
zhāo pìn ɡuǎnɡ ɡào
  • want ad;employment ad;wanted for a job
  1. 遏制歧视性招聘广告的泛滥是促进社会公平、构建和谐社会的必然要求。

    To curb the overflowing of discriminatory employment ad is fundamental for the purpose of promoting social justice and constituting a harmonious society .

  2. 去年4月,他在网上看到了武汉鑫定成商贸有限公司发布的职位&人力资源助理的招聘广告。

    Last April , he saw an online employment ad posted by Wuhan Dingcheng for a human resources assistant for its " inside " staff .

  3. 快速翻阅一下报纸便找到五则适合的招聘广告。

    A quick trawl through the newspapers yielded five suitable job adverts .

  4. 招聘广告明确要求应聘者必须有三年工作经验。

    The job advertisement stipulates that the applicant must have three years ' experience .

  5. 我看见一家大型工程公司的招聘广告。

    I saw an advert for a job with a large engineering company

  6. 我们在一家地方报纸上刊登了招聘广告。

    We advertised for staff in a local newspaper

  7. 小组中几乎所有人都认为,在这个就业市场,搜寻招聘广告这类老路是走不通的。

    Nearly everybody in the group agreed that in this job market the usual avenues , like searching the want ads , are useless .

  8. 招聘广告总是说招募“具有团队精神的人”。

    Recruitment advertisements routinely call for " team players " .

  9. 这个摩尔多瓦人已经在这里生活了七年,照顾意大利的孩子和老人,但为了留下来,她必须通过一项测试来证明自己的语言能力,这项测试要求她给一个假想朋友写一张明信片,并应答一个虚构的招聘广告。

    The Moldovan has lived here seven years as a caregiver to Italian kids and the elderly , but in order to stay she 's had to prove her language skills by taking a test which requires her to write a postcard to an imaginary friend and answer a fictional job ad .

  10. 所以她发了一个招聘广告。

    So she sends an ad for a job .

  11. wehavereceivedyourletterinanswertoouradvertisement.我们已经收到您回复招聘广告的信函了。

    Watt : OK , Miss Li , we have received your letter in answer to our advertisement .

  12. 韩国IBM的招聘广告,正好触碰到了韩国社会转型的敏感边缘。

    IBM Korea thus looked to be at the cutting edge of South Korean social change .

  13. 在英国,法雷尔表示,itjobsboard上的招聘广告数目在过去一年里增加了16%。

    In the UK , Ms Farrell says there had been a 16 per cent increase in job advertisements on the IT jobs board over the past year .

  14. 拜读贵公司在本日XX报上所刊登的招聘广告,得悉贵公司招聘一位图书馆员。

    On looking over todays newspaper my attention was attracted by your advertisement for a librarian .

  15. NAVEXGlobal的弗雷迪恩解释说,目前招聘广告中使用“数字原生代”没有引起重视很可能是因为人们并不确切了解该词的含义。

    The current lack of seriousness placed onusing the term " digital native " in job ads , though , could very well be because people are ignorant of its definition , explained Fredeen .

  16. 今年早些时候,纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)学生发起了一场请愿,呼吁就业指导中心停止发布无薪实习的招聘广告,声称这些实习是非法的且剥削性的工作。

    Earlier this year , New York University students circulated a petition asking the career services office to stop posting ads for unpaid internships , calling such jobs ' illegal ' and ' exploitative . '

  17. 中国的招聘广告因为偶尔有着挑剔求职者的身高体重性别的公然描述而臭名昭著,甚至有时还有挑剔星座(link)。

    Chinese job ads are notorious for their overt , occasionally blas é descriptions of the preferred height and weight and gender - and sometimes even astrological signs - of candidates .

  18. 营销机构InboundMarketingAgents联合创始人帕特o奥因斯对《财富》杂志表示,从去年开始在招聘广告中要求求职者为“数字原生代”。

    In bound Marketing Agents " co-founder Pat Owings told Fortune that Inbound has been using the term " digital native " on itsjob ads since last year .

  19. 九月底,美国的电脑跨国公司IBM在韩国的分公司推出了一个招聘广告,公布了新一轮的职位空缺。

    IN LATE September , the South Korean arm of IBM , an American computing multinational , put out an advertisement soliciting applicants for a round of job vacancies .

  20. 中国投资公司尚未迎来其首个生日(该公司正在其网站上发布招聘广告),而卡塔尔投资局(qatarinvestmentauthority)的年龄仅比前者稍长。

    China Investment Corp has yet to celebrate its first birthday ( and is advertising on its website for staff ) while the Qatar Investment Authority is only slightly older .

  21. 然而,奥斯本提名的这个人并不完全符合该职位招聘广告上列出的要求。丹尼爵士在2005年成为英国国会议员,他的上一份工作是在凯恩戈姆山国家公园(CairngormsNationalPark)担任新闻发言人。

    However , Mr Osborne 's nominee does not exactly meet the criteria set out in the job ad. Immediately before becoming an MP in 2005 , Sir Danny was a press officer at the Cairngorms National Park .

  22. 我在自己的网站上,搭建了一个求职区(,出350美元,你就可以在那里发布招聘广告,所有“Joel谈软件”的读者都会看到。

    Where , for $ 350 , you can list a job that Joel on Software readers will see .

  23. 它的盈利模式是向购买求职者信息和发布招聘广告的公司收取费用,和在LinkedIn一样。

    It would make money from companies paying for information about candidates and to post job ads , as they do on LinkedIn .

  24. oDesk公司将招聘广告刊登在网站上。

    ODesk posted the job ads on its site .

  25. Khan谈到典型招聘广告中包含这样的声明&“必须能够很好地进行团队协作”,他质疑这种声明实际上没有什么意义。

    Khan discusses the typical job advertisement that includes a statement such as " must be able to work well in a team " and asks what that actually means ?

  26. 在纽约拥有一家公关公司的丽贝卡布鲁克斯(rebeccabrooks)开始借助“tweeting”功能向她在twitter的联系人发布招聘广告,twitter是一个免费的微型博客服务网站。

    Rebecca Brooks , who owns a PR agency in New York , has taken to " tweeting " job advertisements to her followers on twitter , the free mini-blogging service .

  27. 人力资源咨询公司penna的欧文摩根(owenmorgan)报告称,经济衰退意味着,报纸上一个招聘广告能吸引多至700名申请者。

    The recession means that one job advertisement in a broadsheet newspaper can attract up to 700 applicants , reports Owen Morgan of Penna , a human resources consultancy .

  28. 著名劳动法律师事务所Outten&Golden合伙人安妮·戈尔登指出,如果原告掌握的证据只有一条招聘广告,“很可能希望不大”。

    If the job posting is the only piece of evidence the plain tiff has , they 're " probably going to be out of luck , " said Anne Golden , a partner at prominent employment law firm Outten & Golden .

  29. 一组德意志银行的金融研究人员对来自求职搜索引擎LinkUp的数据库进行了分析,该数据库拥有数百万份招聘广告。

    A group of quant researchers at Deutsche Bank analyzed a database of several million job listings from job search engine LinkUp .

  30. 扎克?惠特克是美国新闻网站ZDNet的一名安全编辑,他在分析iPhone应用发送至广告商的信息时,偶然发现了这则招聘广告。

    Zack Whittaker , security editor for US news site ZDNet , stumbled on the advert when he was analysing information sent from iPhone apps to advertisers .