from different medicines that had the same name and from various names that had been given to the same substance .

  24. 介绍了李时珍对奇经理论的贡献,特别是奇经理论对医学临床的影响,同时介绍根据奇经理论临床应用的体会。

    LI Shi-zhen 's contribution for eight extra-channel theory and effects of this theory on medicine , and the author 's experiences on clinical application of this theory are introduced .

  25. 经过参阅800余部医学著作以及30年的实地考察学习,李时珍最终于1578年完成该书第一稿。

    Li Shizhen completed the first draft of the book in 1578 , after conducting readings of 800 0ther medical reference books and carrying out 30 years of field study .

  26. 神农氏是我国神话中的一位伟人,他教会了人民农耕及使用草药,李时珍因这部医学著作和其他众多成就常被后人比作神农。

    For this and many other achievements Li Shizhen has of ten been compared to Shennong , a great man in the Chinese mythology who taught people about agriculture and herbal mediane .

  27. 早在16世纪,中国医药学家李时珍在其药典《本草纲目》中便有相关记载,但他也明确说明这只是传闻并无实证。

    It was recorded in a 16th-century Chinese pharmacopeia , Li Shizhen 's " Compendium of Materia Medica , " but even the person who recorded it admitted it was hearsay at best .

  28. 用青蒿治疗疟疾的记录至少可追溯到1596年,当时中国医药学家李时珍建议,患者应把青蒿代茶饮。

    Records of sweet wormwood , or Artemisia annua , being used against malaria date back to at least 1596 , when Li Shizhen , a Chinese medical scholar , suggested that it be given to patients as a tea .

  29. 《本草纲目》是一部药物学著作,作者为明代伟大的医药学家李时珍。

    Bencao Gangmu , also known as The Compen , dium of Materia Medica ( a book on Chinese herbal medicine ) , is a materia medica work written by the great medical and pharmaceutical expert in the Ming Dynasty , Li Shizhen .

  30. 李时珍精通医术,钻研医典,万里跋涉,采方问药,历时27年写成了举世闻名的中医药著作《本草纲目》。

    He had consummate medical skill and made intensive study of medical classics . After trekking over a long distance to cull medicinal herbs , he wrote the world-famous monumental masterpiece Bencaogangmu ( Compendium of Materia Medica ) after 27 years of hard work .